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  1. I am getting this same error with C185 by Carenado. Did anyone find a solution?
  2. The link I provided above resolved this issue.
  3. Thanks, I kinda feel daft now. I thought the manager changed with the ops center.
  4. Looking for an EgyptAir skin for the 737 NGX. It's not available via the Ops center, and I'm not quite sure where to find one from another source.
  5. Full names in the forum? Sorry, what do you mean?
  6. Mine only has a simconnect html file, no msi file to run. I am having the same issue.
  7. I just installed a I7-4790 and am getting this same error. I think it's related to Direct X, so I'm redownloading my P3d PMDG 737 and installing it, since I know it has DX 11 as part of its install process. Can also try: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
  8. Ok, so that means, for example, "NA BLUE" would not be included in the Global. Correct? Or any of their other packages. Global is simply a global texture upgrade, not necessarily a combination of all of their other scenery enhancements. Am I getting this?
  9. I know, but does Global include all of the other payware sceneries, or is it more of a textures/mesh package?
  10. I have ORBX Global, but I'm just a little confused. Does global have all of their scenery (not airports) included, or is it more about textures and you still need the specific scenery packs, like Pacific Fjords for example?
  11. Bump. I'm waiting on an answer to this before purchasing Fjords.
  12. This is kind of hard to explain, but on the second screen from the left in the bottom left under "VOR1" and above the NM indication beneath it, I have a mess of characters going crazy. The green line indicating my heading for navigation on my artificial horizon also bounces around, like it's trying to find a navpoint that isn't working or something. I have NAVDATA installed, and while I selected prepar3d during installation of the airbus, the navdata install only sees it under "FSX", even though it's in the prepar3d directory path. Are these two problems linked? It's really annoying.
  13. Thanks I didn't realize it didn't come worth a sound package.
  14. I can't get sound working in the Manfred DC3.
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