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About fabristunt

  • Birthday 10/27/1993

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  1. Don't worry, real world weather isn't as bad as the one in MSFS 😉
  2. Ah the good old avsim crowd engaging in a dick measuring contest as usual. I haven't been around for a while, but it's nice to see some people never change. Stay classy, stay toxic! IDGAF about you being a real world pilot, but it seems like it affects your perception of reality. Or maybe it's just an age thing...
  3. Lovely shots! The Queen of the Skies II is definitely going to be an instabuy!
  4. Great pics, she looks beautiful! I'm really looking forward to fly her
  5. Great update and an interesting feature! I'm looking forward to flying the queen Keep up the good work PMDG! Cheers, Fabrizio Barbierato
  6. I distinctly remember RSR saying 2015 will be the year of the 747 at PMDG. Perhaps he was spot on: at pmdg only, nothing ready for us yet. Maybe 2016 then I'm sure she'll be great once out and I'm looking forward to fly the queen of the skies
  7. Great preview, I'm looking forward to fly the queen
  8. Beautiful! I'm looking forward to see some VC photos when it's ready
  9. Hi. You may want to check if you have any particular options in FSUIPC, it could influence the qnh. Please bear in mind that ivao weather servers are often offline, that might be the cause of your problem too. As for the TCAS... check that you have selected show all in the pmdg simulation options in the CDU. Once you turn the xpdr to the last detent and press TFC on the efis, you should see ta only in blue on the ND while on the ground and TFC while airborne. If it's there, the tcas works. Still, the tcas shows traffic closer than 20 nm, while ivao's tcas goes as far as 40 nm.
  10. I just had this problem, after a 2 hour flight. I turned the AP off at minimums and hell broke loose... I'm investigating all possible causes, but I haven't assigned anything to aileron trim, never!
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