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  1. Hi there ! The result of your work is just stunning as usual. But I will not go for it, because it's far too complex for me and I don't like too much this sort of heavy propeller's planes. Anyway, congratulation for your gigantic work. You've pushed the limits so far in the small world of X-Plane. Regards
  2. I agree. Anyway as I said they at least exist and they are good enough for me and many people coming from FSX and afraid of finding .....nothing looking good to fly with in x-plane. Cheers Patrick
  3. I agree about most of your thinking. I think the 757 if far better than the 777. The Airbus is quitter than their Aerofsoft counterparts in my FSX. Anyway we lack in X-Plane of a "by the book systems" sim like PMDGs. The MD-11 would be great (even the 747-400) and the NGX, why not a 767 ?
  4. It was a joke I have some hard time understanding and writing correctly english. Anyway Sorry again, this post can be closed if necessary. Regards
  5. Sorry didn't notice this thread. Admin, you can shoot the post I've my answer even if it's not what I was awaiting for. @scandinavian13: didn't understand anything about your story of gear up and horns but it may be interresting. cheers
  6. We have already a 777 withe X-Plane, a 757, a 747-800 Intercontinental but we lack of real 3D 737 NGX. Form me it's a very dispapointing new to lear that the MD-11 will not be dev on XP. Anyway I sure do not want a DC-6. Why not a B17 or a Fokker Triplane !!! Cheers
  7. Hello fellow pilots ^_^ We all know about that FSX is a great flight sim and it's still much used over there. But I've given a try to X-Plane 64 bits since a few weeks and after hours of hard work and patience, download of tons of Giga of HD Photo sceneries, it now looks great. There are about 4 major good liners for it (777/757 Pro, 747-800 and a 2D x737 freeware). I dreamed about PMDG gives a try to this sim. Not because X-Plane is better or not than FSX, but because it is 64 BITS !! So the great PMDG 777-200/300 landing at EGLL will not crash the sim after flying for hours from KJFK..... Any hope that one day my dreams come true ? :rolleyes:
  8. I do not agree. I've them both and they BOTH looks great. The FPS impact is lower with the 777 Pro but I think this is a FSX impact and not the plane. I think that the 777 PRO seems more "by the book" but it's very subjective and I may be wrong. The best advantage of the 777 PRO is the price. Anyway both are great products and very nice planes.
  9. Hi ! Do you use ActiveSky Next with the PMDG triple 7 ? If so there is a Service pack available (a new one). I've make the update today, all is going fine. Did you test the WX radar by yourself ? I did it myself and no crash. cheers
  10. I confirm that FS2crew is handling GPU, Airstart and Air conditioning very well alone here. No need to press any CDU button to do it. Just need to connect the GPU on the overhead panel. Good work
  11. Maybe I haven't wait enough Bryan. I'll give it an another try tonight. Do not worry the product is very nice though. Thank's Cheers
  12. Hi ! it's working fine for me here. Thank you a lot for sharing this knowledge with us. This is quite nice mate :rolleyes:
  13. Hi Bryan ! I did both arrows were at 7. If I run the PF Events boarding question, all, cabins annoucements are ok. If not (starting straigth from PF procedure without PF events) I only heard landing annoucements. it is like all passengers have already boarded when starting the only preflight procedure. I was flying a L280 short trip (not realistic for 777). regards
  14. Well I've done my third flight now (2 buttons and my 1st voice) and everything went smooth. It was very cool to fly the huge 777-300 with a nice flight crew. Even I'm french (nobody's perfect) I managed to be understood by the addon engine (with some struggles). Again thank's Brian for this nice work and thumb up for your beta team. cheers. :rolleyes:
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