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Everything posted by FloSim

  1. Hi gboz, sorry for my late reply. I was already thinking of the G930, but could you explain me a little more detailed what you mean with expanding the head band? Thanks in advance, Florian
  2. Wow, I would actually like to live in the US You're right, I'm living in Germany. I brought my Trackir directly from naturalpoint.com. It was then shipped to Germany
  3. Thanks for answering to my question, but this one is a little too expensive. 180€ is already the maximum amount of money I would like to spend on a headset.
  4. Hi guys, I'm searching for a wireless headset for use with my trackir trackclip Pro. I want to convert the wired clip into an wireless, and a new headset because all the cables are disturbing me. The reason I'm asking here is because I'm not sure which headset is suitable for the Trackclip, since it can't be attached to every headset. The price can be from 100€ (120$) to 180€ (210$) Thanks for all coming answers, Florian
  5. Oh. My. God! That's awesome news! I must find my credit card, money is waiting for the queen!
  6. Hi guys, I am wondering if the TrackIR 5 TrackClip Pro fits the Corsair Vengeance 2100. I'm planning to get this headset for christmas, so I would like to ask anyone here who owns the headset and maybe also the TrackClip. Regards from Germany, Florian
  7. Together with some simmers of a german forum, I asked 'fernreiseprofi' if he has the permission from the freeware authors, we got no answer. BTW, it's NOT enough to write ©Project OpenSky and then sell freeware. The seller has to give a written permission of the creators (PoSky, ...). Sorry, but that ###### me off!
  8. It is shared, because of WideFS. My version is 4.934, the same like you have. I've decided to reinstall everything. When I first installed Add-Ons, I had never installed them as admin. FSX itself is also not installed as admin. I'll do taht, may take a few hours but it's better after that
  9. Okay, now I really need help. FSX just crashed with PMDG 737 NGX...eventviewer says "FSUIPC4.dll", like if it crashes with AXE. I can't understand that, everything worked perfect until Saturday :( I haven't changes anything since a month, so why is it crashing?? I just don't understand. PMDG, go P3D faster please!!!
  10. @micksid: You know that FSX can't handle more than 4Gigabytes of RAM? Because it's a 32 bit application. Just wanted to inform you, 32GB RAM do not affect the FSX Performance.
  11. Thanks for answering, sorry that I answer so late. The facilities.dll crash happened almost evrywhere :( Actually, the facilities.dll crash stopped, now it only crashes with Airbus X Extended(which is basically not a big problem, because I don't really like the AXE). However, if its crashing with AXE at any airport, it says "FSUIPC4.dll" is the problem. I have already updadet FSUIPC, but it still crashes. I'm happy that it only happens in AXE I already have all needed versions of. Net installed.
  12. I just wanted to thank you for almost 140 views on the first day Im glad so many people visit a small page like mine. BTW, I've uploaded two more news about Drzewiecki's La Guardia Airport and "Frankfurt RealOps 2014"
  13. Thanks that you like it! Sure I will do
  14. Hello guys, first: Yes, this is an advertisiment. But, I think, it's a good one. I made a little website with wordpress in the past two weeks. At this site, everything is/will be about flightsimming. I will try to show the best FSX videos there, and I will also try to collect flightsimulation news to show them on my website for you. So something like a newspaper, but I don't think I will update it daily, more like every two days. In the first week of creating, I just wanted to play around with wordpress, but then I thought, hey, why not show fsnews there? So I will do and here is it, JustFSX: http://www.justfsx.wordpress.com/ I hope you like my work and stay tuned to me! And I've just uploaded the first two news!
  15. Today, I got three(!) CTD's. In th evenviewer, it says that the module that crashes fsx is "facilities.dll" Everything was perfect before. I installed "vPilot" to connect to Vatsim on Saturday(may 3rd) but if vPilot would be the application to crash fsx, it would have happened before(yesterday, sunday?) Please help me!!
  16. My Favourite route at the moment is EGLL(London Heathrow) to OMDB(Dubai) or EGLL to VHHX(Kai Tak->challenging approach!) If you have 12 hours of time, you could also fly EGLL VHHX with PMDG 777 (I can't wait for the -300ER Release!)
  17. Thanks for answerig my question! BTW, what can I do against blurried textures? Since I have DX10 Fixer, the textures a few miles away from the plane are very blurried and there is very few autogen only. I also followed Matt Davies (belynz) guide on youtube, but no changes. Thanks for answerig my question! BTW, what can I do against blurried textures? Since I have DX10 Fixer, the textures a few miles away from the plane are very blurried and there is very few autogen only. I also followed Matt Davies (belynz) guide on youtube, but no changes.
  18. @Maks_Pathfinder, what do you meen with "switched ON"...aren't they switched on at default settings? I'm asking because Im new to DX10 and the fixer, but I absolutely love it! Incredibke better performance and no single lag or OOM!
  19. Hi everybody, I tried Steve's DX10 Fixer last week, but i don't think it was helpful for me, and I haven't seen big improves using the fixer. So I decided to go back to DX9, and I decided to delete the Fixer. I followed the manual to uninstall the DX10 Fixer, and I (think) I did everything right. But now, all my textures are blurred! What did I wrong and what can I do to get the "normal" textures back? I'm using FTX Global, and before uninstalling the DX10 Fixer, everything was okay. Please help me, it really looks like crap now! Thanks.
  20. Maybe you have realisttic A/P engagement turned on. That means, if the aircraft is too unstable, you cannot engage A/P.
  21. I also had this Problem (on my win8.1). I couldnt change into full screen mode, but a Friends Told me this is a normal FSX Problem with some graphic cards. I searched a bit on the internet and I found a freeware called "FS SimTimizer". That program changes a few Problems in FSX, also the fullscreen Problem. Furthermore, You will have a new camera system, most likely as You would have with EZDok. But you can turn the Camera system off if you want. A must have in my opinion.
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