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  1. Check the bottom of an approach plate. it gives you a 2D view of the vertica approach path. You should find the interception altitude there. Make sure to not be too far above this as you then can get a false glideslope reading which could potentially turn out to be a fatal threat.
  2. No idea, I have no problem with opening a pdf package from Navtech and scroll through.
  3. Buffalo Airways and Atlantic Airlines would be nice to fly!
  4. Have you in the CFG's tried the venetubo online tweaking system?
  5. I am not sure you can find it in the Eivlasoft EFB if that is what you are referring to. I use Navtech aswell since I have a logon but you can go on the AIP for most countries and find the charts aswell.
  6. Make sure you havent got any area scenery activated in hong kong (such as ftx global etc.)
  7. Hi, Just wondered how to properly configure the settings of failures in the NGX. I want failures to happen maybe once in 80 flights or something like that. However I seem to only be able to set it up between 1 failure per each ten hours to 1 failure each hour. Can anyone please confirm if this is correct?
  8. With the adding of a enhanced terrain radar and also adding the wxr radar. Can we also expect the datalink function that is in the 777 in the ngx? Later on for SP2 it would be awesome if the FMC had an option to get metars and taf's just like irl with datalink. Shouldnt be too hard to merge with ASN to get these features implemented if you were able to do a wxr radar noticing precipitation areas.
  9. I havent heard anything regard the cockpit geometry for the vc of the NGX in SP1d. Is this going to be changed? The windows are way to big and the overhead panel is places in a very weird flat kind of way. When can we expect a full changelog of SP1d?
  10. eddf-de yes but there is a bug with the ILS and the gates are not moving
  11. Any more specific date for release? Looks amazing, have waited for so long for this. After this you should do ESMS for fsx.
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