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About SledDriver

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  1. Hi Tony. I checked the folders out again, and they were called Texture, not Textures. But what seems to have happened is that the crappy ESI installer had never finished copying the files over. I have now done this manually, and all the trees are appearing nicely. It certainly improves the sim experience. Thanks for all the help getting this sorted! Much appreciated. Regards John John
  2. Thanks for those pointers. They did indeed help. I now have lots of trees all over Scotland. Strangely though, I still don't have tree over central and northern England/Wales scenery, but they are present over southern England. I've compared the installations of each, and I can't see why this should be. Each has a Textures folder with all the thousands of trees agn files in it. I have the these Texture folders in the 2.4m Photo folder. I'm assuming that is correct? Do you have any thoughts about this. So close now, but not quite there yet.
  3. Thanks for your response. Is there any info on how to set these parameters? There is nothing in the Treescapes manual about any proprietary autogen settings for Treescapes... I just reread it to make sure. Where do these descriptor files come from, and where should they be put? Cheers John
  4. I believe I have installed all this correctly, and I am seeing trees, but overall the Tressscapes in Scotland seems very sparse compared with England. Is this just how the product is, or have I got something wrong? Plenty of trees near Aberdeen. Hardly any around Glasgow. England is fully populated with trees,
  5. Automatic install failed here, so I'm now doing a manual install. One of the things the original ESI installer produced was a folder called ES-3D which contains: Scenery\ES-Vegetation.bgl Texture\FST0001_FA.dds and 42 other new tree textures. Does anyone know how to install these to FSX manually? Cheers.
  6. Just doing a manual install of the Treescapes scenery for Horizons England 1/2/3. I notice that Horizons has folders for: 0.6m Photo 1.2m Photo 2.4m Night 2.4m Photo 4.8, Mesh whereas Treescapes only has data for: 2.4m Photo. Does this mean that trees will only show up on 2.4m Photo data, meaning that at low level or when using 0.6/1.2m Photo VFR scenery, no trees will show? Or do the trees propogate throughout the different data densities automatically? What do you see in actuality? Cheers.
  7. Anyone know where I can get the "Crash to Desktop" hot fix which used to be available on the now defunct Earth Simulations web site? Cheers Update... For anyone else looking for this, I found it here: http://www.arm-computers.co.uk/EarthSims_Help/Q_1_/Q_2_/Q_3_/Q_4_/q_4_.html
  8. I've overcome the problem by making the contents of all 4 DVDs for a Volume into a ISO image and installing from that. Nice to be able to install a Volume in 5 minutes instead of an hour off DVD! Cheers
  9. Yes. Its not an OK/Cancel chose. It's a retry/cancel choice. Hitting retry just persists with the prompt. I'm computer savvy and have seen many comment here about faster installs from HD, so I'm at a loss to know what is wrong. PITA as I'm doing a complete FSX rebuild.
  10. After seeing advice that I could get a much quicker install of the massive Horizon GenX scenery parts 1-10 by first copying all the DVD's to a hard drive, I spent hours yesterday doing just that. I combined each specific product into a single folder, one folder per product. Now I'm trying to do the actual install of the data and the first one I try, Volume 1, just repetitively comes up and says please put in Disk 1. I can't get around it. I've tried doing it locally, from a networked drive, from a mapped network drive. Nothing works. And I cannot see any specific disk ID file in the folder to cause this problem. Contents of the source folder have been checked and are correct. Please tell me I didn't waste hours doing all the copies? Is there a way to make this work? Cheers.
  11. I own all the above products for all of England and Wales. I have Full V2 DVDs and just update DVDs for V3, so I was wondering: A. Is Treescapes fully compatible with both V2 and V3 Horizon VFR England? Do the trees align properly in V3 high rez areas? Or am I best to stick with V2 scenery for this? B. In what order should I install these, to ensure the Trees are properly inserted in to the scenery? V2-Trees-V3update or V2-V3update-Trees? C. I also own UK2000scenery airports (not the extreme version, just the normal ones) At what point should I install the airports scenery during the order shown in 'B'? D. At what point should I apply all the various patches which are available to fix bugs in the various sceneries? After each product is installed, or all at the end, or other? Finally: E. Is there a correct order to install all the Horizon Scotland scenery? I've seen comments about visual joins between scenery products not looking right if the order isn't correct. Cheers SledDriver
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