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About madddawg44

  • Birthday 07/07/1965

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  • Location
    Tyler, Texas
  • Interests
    Flight Sim, models (all kinds),

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  • Virtual Airlines

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  1. Can someone here let me know what his email is?
  2. I somehow have lost permission to access his website. I would like to ask why I don't have permission?
  3. It's to bad that the store does not sell this scenery anymore
  4. I know I saw a list somewhere that had a list of numbers for each letter of the alphabet to use when making assigned parking for airlines, I just cannot remember where I saw it. Does anyone here know where I can get it?
  5. Sent to Tech support.
  6. "Unable to validate your license. Please contact Technical support".
  7. I know people have mentioned that they cannot install their MD11 onto their computer with MS10, but my problem is that it is telling me to contact Tech support. Do I still need to go to the website and login to do this or can it be taken care here. Thank you Robert P Armstrong
  8. I am hoping maybe you guys can help me as well. I am trying to reload my MD11 (FSX) onto my computer. My problem is that I cannot get the MD11 Load manager to work. It tells me that the Application failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. It then tells me to see the application log or use the command line "sxstrace.exe" for more details. Where would I go to use this sxstrace.exe and what do I do after? Robert Armstrong
  9. I recently was able tyo get the MD11 reloaded with everything showing, now I just have a problem with the "MD11 Load Manager" not working. It tells me that the application has failed to start because its "Side by side" configuration is incorrect.Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe for more detail. Now, do I use this exe in the run down in my start menu?
  10. I have tried both of these options and neither one of them helped out.
  11. What about posting a picture that you took from FSX?
  12. How come I cannot post a picture of what my MD11 looks like here? The photo for my profile is how my MD11 aircraft are showing up in FSX.
  13. It appears this way once I select the aircraft.
  14. I should also say that I am running Windows 10.
  15. I do have the it listed in the Graphics section.
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