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  1. Ron! LN-TEX hint hint nudge nudge Mostly standard USAF with LN-TEX under stab.
  2. I will have to withdraw from this. Sorry.
  3. Yes, I did not have that functionality. Maybe it might have something to do with me not being in the RTW Race Team? Or that I'm not a thrusted member yet? (only a few posts)
  4. I found the problem; I had selected Keep tracking private. Sorry for that. Other than that the program worked well. I had to klick "End" but the guys that turned up on TS said it should pop up by it self. Not sure if I have disabled that functionality... :-) Anyway it was a nice experience for a rookie.
  5. Baton is free SOCA https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8185860/Duenna/2016-01-12/FlightLog_23-14-40.TXT
  6. No, I didn't get any help, but it seems to be working. We'll see whats happening when I land. Just testing.
  7. Whish me luck. My first leg ever. I have Baton TGPY SOCA Epic LT
  8. Hi I am a new guy in this, hoping to learn enough in time to join the race. ( Callsign ) verbli ( Flightsim version ) FSX Steam ( Experience in Flightsim ) Singles and light twins. Piston prefered. Some experience. ( Timezone =/- UTC ) +1
  9. I find only one set of radios, even when using the GPS/radio combo. This makes some IFR procedures difficult/impossible. Like DME from VOR, but land on localizer. The manuals states about IFR that all procedures could be flown in full. Any one else have this problem?
  10. Hi again, Would it be possible to include a way to send the initial range/tilt as a startup parameter? Like nogps|icing|20nm Something like this would be great when clickspots are unavailable.
  11. Ok, not to worry. :-) Is there some other way to change settings? Like assigning keys to change L:vars or similar?
  12. Hi, I have tried to include this (1.0) in the Alabeo C404 Titan. I manage to get it placed perfectly in the Alabeo WX radar spot, but the click spots are not there. If I place it offcenter to the left I get 2 narrow click spots. The more I move it offcenter the bigger the click spots gets. It looks to be working normal with autostart and nogps, but I would like to have the click spots. Is that possible?
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