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Everything posted by RVxSpeed

  1. Thank you so much. Reducing it to 5 solved the issue. So is this a P3D or PMDG problem? Because if it isn't either of them & it's a scenery problem i will be in big trouble. Because like i said. Lots of scenery that i use are old & developer have ended support.
  2. I have the lastest version. World is at 1m. So should i decrease it? If it's scenery related issue. Then there will be big issue. Big lots of the scenery are obsolate. In other word there is no support from devs.
  3. Anyone experiencing this issue. All addons are listed in video description. No need to watch full video. All videos are marked at or just before the problem. OBBI take off bounce. OEAB departure bounce OMAA arrival bounce VGHS landing bounce
  4. That's what i said. Not anyone else. You do not have the right to offend other customers despite their expression on any social media ground. & your behaviour made me say that. Never in my entire engineering & personal life i have ever seen any developer behaving like the way you are handling things do that. That includes professional,simming & retail gaming.
  5. 5.0/7.0GB still crash. Mind you i have all the evidence that clearly shows that there is an issue with your product. You are on so much insisting VRAM,excessive higher setting. Ok i will post another video with lower settings & i can tell right now even with lower setting GSX will still cause the sim to crash. A word of advice for you: Confidence is good, Overconfidence is a very bad thing to have.
  6. I don't make talk out of empty sky. I always say things that have solid ground. Yup calling customer nonsense is very much ACCEPTABLE,Right?. Maybe soundcard & GSX. Since using Ground Crew X doesn't cause my sim to crash using the same SOUNDCARD.
  7. You said on forum when i posted a video at earlier days that i was not using exact same scenario. Your claim is not valid. Remember i am saying because you used to deny my claim the same way like i am denying yours. - You are using a completely different aircraft. There might be an issue with PMDG 747 & GSX. - You are using a completely different scenery. There might be an issue with the scenery that i am using & GSX. Also since you are emphasizing so much on vram thing. Why don't you say in your product that maxing out setting may cause crash while using GSX. Your statement "EVERYTHING you install takes away SOME VRAM. Your settings take some VRAM, and yours are insanely high for your hardware, and this is common knowledge." is also not valid. Since i myself can run P3DV5 with all sliders to the right without having the sim to crash.
  8. Thanks for the video. Your video shows that it reaches 6.5/10GB mine got crash at 6.2/7.0GB. So, there is something really wrong with GSX & VRAM.
  9. Your product worked flawlessly since 2015 doesn't mean it will work flawless forever. Back then we didn't even have this VRAM issue nor we had DX 12. Now things have changed. You need to update your product in acoording to the feedback of the community. Actually your statement of flawless is also not true.You push update (i am not saying is a bad thing) very often which sometime if user doesn't run the live updater. Causes the sim not to load the intial screen. I don't know you personally & i clearly said my intention is not to harm you or your product. There are people says that you never listen to any user that complaint about problem & i have prove of that. I don't want to bring it here because like i said my intention is not to get a war with you. I just want my simulator not to crash when using GSX service.
  10. Finally some good soul on a constructive discussion. If GSX is pushing my hardware to it's limit. Shouldn't GSX be optimized not to do that. Since no other addons that is installed is causing a crash. Thanks for pointing out. I didn't think of that. Will try.
  11. Ok i will use FS2Crew Ground Crew X until you fix your broken product. Even if it's a crash due to VRAM exhaustion. GSX is to blame. & many thanks to everyone for not supporting me whereas i have clearly made a point. If Umberto were confident enough to prove his product is flawless he should have posted some sort of testing video like i did where his product will not cause the simulator to crash instead of arguing 4 pages of no progression. Buying an FSDT product is the biggest mistake i made in my entire life on the contary of digital purchase. Boycotting FSDT for lifetime. Yes i maybe the only one. It doesn't matter if i stay or leave. Because he doesn't care.
