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About mukiwa

  • Birthday 02/06/1943

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  • Location
    LEAX Pilarejo Spain
  • Interests
    Flightsim and Golf

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About Me

  • About Me
    Was a previous member of the AVSIM community under user name "ou toppie" but then got lost on the Login system so had to start again
  1. Hi, Many thanks, that was the problem. Senior moment I guess. Mike
  2. Good day All Have done a search but can find no references for the following. After a couple of years trouble free flying I suddenly find that, no matter what aircraft I load, it has empty fuel tanks. The only recently installed aircraft is the aerosoft a320/321. I am guessing the answer lies in the fsx cfg file but cannot find anything. Has anyone any suggestions please. Thanks Mike
  3. Good day All Have changed from W7 to W10 64 bit and now when I fly FSX and drag gps etc to second monitor I can only use the right hand half of the upper monitor, when not in FSX I can drag to full upper monitor. I have checked monitor drivers, resolutions etc all are ok. Logic says if it works when not in FSX, then it must be FSX causing the problem!!!!! Anyone any suggestions please Mike
  4. Good day, I am also having the same problem with my FSX airbus a320/321 aerosoft. I have just updated to version 130 and cannot get either FS2Crew Button Control or FS2 Voice Control to activate. I keep getting the message that they do not appear to be installed. The English version of the aerosoft manual is a little confusing and in some places talks about fs2crew and also raas, but I was seriously under the impression when I bought the A320/321 that fs2 was a part of the package but that it was locked to the product. Can you please give me a lead here as to where I go next. Thanks Mike
  5. Good day All, Can anyone help with a spoiler problem on the default Lear. When it is extended it never looks as if it is extending high enough. I have checked the aircraft cfg and it says that it has a 60 degree limit but it is definitely not extending to 60 degrees. I do not seem to be able to find a way to change this in the cfg. Any help appreciated Thanks Mike
  6. Good day All I have recently had to do a re install of W7 HOME PREMIUM 64 bit and find that I am getting run time errors with fsx. Can anyone out there tell me which of the numerous available MS Visuals C++ I should have showing on the list of programs in my control panel, in order to run both fs9 and fsx Any help gratefully appreciated Thanks Mike
  7. Hi all, I have been trawling (not trolling) the internet and found CHTQ levers ,which look good, at http://www.flightsimpm.com/ I have emailed them to try and get a price for the B737 levers and, if they are as good as they look, should be worth waiting for. They do not appear to be heavy so shipping should be acceptable. Mike
  8. Many thanks SKEWR, I can now go ahead and order. What did you use for coupling the levers? I have read somewhere of a company making imitation Boeing and AB controls for the Saitek throttles but not seen anything for the CH throttles. Thanks Mike
  9. Good day all, I am considering buying one of the above but, after reading all the available info I cannot find out if it is possible to program one of the levers for a flap controller and one of them for the spoiler control. The info notes that each lever has a detent but how does that help with selective flaps or arming/setting spoilers etc. Any advice on this much appreciated Mike
  10. Good day All I have just done a re-install of fs9 after fitting new hardware(graphics card and m/board) I now cannot get ANY sound from fs9. I also run fsx from the same set up with no sound issues from fsx or other programs on the desktop All looks good in the cfg file and all sliders/ticks etc in settings section appear how I previously had them at the old install. Does anyone have any suggestions please Mike
  11. Hi Babu, You might try letting it run a little longer with "Removing Application" screen before you decide its not doing something. I recently did a re-install and it did the same thing. Mike
  12. Hi All, Many thanks for the feedback, Looks like it is only for fs9 then. Pity, because what I did get to see of it it seems a nice aircraft. Thanks again Mike
  13. Hi jfri, I have been searching the forums for the similar problem and found your post. I have recently purchased the Legacy and loaded it to fsx. Every time I try to load FMS or even fly it from "engines running" after around 10 minutes the screen freezes and then I get either a ctd or a message telling me that fsx is shutting down and closing the program. After each shutdown I check the event log and always there is a reference to the Legacy/Panel/Gau file. I have discussed this with Justflight support and they cannot come up with a solution. They did suggest doing a redownload but this aircraft was boxed only. I have uninstalled and re installed a number of times and even done a clean install of fsx but it still will not fly for more than 10 minutes. Did you ever get a fix for your problem?? Thanks for any info Mike
  14. Hi There, Also +1 for Aeroworx. I have all their scenery for airports and major cities in SA, also all their land class, terrain mesh, roads/rail rivers and waterways for southern Africa. I used to live there and believe me it is extremely near to the real thing. I have their upgraded FAJS and it is accurate. They also have very good scenery for FS9(all freeware). Mike
  15. Thanks Guys, I have finally settled for a GIGABYTE GEFORCE GTX660 O/C 3GB(needs a 500psu) and it is working like a dream on my set up. Have even been able to bring the I5 2500k back to its original 3.3 from the 4.3 I had it clocked to. Mike
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