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About eddywinch82

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  1. Hi there, I have installed in Flight Sim X Acceleration, AI Tracker X after buying the Payware Software, And would like to do Formation flying, you can do this with this software. What I have been struggling with, is I want to fly a Avro Lancaster in Flight Sim X Acceleration, and I want a Spitfire and Hurricane to join with me in Mid Air. Has anyone else on this forum, installed that software and tried anything similar ? I.e. have any experience with using this software, and can help me achieve my goal with some good instructions ? Ideally I would like the join to happen at a certain point when I am in the air, i.e. when I retract the gear of the Avro Lancaster after a low slow pass. I.e. have the fighters chase and join up. I would like to record this process. I have not managed to get the fighters to do this, after trying a few things. Any help and info would be much appreciated. Regards Eddie Winch
  2. Many thanks Charlie Aron, For providing that link for me, it's a very impressive Website. Does anyone have any other ideas for me ? I have alot of AI Traffic Files, with missing Airports in Flight Sim X. So looking for big AFCAD Packages, of new Airports in particular. I am okay with AFCADS, and could use the free utility which I have, FS Airports Analyser to remove duplicate AFCAD Files. Any info would be much appreciated. Regards Eddie Winch
  3. Hi Chris and John, Many thanks for your very helpful replies, I will let you both know, if the issue with ScanAFD gets fixed. Eddie
  4. Hi there, I have an issue with the ScanAFD Program, that looks for Duplicate AFCAD Files in Flight Sim 2004. I have Flight Sim 2004, installed in my F:\ Drive i.e. but it looks in the C:\ Drive where the Directory used to be, when looking in the Addon Scenery\scenery Folder, when I run the utility. There doesn't appear to be an option to change the Path, the Program looks at. Do I need to change an entry in the Windows Registry i.e. using Regedit ? to change, where the program points to ? Any help and info, would be much appreciated. Regards Eddie Winch
  5. Hi there, I have been looking for Flight Sim X AFCAD Bulk Packages. I Found a large one for American Airports, and Airfields by the fantastic Ray Smith, and have most of those in Flight Sim X. But I am looking for other large ones, but havn't found any of a similar size. I would like, to find others with Hundreds of AFCAD's. And a good mix, from around the world. Could people on this Forum, tell me where I can find some ? I have many freeware and Payware Airports in Flight Sim X, but am quite happy with basic AFCAD's i.e. that have many more parking gates, but not particularly fussed on them being amazingly detailed. As I have quite alot of AI Traffic Files installed. Any info and help, would be much appreciated. Regards Eddie Winch
  6. Hi there, The solution I found was, to keep most fields the same in the aircraft.cfg File in the Default DC3 Dakota Folder in FS2004. For example, I used the following entry, and based the other repaints entries around it :- [fltsim.53]title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 21sim=Douglas_DC3model=panel=sound=texture=KBAir21kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_checkkb_reference=Douglas_DC3_refatc_id_color=ui_manufacturer=Douglasui_type="DC-3"ui_variation="British Westpoint G-AMDB later" description="British Westpoint G-AMDB later livery. Repaint by John Payne."atc_heavy=0atc_airline=atc_flight_number=DB And then for the others, change the fltsim.x entry and the title number, and the texture entry to KBAir25 for example, so KBAir with another number. And then change only the ui_variation entry and atc_id entry, if there was one. But keep all other entries the same, like using the standard Douglas DC-3 description i.e. :- [fltsim.57]title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 25sim=Douglas_DC3model=panel=sound=texture=KBAir25kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_checkkb_reference=Douglas_DC3_refatc_id_color= atc_id=G-SWISS ui_manufacturer=Douglasui_type="DC-3"ui_variation="Swiss Airlines" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today."atc_heavy=0atc_airline=atc_flight_number= These repaints didn't seem to show up in FS2004, when a number of the Field entries were different, or not present in other repaint sections. Regards Eddie Winch )
  7. I don't get this, Now the same problem is occuring after adding some more liveries, the method I was using was working, these are my latest entries, which don't show up in FS2004 :- [fltsim.53] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 21 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir21 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id_color= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="British Westpoint G-AMDB later" description="British Westpoint G-AMDB later livery. Repaint by John Payne." atc_heavy=0 atc_airline= atc_flight_number=DB [fltsim.54] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 22 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir22 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Swiss Airlines" description="A few Douglas DC-3 airliners were delivered from1937 before war intervened. title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 22 Swissair forged new routes and built up a big scheduled network until the outbreak of World War Two. While Switzerland was neutral during the 1939 - 1945 war years it was forced to suspend passenger services in this period. After hostilities ceased in Europe Swissair re-started a wide European network with a newly increased fleet of Douglas DC-3 twins with destinations including Belgium, Holland, Germany, Britain, France and Yugoslavia." [fltsim.55] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 23 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir23 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=HK-3037 atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="ARALL Colombia HK-3037" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today." [fltsim.56] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 24 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir24 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=YV-911C atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="EL SOL DE AMERICA Venezuela" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today." [fltsim.57] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 25 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir25 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id_color= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Harvest Air G-AMPZ" description="Harvest Air G-AMPZ in Pollution Control livery. Repaint by John Payne." atc_heavy=0 atc_airline= atc_flight_number=PZ [fltsim.58] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 26 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir26 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id_color= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Skyways Cargo G-AGYZ" description="Skyways Cargo G-AGYZ. Repaint by John Payne." atc_heavy=0 atc_airline= atc_flight_number=YZ Only the first entry fltsim.53 shows up in FS2004, the other don't, all the info seems to be okay. All repaints show up properly in AI Aircraft Editor. I really don't get, why these repaints don't show up in FS2004. Does anyone have any ideas what the issue I am having is, and how to fix it ? Any help would be much appreciated. Eddie Winch
  8. Hi there, Is there a utility on the internet, that allows you to decompile the TrafficViewBoard Freeware Utility, TrafficViewBoard.dat File, to the respective Airlines.sdv and Airports.sdv Files ? There is a TrafficViewBoard.dat File from 2009, that I would like to make amendments to or add to, for the Airlines info in the Airlines.sdv File ? I have been unable to find such a utility. Any info and help would be much appreciated. Regards Eddie Winch
