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  1. I am an early adoptee of using SPEAKBLK 🙂 Will send the checklist soon. Thanks for offering to look at it.
  2. I am experiencing a similar issue where the voice suddenly stops but commands in the checklist get executed. Interestingly my checklist for A2A Comanche work without any issues and only the checklist for BKSQ GrandDuke is suffering from voice dropouts. Also, the voice stops at random places which makes debugging the code extremely difficult. I start the checklist from a button assigned in my MIDI controller (KORG nanoKONTROL2). This button is configured to execute "(CHECKLIST:CheckList-BKSQ-GrandDuke\BKSQ-GrandDuke_checklist_control.txt)". This script in turn calls other scripts in the same fashion. @C414AC Did you manage to get into the bottom of this?
  3. The clone feature is working for me as prescribed by the Doctor! https://imgur.com/a/kzn86P8
  4. I noticed it is possible to resize several sub-windows which get opened from AAO such as "Watch Simulator Variables" by using any corner of that window. Windows with this capability has a special marker on the bottom right corner of that window. See the attachment: Resizable sub-window However, resizing the "Script Editor Window" is not possible, at least on my system. I am on Windows 10 and had AAO for about 4 years now and I never was able to resize the "Script Editor Window". I don't see the special marker I was talking before: https://imgur.com/a/MAyfhG7 Is this by design or some setting on my PC? I did play with the windows scaling options but did not have much luck. It can be a bonus when creating/modifying RPN scripts if this window can be resized. Thanks.
  5. Hi, This example is from the AAO manual and I want to execute it from the script editor (not from a file). <Macro·Name=“strobelightmacro“>A:LIGHT·STROBE,·Bool</Macro> (@strobelightmacro)·1·==·if{·1·(>K:STROBES_TOGGLE)·} (A:LIGHT·STROBE,·Bool)·1·==·if{·1·(>K:STROBES_TOGGLE)·} The Red Led on the editor is on to indicate something is wrong. Question is, does the script editor supports macros? https://imgur.com/a/6icp5q3 Thanks.
  6. Thanks for reading my mind and implementing the other items in the checklist page as well 😀 I tested them and all is good. I am not hearing the 'expectation' part of the checklist step once the " 'ChecklistManualCheck'·(>L:AAO_CHCEKLIST_CLICK_BUTTON,·String) " is sent. I am guessing this is due to the fact we are bypassing the checklist engine for sending the "Tick Item" command. This is not a bid deal and I can live with it. I am expecting others to use this functionality as well. Again, a big thank you Lorby!
  7. pls ignore my question. Found the answer in the latest AAO manual. A RTFM moment 🙂
  8. Cool! Is it possible for me to have access to the prototype? Then I can have a play with it. Sometime ago I sent you the proof of purchase of AAO. If you can't find it pls let me know I will resend it. About the proper bridge module. I think you are talking about all singing all dancing full blown 🙂 CheckList Bridge which will have more functionality than my requirement. I guess all depends on the demand for such a AAO CheckList Bridge and the amount of time you can spend on creating and supporting it.
  9. I think this will be useful in checklists to avoid multiple SPEAK events happening at the same time. This is my definition of the Macros: <Macro Name="FOSPEAK">VOICE:Microsoft Zira Desktop) (VOICERATE:0) (VOICEVOLUME:75) (SPEAK</Macro> <Macro Name="CPTSPEAK">VOICE:Microsoft David Desktop) (VOICERATE:1) (VOICEVOLUME:90) (SPEAK</Macro> This is my usage of the voice macros: [0](@CPTSPEAK:Flaps) 'SHOW_TOOLTIP|0|Before Engine Start CheckList - Flaps|1000|1' (>L:AAO_COHERENT_TRIGGER, String) [(L:LandFlapsPos, Number) 0 ==] (@FOSPEAK:Up) I guess if I define SPEAKBLK in this way, speak will be one operation at a time? <Macro Name="FOSPEAK">VOICE:Microsoft Zira Desktop) (VOICERATE:0) (VOICEVOLUME:75) (SPEAKBLK</Macro> <Macro Name="CPTSPEAK">VOICE:Microsoft David Desktop) (VOICERATE:1) (VOICEVOLUME:90) (SPEAKBLK</Macro>
  10. Hi, Thanks for looking into this and the suggestion. No, it didn't work. Like you said, there is not much information available on these coherent.triggers.
  11. I am looking for a SimVar or Sim event to bind a joystick button or a Midi button to trigger the "TICK ITEM" option in the InGame Checklists. Using the mouse to click this is bit cumbersome and tiring. Found this in the SDK. But no idea how to call these from AAO. My guess is this is possible as we can use "'SHOW_TOOLTIP|0|hello·there|1000|500'·(>L:AAO_COHERENT_TRIGGER,·String)" https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/JavaScript/Coherent_Listeners/JS_LISTENER_CHECKLIST.htm Thanks.
  12. A silly question. With the AAO StreamDeck plugin, is it necessary to have a physical StreamDeck ? 😀
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