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  1. When you open Steam, in the very upper left hand corner, click on "Steam" then: Settings -> In-game -> In-game FPS Counter. You can choose to turn off or which corner you want the fps counter to show in. Immediately below the In-game FPS counter toggle, you can select whether you want the hi-rez bright green counter, or a low rez light gray counter. I hope that helps. I usually keep it on, but in the bottom right corner on low-rez. I find it's less distracting there.
  2. There's a thread about the DLSS 3.7 here: As I understand from the thread, the DLSS 3.7 files are intended for RTX 4*** cards with built in frame generation; they aren't intended for pre-4*** cards, and they aren't required for the FG mod to work. Some people in the thread have tried with pre-4*** cards and the FG mod without problems. I tried, and no obvious problems, but no obvious improvements either. I installed both the nvngx_dlss.dll and nvngx_dlssg.dll files. I backed up the original two files already there, and then copied/pasted the new files over top of the old. However, this was with the older 546.33 driver. I haven't tried yet with the new 552.12 driver (I changed back to the original files when I was having trouble with the FG mod). Anyway, my problem with getting the new driver and the FG mod to work together are now solved. Thanks - Bob
  3. Sorry, absolutely nothing jumps out, either for better or worse. I just upgraded to the new driver simply from a feeling I should stay current, and not fall too far behind, rather than any problems or feelings of dissatisfaction with the old driver. I've only had time for an hour or so with the new driver, so maybe something might pop up after I spend more time with it. But honestly, I'm not expecting anything to show. As said, it was just a feeling it was time to update. Why the FG mod wasn't working the first couple of times I tried installing still has me scratching my head. But on Noell's suggestion above, I went through and cleared the shader cache, as well as every temp file I could find on the machine, and after that the new driver installed just fine, and the FG mod worked ok. So...
  4. Thanks everyone. I finally got 552.12 installed and the FG mod working. Together. Maybe it's time to get an x-box... .
  5. That's interesting. How did you install the new driver? I simply followed my usual upgrade procedure of using the recommended express install inside the driver installer. Graphic driver only, no G-force. I didn't uninstall the FG mod before hand, or reset the signature check (maybe I should have done that first?). Anyway. I may try again (I may be old, but I am persistent). Thanks - Bob
  6. So, I rolled back to my old Nvidia driver 546.33, I think from sometime around Christmas, re-installed the FG mod, and sure enough, the FG mod worked just fine. The difference is over 30 fps more in almost all every MSFS flying situation with the mod active. I wonder if the FG mod's author can update the mod for the new Nvidia driver? I sure don't fancy going back to less than 30 fps when flying. And my retirement budget doesn't allow umpteen thousand dollar updates for a new card, at least in the immediate future. Oh well, just fyi... - Bob
  7. I have an RTX 3080, and have been using the FG mod to get the higher FPS, which I was really pleased with. But it seems that the newest Nvidia driver 552.12 disables that mod. I've tried re-installing the FG mod and turning off the signature checks, but no luck. I haven't tried rolling back the driver yet, it's a bit of hassle, but I will if there's no other choice. Is anyone else with an older pre RTX 4*** card having the same problem with the FG mod? Thanks - Bob
  8. The only other things I can think to try are just the generic shot in the dark fix-its, which you may already have tried anyway: First, rename or otherwise empty your Community folder (easy enough if you use Addon Linker), restart the sim, and then see if the C208 shows. If so, then one of the addons in your Community folder is running interference. If still no C208, then go into the Content Manager, uninstall the C208, go out of the sim, restart, go back to the Content Manager, and re-install the C208. If none of those work, then sorry, I'm out of ideas..
  9. Just to confirm, are you looking under the correct name? For the default C208, in my standard MSFS install, it's listed under "Texitron Aviation Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan Ex"
  10. Eh, I just uninstalled Advanced and re-installed Original. It works fine, and in lieu of the tint mask, I'll just set colour temperature to "warm" (it helps dull down some of the overly bright green fields). I think I'll wait a bit before trying Advanced again.
  11. Crud!! Everything installed just fine and I was up and flying and enjoying Accuseason Advanced yesterday. This morning, I went in to change a setting and: "License not valid. We are having a problem validating your product license. Please contact support. - Close" <Sigh>. I tried completely uninstalling/reinstalling, but still the same message, and no opportunity to re-enter my Accuseason key. I submitted a ticket, but with the current problem volume, I wonder how long that will take. Oh well, I'll uninstall completely and try re-installing the original Accuseason.
  12. How do I change settings after I've chosen "Automation Mode"? Everything seemed to install just fine, and I selected automation mode, but afterwards decided to change a setting. But now when I click on the desktop Accuseason icon, I get a pop up saying "Accuseason Advanced is set on Automation mode and will close after 5 minutes". I've waited a couple of hours, clicked the icon a number of times, and tried restarting the pc, but still the same message, Will I have to uninstall/reinstall Accuseason to change the settings, or am I missing something? Thanks - Bob
  13. Oh well, no big rush, the time when the new terrain and tree coloring features become useful is still a month or two away. But question to the Rex team if reading: I purchased my Accuseason through Simmarket. Will the free update eventually be available through there?
  14. I just did a couple of quick take offs with the amphibian C172 and DH2 Beaver, and in both cases the landing gear came up and lowered again just fine toggling my assigned key. I tried a few times in both cases without problem. All I can think to suggest is to check that you don't have two assignments for the same key that might be running interference with each other.
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