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Everything posted by chass32

  1. Got the same issue from day one, failed purchase 0.3 seconds after I press the buy button (don´t run the sim as administrator and bought it from Microsoft store) Cheers Carlos
  2. Probably is too soon to ask, but have you any plans to make a version for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator? Cheers Carlos
  3. Hi Does anybody have a template of the phenom 300 for Professional flight planner X? I´ve been looking around and airlinerperformance.net/ used to have one but not anymore. Thanks!
  4. I get a download of 100-150ks maximum :/ I have 300mbs. is it just me?
  5. For me, all the VR think is about immersion. I remember landing at LEPA at midnight with Oculus (It´s so different to land like this cause you get the real size and distance of everything). And once I parked my Phenom 300 I thought that it was one of the most vivid experiences I had on Flight simming. But the good thing is, that no matter how much you try and fly, everytime you put your googles on is like being in a different cockpit. BTW The Asynchronous Time Warp is simply mind blowing. You can get 75 smooth fps on VR when you can´t reach 60 on your monitor.
  6. The more you can get the better, of course, but if you want a smooth experience on DK2, the frames should be around 75 (don´t scare just yet) and in the consumer version should be aorund 90fps. That´s a lot, indeed, but Oculus created a technology called Timewarp. What is it? I quote from flyinside kickstarter campaign "If you look to the left, but the last picture the Rift has is not quite in the right place, it will stretch and move the image to match. Even if the software falls behind, the illusion is maintained and the virtual world feels real! If FSX stutters a little bit, or it misses a frame, FlyInside picks up the slack. It uses timewarp in a parallel manner, sometimes multiple times in a row, to fill in the gaps while FSX is busy. You can turn up your graphical settings, and even while FSX is stuck loading a new chunk of landscape or buildings, FlyInside will keep your view smooth and immersive." It´s witchcraft, believe me xD I`ve got an i7 with a 780 and Asynchronous Timewarp gives me a constant 75fps and with some carenado planes (I don´t have PMDG 737. Hard to get 75 with it, probably). The truth is, that since you use oculus DK2 with its graphics limitations, you don´t need all the graphic sliders to the right. Flyinside takes care of it for you (if you want of course), and personally I don´t use auto-gen since I fly with photoreal scenery and that´s a big hit on frames. The immersion is so overwhelming that you don´t really miss those nice HD graphics . The only problem is reading the gauges properly. You have to get close to them phisically, but that will be solved with the consumer version of the googles. But with the consumer version, and its improved graphics,I`m afraid we´ll have to get a 980ti to fully enjoy it (I might be wrong tho)
  7. None on simulator cockpit VR environments (perhaps a little on assetto corsa, but I think that's related at being forced to watch the track carefully at high speeds and a not very sharp resolution). I've been hours on P3D, not a single second of motion sickness, me or my friends. Been many hours, several in a row, with elite dangerous and no sickness at all. Same with DCS (feeling a bit weird if u start to loop like a madman, but I'm pretty sure u'd feel the same in real life). On the other hand I get massive motion sickness with many games, mainly those where you have to walk around ( alien is awesome, u are in the spaceship, literally, being chased by the alien, it's awesome but I can't play it for more than 5 minutes when I star sweating and getting sick. I'm pretty sure they'll get rid of motion sickness eventually, but if VR only worked safely with simulators it would be worthy.
  8. Actually is far worse. Have in mind that in VR your field of View is huge (about 110º) that means it´s rendering an enormous dome al arround you. So if you stretch your 2D resolution of 1080p to cover such huge field of view, you´ll end with pixels as big as a fist and the famous screen door effect. So, the solution will be higher resolutions (4K being a good milestone) but the companies have some shortcuts and the next generation of VR devices will be pretty good (resolution and frame friendly talking) with resolutions not as high as 4k. Anyway imagine the beast you need to move those resolutions at high frames. That´s the main problem. I´d say a dozen of hungry bears to be precise Cheers
  9. Believe me, Once u`ve tried P3D on VR, u´ll never come back to a 2D monitor. Ever. It´s about being there, and I`m talking about Oculus DK2 whith a resolution that makes it somehow difficult to read the gauges. You can get closer to read them tho, like a track ir. With the new HTC Valve Vive coming on holidays and the new Oculus early next year (both have higher resolution) there´s no other way I´ll use a flight simulator but on VR. U won´t need to see your monitors, because you are in the flight deck, everything´s there, life size. Actually, the main problem is how do you interact with the cockpit. U still have to use the mouse and your real yoke, but the vive and the new oculus (this one sold separetely) will have yokes to help you interact with your VR environment, allowing pushing buttons and so on. I`ve been demoing P3D with VR to many friends, some of them 737 pilots (I work for an airline too,as a flight coordinator), and all of them were absolutely astonished, (I`m too everytime I put the googles on). They couldn´t believe it. You can explain it a thousand times, but you have to experience it to fully understand it. Flyinside is the tool I use for VR with prepar3d right now. Cheers
  10. Probably in 5 years time, all the flight simulators fans will have sold their multi-screens plus expensive gadgets for one of these. As I always say, VR it´s very difficult to fully explain. You can tell a thousand times what do you feel when you are in there, but it takes only one second to turn a non believer to a true VR follower once the`ve tried Oculus Rift with P3D or Assetto Corsa, or DCS. People tend to see it (flight simming speaking) as a wider track-ir, but you are in a life-size 3D flightdeck. I keep on hearing, How can I reach my maps if I don´t see outside de VR? well you don´t have to, the maps in your VR flightdeck are as big as a real newspaper. We just have to change the way we have interacted with Flight simulators till now. The first time you are inside, let´s say the Hawker XP850 by Carenado, you´ll spend the next 30 minutes with your mouth wide open. And as the time go by, you can completely forget you are not inside a plane. When you remove the googles, you find hard to explain that you are in your room or wherever you really are. The final target of flight simming with VR will be to do everything you do outside the flight deck but inside VR. At the moment I can use the mouse to press buttons, knobs and everything. Of course it´s not the best input, and it´s not easy to read all the data from the screens at least you get closer, I`d say 2-3 years until we have a great input system as Pebbles interfaces, where you can reach and touch everything inside the cabin (because a camera in your googles can scan your own hands and put them in VR). The next milestone is a better resolution, enough to read all the data without problem, and that comes next holidays with the Steam Vive and early next year with the CV1 Oculus Rift. As it is now, maybe is not enough for most of the hardcore simmers, but you can taste what is coming, and it´s really awesome. If atmosphere is your thing this will blow up your mind. I wish everyone could try it. I´m a backer of the Kickstarter too,
  11. Oh well that`s embarrasing I skipped them I installed it on my old pc with FSX ages ago and now with the new one I was like..."eh with this super-machine that I have I don´t need 2.4m textures just 1.2m is all I need". and yep, I meant radial as a cercle well problem solved, Thank you Christopher. U guys are incredible! Chass32
  12. Hi, I just jumped to Prepar3d a week ago after getting a new PC and I`m not coming back to FSX. I use the migration tool and almost every scenery or add-on have worked so far. Had no problem installing other VFR sceneries but Horizon generation X is driving me mad. I`ve tried everything but when I fly over it i just get the photo textures in a small radio under my plane, the rest are the original prepar3d textures. Seems a problem of layers to me but I´ve tried to move it up and down with no luck. I´ve attached a screenshot to show where the problem is. Ah, I used the migration tool to install it and it appears in the scenery library like the others sceneries I have, but only have the problem with this one. Anyone? :( thx!!
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