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  1. Hi, I have the problem, when I get the clearance for the flight I always hear unrounded Flightlevels as climb to 2800 feet or 9600 feet. Normaly ATC give you a rounded FL as 3000 or 9000 feet. How can I change this? Roland
  2. I send you the email today. Roland
  3. Hi, after a long time i have use P2ATC with the last Beta Update. When I get the Clearence the Controller tells me to climb to 5600 feet or 9300 feet. That´s not like real, were you get a strait on FL as 5000 or 9000 feet. Is it possible to change this? Roland
  4. Hi Bryan, since the update from today (I am using the Fenix A320) there may be a problem. When I told the Copilot to lets start setting up, nothing happens. Roland
  5. Hi, I use the option that FSCREW handle the Fueltruck and all other ground eqipment. What I see is, that the Fueltruck only stay for about 1 Minute at the plane. Is it possible, that it will stay longer there until the refuelingis complet? Roland
  6. Hi, I am using FSX for many years now, but suddently 3 days ago, when I started FSX on my Win 7 64 system, I get the possibility to use any aircraft and so on, when I would like to go in the game, I get a message that FSX crashed, because FSX needs smartassembly. I now that there is something with my simconnect. I use UT 2, PMDG, ASN, PFE, and many addon scenery with GSX. After a while, someone in the net told me, to put in the FSX DVD 1 to use the repairprogramm. I did this and then nothing works in FSX. Then I installed the SP 1 and SP 2, SDK with SP 1a and SP 2. and yesterday the FSX works. But today I get the same message when I go in the FSX world, that there is smart assembley needed. What can I do now? Help me. Roland
  7. Hi, I bought the 700-300 today, but I have already installed FSCrew for my 700-200 a few weeks ago. What I have to do know to use FSCrew also for the -300? Roland
  8. Hi Brian, where can I find the Button in the 777 Panel to open the FS CREW Panel? I think, I am blind Roland Hi I read the Manual now, sorry, I see to ues a button. Thx Roland
  9. Hi David, where I can find the repaints from Christain for the 737 NG? Roland
  10. Hi Christian, I readed in the AeroLogic Post, that there are other Repaints from you for other Aircraft? Is this real and witch kind of aircraft are this. If possible with aour download links Thanks Roland
  11. Hi Christian, where I can find the new -ALFB- LH Cargo. In the dropbox there is only the -ALFA-? Roland
  12. Hi Christian, I only ant to say, that your licery are the best! Thank´s a lot Roland
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