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  1. Thanks for the clarification David. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions, but I saw what I saw. We'll all look forward to better graphics when the product is released..............................maybe someday???
  2. I hate to be the kill-joy here, but I'm not impressed with the cockpit graphics in this video. To me, the graphics look very cartoonesque, not realistic at all. The cockpit graphics with PMDG, A2A and Carenado products are much more realistic. Just one man's opinion, but it's what I see here. Thanks to David though for posting the video. TD
  3. I'm impressed you used the word "vitriolic" Kyle. That one sent me to Dictionary.com, but I do speak a little like Rocky Balboa at times. Now I have to wait for a chance to use it at work. TD
  4. I never really gave the RealAir Legacy much of a look, but after following the link to the RealAir site and checking it out, it's going to be a definite buy when the P3Dv2 version comes out. I have the new RealAir Turbine Duke V2 for P3Dv2 and it rocks! Thanks for the heads up Graig. Marcus, if you don't already have it and it doesn't have to be a two seater, give the RealAir Turbine Duke V2 some serious consideration. TD
  5. Prayers, peace & solitude be with you and all of your loved ones Tom. I express my sadness in hearing of this news, but most of all I would like to pass along my gratitude for your service and kindness towards all of us. AVSIM will be part of your long lasting legacy and a gift to every member here at AVSIM. I once had a very wise patient, a woman 97 years old, who said something that I will never forget. She told me that "what she hoped for most of all when she passed on into the next life, that there would be work to do and she could be of service." I know you will always sore high in the heavens being of service watching down upon all of us, most importantly your loved ones. God Bless and you are truly in my prayers. TD
  6. Captain Sim's version is a nice plane, but could use a little updating. A dedicated P3Dv2 version/installer would be nice too. I had it loaded into my previous install of P3Dv2, but I don't have it in my current re-install of P3Dv2. I can't remember what they were, but there were a couple of glitches in P3Dv2. BTW, I used the EMT for the previous install. Another plane I would add to my list would be MAAM sim's B-25J Briefing Time. I lot of fun to fly.
  7. I'm just curious what other members choices would be for the next Old School Aircraft in P3Dv2.++? I'm thinking pre-1980, but use your own discretion, no strict guidelines here. I can tell you that my current choice is already in production, PMDG's DC-6. The DC-6 is very closely followed by the Lockheed C-130 Hercules. At the time of it's first flight in 1954, an amazing aircraft. 2015, an amazing aircraft. I sure I'm not alone in stating that a HIGH quality C-130 would be a dream for many of us. And the rest of you would like to see??? Have fun at it. FYI, I was born in 1955, just a little insight into my perspective.
  8. I've got to tell you Dave I really resent this post. This is an internet forum. Internet forums are where people talk about things that interest them, things that excite them, things that make us old farts feel like a kid again. Yes, there are a few posts that are a little whiny and exhibit impatience, but overall, most sing the accolades of PMDG and the quality of the products they provide for us. If you don't appreciate this thread, then don't read or follow it. It's really that simple. Here's to Happy Flying, TD
  9. Every time I come back to this thread and see the pictures the adrenaline starts pumping. This baby is going to ROCK! It might be all I fly for about 6 months. It brings back the romance of flying, when it was something very special and rare to fly. Thanks to Rob and the entire team at PMDG. I obviously can't wait. Tim D
  10. The power of a positive outlook and a good sense of humor should never be underestimated! You must be in the good graces of the big guy upstairs too. Your post made my entire weekend Phil, Thank You!!!!!
  11. Sorry to dig up an old post, but here's the update. I finally pulled the trigger, twice to be exact. I went with the minority and the even lesser minority, I purchased the PMDG 777 and then a few days later the PMDG MD-11. The NGX just didn't excite me enough, although it sounds like it's more of a challenge than the 777 or MD-11. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the 777 tutorial and so far nothing too difficult. I'll probably just start from scratch again and complete it in one sitting. I'm just now at the computer and ready to dig into the MD-11 a little. I think I'm actually a little more excited about the MD-11 than the 777, I like old stuff with a history. I addition to the manuals, I'm sure I'll be on the PMDG forums here a lot! Thanks, TD
  12. Sorry it took a bit Sesquashtoo, I just happened to read this post. Unfortunately or fortunately, however you look at it, I didn't have any problems with the panels or gauges. Perhaps some of the members here who have more insight into programing could give you an answer. TD
  13. lcdtmd


    I have to admit, this is the aircraft I'm currently looking forward to it's release the most. I love the DC-6B, great plane, great nostalgia and to me a piece of artwork. I currently have the Just Flight version of the DC-6B, which is fun to fly and not a bad piece of software, I use it in both FSX & P3Dv2.2. I can't imagine how outstanding PMDG perfection will make this beauty. Very exciting news that it's still in the works and serious production may begin soon. Thanks for the mini update Robert. TD
  14. Thanks for all the responses. I do already have the Majestic Q400 and the PMDG J41, both great aircraft. I think you've all convinced me. Now it's a decision on the 777 or the NGX. I'm leaning towards the 777 though. I fly in both FSX and P3Dv2.2, so obviously I'll be using the PMDG products in FSX. Some day I hope to fly them in P3Dv2.2. Thanks to everyone, TD
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