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  1. Ok guys thank you this is great. I'm using P3D V3. Ive managed to put in the frequency I want which is 129.975. Ive compiled the airport and that worked and i can now see a new .bgl file listed. However when i load airport still defaulting to original frequency. What am I doing wrong. I only want the one frequency so i listed it as "Tower". Also is there a way to change the name of the airport from "XSUT Traffic" to "Sutton Base"? Many thanks Ok I've got the frequency to show now on load (reloaded .bgl into scenery folder and reloaded XSUT scenery) I only want the one frequency to cover all, i.e. tower and basically for circuit work. Also as stated above I'd love it to just say "SUTTON BASE"
  2. "On which airport do you want add a frequency ?" Hi Richard it's a gliding site XSUT from Alf Denham. I did try with the design editor but without much success Thanks
  3. Hi, I have an add on airfield I fly from that has no ATC unit. Can anyone tell me how to set up an ATC unit at that airfield with a specific frequency. I could do with knowing how to do this as simply as possible without needing a degree in computer programming if possible! I would also like to set up custom RT phrases. I have scenery editor and voice editor but neither are "user friendly"!! Any help appreciated. Does VOXATC do this? Thanks
  4. Hi, I have an add on airfield I fly from that has no ATC unit. Can anyone tell me how to set up an ATC unit at that airfield with a specific frequency. I could do with knowing how to do this as simply as possible without needing a degree in computer programming if possible! I would also like to set up custom RT phrases. I have scenery editor and voice editor but neither are "user friendly"!! Any help appreciated. Thanks
  5. Everything, Glider/soaring wise, works in P3D you just have to take time and have patience to get it working!! Training wise Gliding in P3D is much better by a mile than Condor or Silentwings. As for this ASK21 it's stall speed is nowhere near the real ASK21's stall speed. Therefore no matter how good the detail is I won't use it. There are other minor issues too. I pointed this out to the developers but they weren't interested
  6. Not sure I just record flights and then launch them as AI traffic. They replay fine no issues.
  7. Im using version 1.331. Installed it fine but it didn't show at first.......drove me mad!! It only did when i clicked on P3D shortcut on screen and changed permissions to admin. It will come up with a warning about this version not having all features working or something, just click Ok and it works fine
  8. Many thanks Jim....
  9. Hi All, There used to be a scenery file on here called "100 Irish Runways" Has any one got a link to it or could send me the file? Many thanks
  10. Hi All, There used to be a scenery file on here called "100 Irish Runways" Has any one got a link to it or could send me the file? Many thanks
  11. Thank you for that, this may be just what I need!!
  12. Thanks for advise turning off all shadows has no effect and subtle darkening is still there, i use a projection system rather than monitor. I have had some success this afternoon by un-checking HDR lighting in the Lighting options. Subtle darkening still there but nowhere near as dark so i'm happy with that for now. Thanks
  13. Ok thanks, i'll try all that but i think it is the subtle darkening i'm trying to get rid of. Problem with turning up panel lights is that it's a glider so doesn't have any!
  14. Can anyone help? I’m wondering if it is possible to turn off/cancel or reduce the effect whereby when turning or on certain headings the aircraft panel falls into shadow depending on the position of the sun relative to the aircraft. This is at times making the instruments difficult to read and I would rather the panel was nice and bright all the time despite the suns position.I have aircraft casts shadows on itself turned off. This does stop things like canopy frame causing a shadow but not the overall shadow that is cast on the panel or aircraft interior. Thanks in anticipation!
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