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About Juergen

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  1. Hi, I am in cockpit view camera, the cockpit door is open and all I see is catering containers which I can't get past. I can't walk back into the cabin. I have the enhanced pack installed from the Marketplace. Do I need to use a different camera?
  2. Hi Manuel, I started RAAS in MSFS and I received the above error. So I used the settings menu and un-ticked the "Detect Scenery Changes Automatically". Exit MSFS, uninstall and re-install RAAS PRO ( I also checked that the RAAS_runway_data.csv did exist. Since I am using MSFS Addon Launcher, I deselected ALL sceneries. I than restarted MSFS, and launched RAAS PRO - it detected the Airport and runway. So I will enable one scenery and try RAAS to find where the problem occurs. Here the requested file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Priorities> <Package name="fs-base-nav" priority="1"/> <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="2"/> <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="3"/> </Priorities> I will be out of town for a week, but I will report back. Thanks for help
  3. Hi Manuel, I also can see that in the FS2CrewRAASPRO Log.log there is this error: - The Runways CSV file does *NOT* exists! At this point, the program is not able to work properly! However, I can't see why. What would be the recommended procedure to eliminate this error? Remove scenery from the community folder one by one? Thanks for help
  4. Hi, Here are the log files: FS2CrewRAASPRO Log.log: 2022-10-12 05:51:09 - Attemting to connect to the Flight Simulator... 2022-10-12 05:51:09 - CONNECTED to the Flight Simulator! 2022-10-12 05:51:09 - The DLL has been LOADED SUCCESSFULLY! 2022-10-12 05:51:10 - WASM Module's Version: 2022-10-12 05:51:14 - Scanning MSFS scenery files... 2022-10-12 05:51:15 - Completed scanning MSFS scenery files! 2022-10-12 05:51:15 - ERROR! - The Runways CSV file does *NOT* exists! At this point, the program is not able to work properply!. raas-data-proc.log: 05:51:09 - START 05:51:09 - Path to app data: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Roaming\FS2Crew MSFS RAASPRO\ 05:51:09 - Path to flightsim app data: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\ 05:51:09 - Steam version detected: 0 05:51:14 - Original 'Content.xml' file path: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Content.xml 05:51:14 - Cached 'Content.xml' file path: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Roaming\FS2Crew MSFS RAASPRO\CachedContent.xml 05:51:14 - Original 'Content.xml' has changed 05:51:14 - Cached 'Content.xml' has been replaced 05:51:14 - Enumerating active packages... 05:51:14 - Searching UserCfg.opt for 'InstalledPackagesPath'... Path to offical packages: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore\ Path to community packages: C:\Users\juerg\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\ 05:51:14 - Monitoring cached 'Content.xml' packages for changes... 05:51:14 - Rebuilding scenery information... 05:51:40 - END
  5. Hi, As of late I am receiving this Error when I start RAAS in MSFS2020: https://www.flickr.com/photos/141330124@N05/shares/92qjvX6pnp I uninstalled / re-installed but the same issue. Thanks for help Juergen Mader
  6. Hi Bryan, I tried the "Stable" and "Development" version. Both versions work with PBE, however both versions have limited functionality on the EFB as well as NO external MCDU input. So I think I'll just use the MSFS provided pushback for the time being until the problem is corrected. Thanks for help
  7. Hi Bryan, What's Normal? - FBW has a Stable, Development and Experimental Version
  8. Hi Bryan, It appears like a FBW problem. Used PBE on the ASOBO A320neo and it worked fine. Updated the FBW A320nx just now and used PBE, same results as in my original post.
  9. Hi, Suddenly I have a problem with PBE: I am parked at a gate in front of the Terminal, call to connect the tug and after a short while, request to "start the pushback" and this is what happens: The tug starts pushing straight and I am unable to use my rudder pedals to steer the tug (rudder control is selected); The tug pushes approx 20 meters and suddenly starts to pull the AC into the Terminal. I simply just updated the FBW A32nx. I uninstalled and re-installed PBE, but problem remains. Anyone else having problems with PBE?
  10. Anyone, Is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do in WIN10 and MSFS2020? Thanks
  11. Hi, I fly the FBW A320 and am curious if I can set up the RMP's and ACP's in the aircraft so I can TX/RX on my headset to VHF 1 and listen to ATIS on VHF2 on the loudspeaker? I have the following setup: MSFS2020; VPilot running over network; headset connected to the remote machine; PTT switch on the TCA Airbus sidestick; speakers connected to the simulator machine; BTW I can select VHF 1-3 in the ATC menu of MSFS2020, however if I set VHF2 to ATIS and select it, I will hear ATIS in my headset and VHF1 disconnects (not desirable for VATSIM flying) Thanks for help / suggestions Juergen Mader
  12. Hi Bryan, I deleted PBE and RAASPro - deleted the exe.xml - re-installed PBE and RAASPro and started the sim. I loaded PBE & RAASPro thru the insim FS2Crew launcher and in both programs the AUDIO TEST was successful. I than added the lines for the PBE and RAASPro to the exe.xml and both programs started with the sim however both programs the AUDIO TEST did NOT play. So I just installed the exe.xml w/o PBE and RAASPro to load both programs as needed via the FS2Crew launcher. I think this might be the better solution anyways, since I don't need the PBE when I fly single engine prop planes. I think I leave it at this set up for now. Thanks for all your help
  13. Hi Guys, Do you still need the exe.xml deleted?
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