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  1. Hey All, Just another shot i would like to share from my previous post/flight. Found it in my photo folder lol. Hope you like it. Sorry for the amount of Easyjet images, my fsx has now been played about with and ive spent most of today getting it back working right with hopefully no more CTD's (Fingers crossed) so when i get a bit more time, another set of images will be uploaded from my 'Going Abroad' set im doing at the moment.
  2. These are Active Sky Next and REX soft clouds. Thats it. Thanks for all your comments guys
  3. Hey All, Well i was going to be bringing you all another flight report but this time from fsx as i still enjoy using it however after an hour and 20 mins of flying perfectly fine, my sim decided to completely crash. I have no idea as to why because i have even done the UIAutomationCore.dll fix and no joy so not to sure whats happened there but anyways i will be doing another flight report soon and hopefully this time it wont crash and burn, i will proberly just revert back to P3D 3.2 as haven't had any issues using that....yet lol. Just a couple from that flight EASY 6959 Edinburgh - Nice. Thanks guys, Happy Flying
  4. Loving these, scenery looks amazing even at night.
  5. Lovely shots there my friend. :wink:
  6. wow wow wow. Awesome shots :wub:
  7. Superb shots. Love all of them my friend.
  8. Gorgeous set of shots my friend, i agree the scenery has immense detail. :smile:
  9. Simply beautiful shots, thanks for sharing :smile:
  10. Hey Everybody, Well for all those that read my previous post you will know i did say i am starting a new type of screenshots and this will be in the style of a flight report so here it is, my very first flight report. My rig is now running P3D quite comfortably for what it is so i am happy with that, the only problem i have at the moment is lack of addons, i am working on that and am slowly but surely purchasing more and more. For now though i have these addons:- ORBX Base, Vector, Europe. REX Soft clouds, Active Sky Next, Aerosoft Airbus Extended X, GSX and Uk2000 London Gatwick Extreme. All of these addons you will see in the below report. Ezdok is something i haven't got quite right yet but i am working on that to and should have that up and running by my next flight. How i like to fly is trying to keep it as realistic as i can, so when i land at an airport i normally like to find a flight departing from the same airport. I feel it adds a very small bit of realism. All flights are done according to the real flights in real time to also add to the realism. Anyways enough of me chatting lets get down to the main post. Any other questions feel free to ask.I know EDI scenery is available just haven't got round to purchasing that yet :smile: Flight Report Airline: Easyjet Aircraft: Airbus A319-111 Departure Airport: London Gatwick (EGKK) (LGW) Arrival Airport: Edinburgh (EGPH) (EDI) Departure Runway: 26L Arrival Runway: 06 Gate Of Departure: 13 Gate Of Arrival: 05 Time Off Blocks: 1900Z Time On Blocks: 1955Z Total Flight Time: 55mins - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here is our girl for today's flight, G-EZBR (100th Airbus Livery) at a rather dull Gatwick. Boarding just about to start for our short hop, up country to Edinburgh. Ground staff at Gatwick snapped this one as EZY813 pushes back readying to start taxi to Runway 26L Up Up and Away, just climbing through the clouds and turning northbound. EZY813 looking very calm as she continues to climb over London. My view shortly after Departure, not much to see apart from fluffy clouds. Still looking rather dull down below as we fly over Central UK with a nice 80knt tailwind! Quick look around the flight deck as we cruise along nicely at FL330. Close up on this baby bus. As simple as they are, i still really like Easyjet's colours. Finally as we enter Scottish airspace a break in the clouds and its turning out to be a nice evening. Just started initial decent into EDI On Finals for runway 06 at Edinburgh at 1950Z, fluffy clouds behind but weather is sure better than it was in London. Touchdown! very nice landing (if i say so myself :wink: ) and in front of schedule. At Gate deboarding the passengers as this aircraft gets ready to go back to LGW, i am off on my adventures. That's it for this flight report i hope you all have enjoyed it, i will always do my best to include as much information as possible.If you want to see anything different or have any constructive criticism for me then i am always willing to hear it. This report i haven't included SID/STAR departures and arrivals neither have i put the routing but in future i will do but i didn't have long to do this flight and it is my first one lol. Stay tuned for my next flight report i won't give to much information away but i will return with another one obviously departing from Edinburgh but going where...? Who knows. I will try more pictures on departures and arrivals for future however instant replay for me in P3D made the aircraft behave very strangely so will have to sort that out for future too. Thanks a lot guys and gals, any questions and comments obviously fill free to send them my way. Have a good evening. :smile:
  11. Thank you my friend. Wont be long now :smile: Yeah saw this on avsim's library and thought why not take it for a spin
  12. Thank you Richard. :smile: Gregg this is aerosoft Airbus Extended x. Thank you for your comments. :smile:
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