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Everything posted by Driver170

  1. ------------------------ INITIALIZATING FS MODULE ------------------------ It's a supported Flight Simulator: [11]... Hooking to the Flight Simulator's MAIN window procedure... Registering CUSTOM windows messages... Reading the INITIALIZATION file... Getting the FSX.CFG or PREPAR3D.CFG file path... Reading the FSX.CFG or PREPAR3D.CFG file located here: C Reading the Flight Simulator's frame rate LIMIT... Creating our timer... Current language ID: [409] Current sound pack: US Retrieving UGCX module's version... Running UGCX module's version: Version: Attempting to connect to the Flight Simulator... CONNECTED! to Flight Simulator... Mapping Flight Simulator's events... Setting up data definitions... Initializating scenery reader system... Unloading the scenery index from memory... Updating the INITIALIZATION file... Creating aircraft's profile FONT... Module's initialization sequence COMPLETED! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- LOCATION CHANGED --------------------------- --------------------------- AIRCRAFT LOADED --------------------------- Aircraft.cfg file path: C:\Users\Prepar3D PC\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\ProSim-AR\SimObjects\Airplanes\ProSim737-800-2019-PBR Professional\aircraft.cfg --------------------------- LOCATION CHANGED --------------------------- Aircraft's Model Name: Prosim-AR 737-800 PBR 2019 - Ryanair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stopping the voice recognition's engine... The voice recognition's engine has been STOPPED... Stopping the voice recognition's engine... The voice recognition's engine has been STOPPED...
  2. Ok its not showing here also. I replaced the above DLL and added my REX EF and still doesn’t show
  3. So basically a one time run of the user interface then?
  4. Hi mate i use prosim737 is it possible you can design an IOS app to bring up UGCX voice control? I use a 737 home cockpit looking out of cockpit windows
  5. Totally agree. I just installed Central V4 and left everything how it was. Working like a charm and very impressed with the new UI
  6. Guys is it best to uninstall Orbx Central V3 only? Or should I uninstall all of my products like Vector etc
  7. I just installed your june update. what HDR setting in the sim will i use
  8. Thanks i will try this tonight, i see you use a 737 homecockpit! Same here. Would you recommend this.. https://www.rdpresets.com/rd-pta-preset.html Also what might be causing the bright green grass?
  9. Here is a video of the problem. I’m using P3D V4.5 and URP 2.66 with Matt davies preset. Anyone have this problem? You can see i have an overcast and the grass is bright green? https://www.dropbox.com/s/tjnmx3ve5fdcyre/Video 10-05-2019%2C 10 48 03.mp4?dl=0
  10. Looked and tried everywhere for help and solutions but can’t get it resolved. Has anyone had issues with there USB wifi dongle internet dropping out? I have unchecked that option powersave.
  11. Have you tried online guides on setting up Network sharing. Maybe double check all settings? I’m installing OS10 this week and setting up wired network
  12. C:\Prosim\ProSim737-v1.46\ProSimAudio\ProSimAudio\ProsimAudio.exe C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll be9c17cc-457d-11e9-bced-ec086b11b2b6 Application: ProsimAudio.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 000007FED0855291 (000007FED0370000) with exit code 80131506.
  13. Been trying to get hold of joshua at support@3dsoftworks.net I have sent dozens of emails over the past few months but without a reply back! I need my serial key sent again. Anyone been in recent contact?
  14. Should i worry jim? Also where is prompt on exit?
  15. After i exit P3D and everything closes down about 5 seconds later i get the P3D has stopped working Even viewer shows Kernellbase.dll
  16. Found the problem https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=128521
  17. Hi guys, I use Prosim 737 for my cockpit and since installing V4.3 the rudder pedals aren’t working. In the external view they are deflecting left and right. All my settings are calibrated through Prosim but also tried FSUIPC controls. The reason i post this here is because this happens with the default planes also.
  18. I’m still on 4.2 and using PTA with Matts preset which i love. If upgrade P3D and PTA will his preset still work?
  19. problem found http://aerosors.freeforums.net/thread/218/crash-lsgg
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