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178 Excellent

About KBUR

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    Nordrhein-Westfalen / Germany
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    English is NOT my mother tongue ! Sorry in advance wrong spellings or grammar issues.

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    Nothing special about me; just a Flightsim Hillbilly from Germany.

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  1. FlyAgi - a german female XPlane enthusiast (homepage here: FlyAgi ) - made a comprehensive tutorial called Tutorial - Leistungsoptimierung in XPlane 11 (Performance Optimization in XPlane11) --> this special one is written in German only. Under point 5) she writes: In the meanwhile I've done a lot of tests: FFT on and off ! With FFT on the workload of my CPU is always ca. 25-30% higher than off - which is enormous !!! Bottom line: With my own investigations done I agree 100 % with FlyAgi's observation regarding X-Plane11's FFT water effects. The X-Plane water in all its glory is a real performance hog. Completely unlike to P3Dv4's water: Even on its highest settings (water ultra) I can barely see a performance impact, and the engine even depicts waves depending on wind's strength. All the best, Konrad PS: For all English spoken folks: If you are interested, there you can find FlyAgi's English article about her Tweak Utility (XPlane only)
  2. Agree, but P3D's water is still superb compared to XP11's water. And the worst thing about X-Plane's water: " It not only looks terrible but even performs bad as hell ( ---> the CPU impact of this single water texture and its waves - rendering is just beyond ridiculous ". ) Cheers, all the best.
  3. WOW, what a gorgeous review. The reviewer has done a REALLY GREAT JOB. Thank you so much!
  4. Hi DjangO! NickN is well known as a FSX - DX9 guy, and his recommendations/NI settings refer especially to DX9 users. DX10 needs (as I'm using with success and the DX10 Fixer; would never return to DX9) other settings...look here: http://www.nzfsim.org/index.php?dsp=downloads&f_sort=fixer. So if you use DX10 it needs for better graphics the 4 SGSS setting in NI and (MINUS!!!) - 1.000 to - 1.500 (depending on shimmering experience in sim and your AA Setting ) LOD Bias. The higher the AA Setting, the higher LOD bias should be (e.g. 8xAA needs -1.5000). Best regards from Alex, Germany
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