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Posts posted by Ebs

  1. After having used both, it's another vote for Chaseplane from me. 

    I haven't looked at Opus for a while but isn't it still a combined weather/camera addon? If you disable the weather part you don't get the camera effects. 

    A lot of people are really happy with Active Sky. It's arguably the best weather engine available. Opus weren't interested in splitting their camera section into a separate addon, so that's why EZDOK v2 and Chaseplane are the only options. 


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  2. I totally feel your pain on this one Ryan! 

    I'm also not a fan of having to manually remove the gear pins. From what I've read, the pilots remove them even before getting on board so basically with the cold and dark start starting with the doors closed, we're simulating two of the most forgetful pilots ever! :D 

    Although, if what @snapshot21 says is true then I can really appreciate that attention to detail. I simply thought the gear pins are straight up random as to whether they're stowed or not.

    The only other thing that annoys me a little is not being able to simply enter a ZFW in the load manager, I'm not a fan of having to work out which passengers go where. I've had to work around it by having a fixed payload in the load manager and simply adding the ZFW to PFPX when planning a flight. 

    Apart from these two things, I love the Q400. Flying it more than anything else right now. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    I was hoping you'd say that, man with the golden voice.

    oh, Robert! :blush: :biggrin: haha.

    I can just see it now. I'll upload a video with me narrating over it, using FS2Crew with my First Officer voice and my voice as the GSX Marshall. :blink:

  4. 1 hour ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    a simple DLL (checks aircraft location and swaps out the necessary audio files) and getting some users to record their own voices in various languages across the globe and we could have dynamic voice sets based on airport location

    Rob, that's brilliant. I'd certainly offer a recording for this. @virtuali ? :biggrin:

  5. @Bourrinopathe hi, I'm GAFan over on the XP forums. I bough the Pathera and the GTN750 at the same time and messed about with getting the GTN in the 3D cockpit of the Panthera. Just to see if it could be done. After a few hours of tweaking I managed to get the coords as close as possible and posted my findings in that thread. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/118729-panthera-realityxp-gtn750/&do=findComment&comment=1273079 I was under the impression that you came along a few days later and built upon that and managed to get the obj edited too so when you made the stickied thread with the mod (which is awesome by the way) I was a bit disappointed that you didn't credit me!

    Entirely possible that we were both tweaking things in parallel though. Like I said, no harm done.

    Although, I do have to say that the *correct* coords are frame.rect = 1024,2048,600,708 based on what Yoyoz said.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Gregg_Seipp said:

    What does that mean?  Each time you click the key it goes to the next view assigned?

    Exactly this. As Scott explained, you can assign one key to multiple presets. When I discovered this (by accident!) it was a game changer for me. In fact, I decided I wanted to make a video about it :). I've linked to my video at the point where I talk about it. It's only a minute or so - https://youtu.be/-ttoIcIXq0M?t=9m13s


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  7. There was a bug with GSX but we're talking two years ago, haha. If you started an engine during pushback, it wouldn't actually start turning until your parking brake was on. Still not sure if it was the Q400 or GSX that was to blame. I vaguely remember something about it being in a paused state during pushback and that's why the engines wouldn't work... Anyway it's great now, no problems whatsoever. 

    I still need to reply to your Q400 thread J! 

  8. 17 minutes ago, roi1862 said:

    have a look at the below link

    Some really promising news at the end of that thread. I don't really notice much of an extreme performance hit when I fly the FSL Bus, but I'm well aware that others do and it's great that FSL are looking into it. Hopefully we'll see an update soon!

  9. 15 minutes ago, Nickbe said:

    With the release of Prepar3d v4.1 had problems with taxiing aircrafts from A2A and PMDG but it was quickly corrected

    That was the turning point for me (no pun intended!) I appreciate the fact that it was quickly corrected, but why is a camera addon even involved with that? 

    Still, I realise both addons have their followers and EZDOK v2 is definitely better compared to v1. If you have the possibility to upgrade from v1 then go for it. But if you have no camera addon, I'd personally recommend Chaseplane. 

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  10. I'm also surprised to see this reopened. Anyway, here are my thoughts.

    To all the devs getting worried and talking about EULAs. If you're a software dev, you're surely aware of DIFFs. You can download WinMerge right now and compare files/folders between different states and see exactly what's changed. it's extremely useful. It's not illegal and it's not unethical. It's no different to what this 'forensics' application is going to do. It's just more flight sim focused. 

    In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if a couple of devs are worried that end users will find things in their software that were used in 'other places'...


    @solentflyer This thread was started in a bit of an underhanded manner. To pretend you were someone who just came across the software rather than the developer was not so cool. I get you were trying to generate interest but there are better ways.

    Still, it sounds interesting. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

    • Upvote 6

  11. 5 minutes ago, Billkhaled said:

    I've read many forums and in many places as to how I can change the clock to hours:minutes rather than just in minutes so it resets after 100 minutes. Does anyone know how I can do this. I have looked through the settings in the FMC I can't seem to find anything. Thanks

    Probably best to post this in the NGX forum. If anyone knows how to do it, you'll find them there.


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  12. On 11/17/2017 at 10:58 AM, GSalden said:

    Version 7 has been slightly improved : at higher altitude a little less saturation 

    Hi Gerard!

    I've been using your preset exclusively for the past week or so. Really great.

    Although, way too dark in the VC view. (I'm using an IPS display, calibrated as good as I can get it) it's not just your preset, a lot PTA presets have this problem. However, I've found a solution. (I know you don't use the VC view, but some others may benefit from this)

    Enable the Aircraft VC lighting tweak and input 1.50 for all the values expect for Saturation. You may need to play around with these values but they definitely work for me.


    Thanks for the preset Gerard!

  13. I just came across this really great video of a guy training for his PPL. His instructor is a former Naval Aviator and Airline Pilot with 36 years flying experience so it's safe to assume he knows his stuff ;)

    Definitely worth watching. Lots of great tips, but I came across a line that I just had to post here.

    They're up in the air and the instructor asks the trainee about his flying experience.

    Trainee: 'I play the simulator a lot. I don't know what that's worth'

    Instructor: 'It's worth a lot. It is worth a lot. These kids that come out and have been flying simulators for 4 or 5 years. They can fly the airplane day one.'

    https://youtu.be/Bst5bFSqXkA?t=20m43s (I've linked directly to the line in question)




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