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  1. Looks nice. I could buy it for 5 bucks. But since I really don't need this, I refuse to pay 15 bucks. During my "loading screen anxiety" I can always do something else than stare my screen.
  2. About wide gamut monitors: I have never been satisfied of the colors of MSFS. First I tried to adjust them with nVidia's tools, then I found FinalLight's preset. The latter was pretty ok for reducing green tint, I suffered from, but some green fields still had nasty neon tone. Yesterday I realized that the problem is probably my monitor that is a wide gamut monitor. Since the source image is rendered in sRGB color space (no HDR in use), the result in my screen is more colorful than meant to be. I also found color gamut converter effect from prod80 library. That made a big difference. It wiped out that green tint and over saturated reds and greens at once. If you have a wide gamut monitor, I suggest you try this. For me the best setting is Adobe RGB. There is also Wide Gamut RGB profile, but that removed too much saturation for me. My monitor uses Quantum Dot technique, so it may differ from yours. The effect file is PD80_01_Color_Gamut.fx and it's installable via Reshade installer.
  3. All I want is gusts and turbulence, but realistic ones! Not gusts that appears suddenly amidst smooth approach throwing A320 to 30 degrees bank in a split second on short final. I am not a real pilot, but that just does not feel very realistic for me, and ruins the experience. I know Asobo devs try their best, but when they cant get a simple interpolation between wind layers of 350 and 10 degrees wind to get it 360/0 degrees, I am a bit concerned if they will ever get it spot on. (Yes, in manual weather settings the previous example produces 180 degrees wind between two wind layers. Test by yourself. SU10).
  4. But the most essential question is, do they finally FLARE?
  5. Has anyone tried the BU0836X mod mentioned here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=44922&page=2 . The idea behind is to override Saitek's own controller for the aileron/elevator axes with additional USB controller that is much more precise and does't have firmware hardcoded deadzone. I bought Saitek Pro Flight Yoke last week and I think it's far worse than my previous CH Yoke what comes to it's flyablity. I just cant stand the huge deadzone that cannot be removed via any software nor settings. The mechanical detent doesn't feel an issue for me, although I consider removing couple of springs anyway. I think that having even slight resonsiveness in the center area would bring back the best part of the flyabilty. Now my landings are just plain horrible. Trying BU0836X is quite tempting even with losing warranty.
  6. I have had the similar experience. The fog/haze/visibility layer just disappears when you climb up. I looks pretty stupid to suddenly see the ground below (and everywhere). One option is to turn on FSX's ugly default haze layer but it looks almost as unreal when it suddenly disappears/appears at some point. And it seems to be brighter and its color doen't match with ASN's fog. This makes me think if it's possible to make a fake fog layer like that why cannot turn it upside down when above the ceiling.. ok.. maybe it's not that simple but think about it... To see the effect get your favourite plane to Zurich LSZH, turn on historical weather @ 18 Dec 1220 Zulu time. (Metar should be @POS 181220Z 27003KT 230V340 6000 NSC 02/M00 Q1024 NOSIG) Sooner or later I'll switch to P3D. It has volumetric fog that should solve this kind of issues. I just hope ASN's P3D version is free of charge for FSX version owners. Cheers, Kati H
  7. Hi Greg, I tried at least 01 Cinema,12 Shell and 24 SP2 Compact and all got a lot better overcast than I had originally. For a comparison I selected 17 SP2 Casual and with that I had a lot of gaps between clouds. But no cloud set gave me 100% overcast even with Enhance Overcast option checked. Anyway, overcast is not the real issue here. It is the faulty fog/haze/visibility layer, that just disappears when climbing up and appears when decending. That is really bugging me when there is not overcast conditions or even no clouds at all. That topic is also discussed in this thread: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/429484-asn-invisible-haze-layer/ Go and see: LSZH Zurich with historical weather @ 18th Dec 2013 1220 UTC Metar: @POS 181220Z 27003KT 230V340 6000 NSC 02/M00 Q1024 NOSIG Kati H
  8. Hi Chris and Kostas, Thank you for the proper explanation. Screenshots looks about to the same than mine with default clouds. I am going to try "01 Cinema, 07 Drift, 12 Shell, 24 SP2 Compact" cloud set that Chris recommended. Anyway l'm looking forward to next phase of ASN hoping you can fix the fog issue. Moving to P3D v2 is an option too. I just don't get the benefit from it now with my poor graphics card that is the weakest link in my system. But some day... Cheers, Kati
  9. Hi Kostas, Sure.. The weather was 120812Z 21006KT 1500 BR FG OVC002 03/03 Q1012 RMK ADVANCED INTERPOLATION at EFHK. It can be reproduced with historical weather. I found that installed textures matter. My first flight was done using AS2012 wx influenced set, that was from another time and place. I restored default FSX textures and it looked much more overcast. There were gaps in the clouds but they were nearly as visible. But things got bad again when I flew further away where there were no clouds beneath. I decended and hit the magical fog layer from out of nowhere! So I think the main issue is the fog layer. Another question would then be, what texture set would be good a compromise to get decent overcast and still cloud looking clouds... Another AS2012 texture set I tried was not much better than the first one what comes to overcastiness. I took another test flight at somewhere in Canada. Overcast clouds (default) and mountains.. It was amazing to fly through the clouds. First ground disappeared gradually and very slowly. Then after wandering a good while in a thick gray matter (piston engine Cessna)... Was I imaging it, or did it really happen? ...the gray matter seemed to slowly lighten up when getting higher and higher... And then suddenly those beautifiul FTX Global enchanced mountain tips like islands in endless cotton sea... Wow! You're guys so near to perfection that there must be an answer! Best, Kati H
  10. I bought ASN and quickly tested it. It really seems to be a huge improvement to FSX simming enviroment. But there's one thing I cannot get right. And it's overcast. I took off this morning with overcast 200ft + fog conditions. Runway visibiilty was low and it looked really pleasing. And soon after lift off I was in total grayness. But as soon as I got above the cloud layer, I started to see the ground through holes in the clouds very clearly. Not very realistic and definately not anything to be called overcast. Have I missed something? I have maximum cloud coverage set in FSX and haze layer is disabled as it is ASN's default setting. I am using textures from AS2012 and have FSUIPC installed (all wheater effects turned off). Or is it just something impossible to overcome with FSX? Nothing to do to cover holes in the clouds or hide the ground behind some fake fog layer? Best, Kati H
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