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About simbio

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  1. If we continue like his we need more a NEED FOR SPACE. thank's for all the info.
  2. In terms of new functionality what exactly is proposed apart topcat integration?
  3. The only problem is the lacks of photos, like the one you posted it's a huge airport with many building. Until Google or Bing don't update the birds view it's rather difficult. But who knows challenge are always taken so cross your finger!!! I would post this on Fsdeveloper for the right audience!
  4. I believe the market is there, but you have also to listen what costumer want before starting this journey. Post some Idea on mycockpit dot org and see what suggestion people will rise. Selling only the panel, I don't think will be enough, you should give more argument.
  5. So you pay 99$ and then another XX to upgrade for P3D, but then if the price to move is 50$ it's 150$. Maybe it's better to understand the full price of P3D.
  6. Unfortunately PFPX in Europe don't do a good job, for the mentioned restriction RAD. The majority of the time when you validate the route within PFPX it doesn't pass eurocontrol restriction. For Europe I will use https://www.eurofpl.eu/ just create an account set an airframe information, then fill your DEP and ARR it's free. For USA nothing can be wrong apart that you read Notam for airspace and airport. Create proper flight plan it's a big task that need a lot's of knowledge if you want to simulate as real as it get.
  7. Do this, download the paintkit from PMDG, then with operation center install the sas livery import it on the paintkit so you can use as base for your creation.
  8. You are the perfect spotter ! ! You should upload to Airliners :wink:
  9. Really interesting and it's really easy to set apart from sync Airtrack .
  10. You could do some comics about Norwegian pilots tales the screenshots looks so dramatic and illustrative.
  11. I had two SSD with w7 installed and then proceed to upgrade win 10 after reboot on win 10 Faststart change permision on W7 ssd and compromise the MBR so I lost w7. My advice is to unplug hd with winxp then install win10 in separate ssd or hd and then disable faststart; but be carefull on updating win 10 it can change option setting. If you’re dual booting, it’s best not to use Fast Startup or Hibernation at all.
  12. Yep but put over the MCP and you have no more visual on the monitor. LoL In any case the radio is really a big improvement if you fly online.
  13. No unfortunately there is no g-clamp or any sort, I attached mine to the throttle support
  14. Yep it work fine with Saitek driver or with Spad driver.
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