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Everything posted by BMagann

  1. I will certainly keep flying FSX as I play with P3D. At 5760x1080 with two 570gtx's (my setup looks identical to yours _alioth_ accept for the extra card) my machine still does better with FSX. Perhaps if I had a 780 based video card, or if I was willing to give up the "three screen" experience, I would be more willing to totally commit. Right now for me FSX is still somewhat better. But I am hopeful that in the near future P3D will be the choice. I am pleasantly surprised at how compatible my scenery and hardware are. Now to get the frame rates to the point where the sim delivers the same feel of smoothness as FSX does. And yes I am aware that a lower frame rate in 3PD delivers the same feel as a higher frame rate in FSX lol.
  2. You need to have the latest driver. It did not work for me with 5.1, but works fine with 5.2.2. I hope that works for you.
  3. I want to repeat something that a previous poster said about the Saitek Panels. Just copy your exe.xml file from your FSX install and put it in the corresponding P3D folder and they will work. I have the radio, auto pilot and switch panels, all work fine now. Be advised that this might also put other add-ons into your sim. In my case UT2 was loaded, and the result seems to me to have been a much choppier display. I will remove it.
  4. I have a very similar setup, 570's in SLI, cpu running at 4.5. I can get around 25fps with everything on medium without shadows, about 18fps with.
  5. This has been mentioned before, but it does bear repeating: The fps comparisons can be misleading. If you can get 20 fps on P3D it is a much better, smoother experience than you would have had with FSX at 20 fps. I should have mentioned that in my previous mini-review.
  6. I have been flying for a few hours, and here are my first impressions, fwtw. System: i7 2660 overclocked to 4.5, 2X 570 GTX in SLI (not used yet, I know), 5780x1080 on three screens, 8GB memory. First, the frame rate limiter is very important in this sim. It never was for me in FSX. If I set the limiter to unlimited the view is very choppy with numerous stutters. Set at 30 it gets about 26fps with autogen set to dense across the board. Ground shadows being set high lowers that to around 18fps. The clouds and sky effects are nice, the water is a little strange for my tastes. Megascenery works fine, but oddly it doesn't run at any faster fps then default, even with all autogen turned off. I will have to figure that out! The Ceranado planes are nice, some of the defaults are not so nice. Saitek flight yoke, throttle and pedals work fine. Panels so far do not. I'm sure there is a work around either out there or coming soon. If this were released as MSFS 11, I think we would be disappointed. Out of the box the product preforms very much like FSX. The interface is not a step forward, but that is just my opinion. The frame rates seem lower to me, when trying to compare apples to apples. But we are buying this for the future. Hopefully third party developers will bring the sim up to its potential.
  7. hychewright, 1. It does not supply any new road traffic, but the existing traffic from FSX will appear to move along the roads when the FSX roads match up with the Megascenery roads. That is almost 100% of the time. 2. The scenery is summer only. 3. Sorry, that one I don't know!
  8. He was responding to someone who was attacking the ACA.
  9. You go Denali. What non-US people can't understand is how we can have the most expensive heath care in the world, and get such a terrible system in return.
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