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  1. Analog is "modern" to you? Nevertheless, in some aircraft I prefer analog.
  2. But this aircraft has been around for decades. I think the condition of the worn out, weathered look, beautifully suites it. A pristine sterile look to me, makes it look unused. But Im with you on having a choice. Im sure someone will come along and make a mod eventually.
  3. Totally. Yet how a simple issue was missed is beyond me.
  4. Additionally, in the aircraft cfg, there isn't an entry for model or type. So the atc identifier refers the shrike as "EXPERIMENTAL" lol Carenado has recruited their paying supporters as beta testers. Sher genius. lol
  5. I am experienceing this as well. Timeline seems about right with regaurd to the PFPX update. Weird because the fp is physically in the propper folder. And the string is correct to. Sucks to manually input.....(thats what she said) Any solutions out there?
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