  12. Hi, I am not trying to frame anyone. But on this one i am going to need community support regarding a CTD caused by GSX & Only when GSX is used. My sim works absolutely ok when ran without running GSX service. Why i don't take it to FSDT forum? I already did but turns out Umberto as some says is not acting nice & is declining to provide support for a product i paid. Also he is insisting that i am the only one complaining this issue which i believe is not true. Yes he suggested doing vanilla test & i am declining to do that. Because my logic is the sim the works flawless with all addons installed & without running GSX. Why will it only crash when running GSX service. Requesting community for kind support. Please help me. I wouldn't ask if it was a freeware. Head over to the battlefield here: http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,23686.45.html
  13. +1.It seems he is giving order to the devs. I have suggestion for him.Why doesn't he hire a developer for himself. & ask them to make an special simulator for him
  14. i am a developer myself.i understand the limitation & complexity of a simulator like fsx,p3d or even x plane 10.but, the thing is the developer is asking the user about their upcoming simulator.we are just giving them what we expect.plain & simple.now if u say we r asking too much from the devs.maybe at some point yes. but,that is at the end of the an user expectation.the developer target will be to complete the user expectation or try to come as close as possible.another issue is which the developer already solved that the need of a 64 bit simulator.if we can get pass that 4GB vas barrier there will be more than enough headroom to play with. if u want an example i will give u two distinct example of already developed game which uses full use of modern hardware. first one is euro truck simulator 2.i loved the way they used it.i can max it with my gtx 980 ti still get 60fps with vsync enable so no tearing at all & the simulator is butter smooth. that is with maxed out settings & it's incredibly detailed for a truck simulator. the graphics is not that good.but,there are mods out there to make it look better.even with those enables u can never ever get below 60fps. the 2nd example is not from a simulator but a sandbox game & it's called GTA V.this games level of details,the visibility range & the size of the world is amazing.still average pc games can enjoy 30fps with medium class h/w. so,my question to u.is it really that much to ask to the devs that deliver us a product which we can run at maxed settings with all our beloved addons & still maintain a reasonable min 30 to max 60 fps? i mean it's 2016.i don't think it's that much too ask.even if they fail in the end.we won't complain.if they come closer to accomplish that ,that will be one their best achievement which will put them ahead of any other simulator that is currently existence in the marketplace.& we already + to the devs for finally getting rid of 32 bit.
  15. first of all, if i didn't overlook. u didn't mentioned ur simulator.i fly in & out of CYYZ couple of times with maxed setting but not with 4096 textures.lower the texture & if u using fsx i can't help & i don't think anybody here can help u with that.also vector is know to be a beast when it comes to memory.i will suggest u to disable it unless u really,really fond of what it does to add immersion to ur flying experience. but, for p3d try these as the basics & u will be just fine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0grEYUv6bJ4
  16. rather than options. i would like just 2 basic options. 1. simulator presets: this will based on user hardware configuration 2.advance settings: which user can use for further tweaking.if u ask what settings to be exact. i say combine fsx+p3d+xplane 10.when u combine them all there is logically nothing left to customize. & frankly speaking i don't think anyone complained about GUI or settings in the simulator.bcoz all we do is flying. not tweaking the with the settings all day long. what we really expect from u give us a 64 bit fsx(literally) or if u can't do 64 bit just make sure no matter what user do there will be no OOM & user friendly fps.say if any user have intel x series cpu with latest gpu like 1080 he/she should be able to fly with maxed settings with all those complex addons like pmdg,asn,flytampa scenery,orbx with vector!!!!! @60fps. deliver us that & we will be just more than happy.
  17. the exact reason i gave up on xplane. the user interface & controls are not user friendly at all.
  18. hello, but i think it has something to do with latest airac cycle.
  19. ok. just to confirm the aircraft actually performs the hold according to charts or given radials. but, something has triggered the aircraft to not represent the holding pattern as "racetrack" which clearly have been showing on since 1-2 months, instead now it's showing orbital shape. this bug may have got introduced with the latest update or maybe with the navigraph airac cycle.
  20. wow wonderful news for new year.But,can we get a proper change log like with the every LM release? also can you please confirm that the MSVCR120.dll issue solved.bcoz we couldn't find anything with the latest v3.1 release. refer: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=113995&start=420 & regarding vas issue.currently the only stressful enough single addon in p3d to get you a 100% OOM is the ORBX FTX Global vector.disable that & u will be thanking for upto 900MB savings.PERIOD. & thanks PMDG that was really unexpected.
  21. hello please update to the latest airac cycle which is 1513. also please check the chart in order to know which sid or star is available http://www.caab.gov.bd/aip/aerodromes/VGHS/vghs.pdf
  22. ok,then it's my mistake.i thought changing affinity mask will distribute the workload evenly on all cores.
  23. just reporting that affinity mask setting of 1364 & 2730 didn't work for me.i only saw one core using 100%however the core changes while i switch between 1364 or 2730. thanks for your time on the analysis.but,i think i will leave the af as it is bcoz i am already happy with the single tweaking of FFTF=0.01 in the config file.
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