  9. I now have the Following entries in my Main FS2004 Default DC3 Dakota aircraft.cfg File. And the repaints are now with the others, as I wanted before showing in FS2004, many thanks for your help guys :- [fltsim.33] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 1 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir1 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.34] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 2 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir2 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=F-BCYM ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Air Algérie - F-BCYM" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.35] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 3 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir3 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Airlines-Australia" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.36] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 4 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir4 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Blackhawk-Two" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.37] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 5 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir5 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=7T-VAM ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Air Algérie - 7T-VAM" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.38] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 6 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir6 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=NKYKK ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Japan-Air-Transport" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.39] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 7 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir7 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="IBERIA" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.40] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 8 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir8 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="DVFC" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.41] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 9 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir9 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=G-DDHL ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="DHL" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.42] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 10 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir10 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Santa-Special" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.43] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 11 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir11 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Swedish-ABA" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.44] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 12 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir12 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Wilson-Airways" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.45] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 13 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir13 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Soviet AF - Blue 56" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.46] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 14 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir14 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Soviet AF - Yellow 8" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" Eddie ))
  10. Hi Chris, I have come up with a solution that works. I made a copy of the Ken Borek Repaint Texture Folder. Then I made as many copies as I needed, and then named the other Folders KBAir2 KBAir3 KBAir4 etc up to the needed amount, then copied in the main Repaint textures from the Folders Iberia DHL etc. After changing the main texture from .bmp to .bmx, then changed the title to whatever said for the Ken Borek one, but adding 2 then 3 then 4 etc after the writing, and doing the same adding the relevant number to the other information. I saved the aircraft.cfg and ran FS2004, and it worked. It is not what I wanted to do, but it has worked nonetheless. I still don't understand why the other text for names, etc didn't work ? This is the aircraft.cfg File Info :- [fltsim.0] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.1] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 2 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir2 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 2" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.2] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 3 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir3 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 3" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.3] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 4 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir4 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 4" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.4] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 5 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir5 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 5" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.5] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 6 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir6 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 6" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.6] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 7 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir7 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 7" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.7] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 8 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir8 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 8" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.8] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 9 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir9 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 9" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.9] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 10 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir10 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 10" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.10] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 11 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir11 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 11" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.11] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 12 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir12 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 12" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.12] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 13 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir13 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 13" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.13] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air 14 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir14 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas2 ui_type="C47" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd 14" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" Regards Eddie Winch
  11. I am stumped with this guys, the only thing that seems to work, is if I replace the Ken Borek main texture or the other two repaints that show, with the main texture, from the other repaints, it shows the new texture, i.e. Iberia works, by doing that. Eddie
  12. Hi John Hinson, I have tried a number of things, including making the Repaints Titles simpler, but that didn't even work. Many thanks for your useful information. Yes I have done the checks you mention, and everything seems to match for the repaints. Regards Eddie Winch
  13. Hi There, The other day, I added some repaints, to the Default DC3 Dakota in FS2004. However from Repaints fltsim.33 onwards, which go up to fltsim.46, only 3 of them show. I have looked for posts about this issue, which have said turn off UAC in Windows 7 64 bit which I use, I i did. And change the permissions on the FS9 Main Folder, which I have done. Those things havn't worked, the textures show properly in AI Aircraft Editor. I made sure that the ui_manufacturer=Douglas Line and ui_type="DC-3" said that for all entries, some initially were slightly different i.e. "Douglas" and DC-3 for the former and latter, and I changed them to all read the same, but to no avail. Here posted below are the entries from 33 to 46 in the aircraft.cfg File, only the two Russian Repaints and the Ken Borek Air Repaint show up. None of the repaints with the line :- ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project show up, I have some of those installed allready, but the new ones don't show up either. [fltsim.33] title=Douglas DC-3 Ken Borek Air sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=KBAir kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=C-GGKG ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Ken Borek Air Ltd" description="The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. This would be one of those in service" [fltsim.34] title=Douglas DC3 Yellow 8 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=rus_y08 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id_enable=1 atc_id= atc_parking_types=RAMP,GATE atc_id_color= atc_heavy=0 atc_airline= atc_flight_number= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Soviet AF - Yellow 8" description= [fltsim.35] title=Douglas DC3 Blue 56 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=rus_b56 kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id_enable=1 atc_id= atc_parking_types=RAMP,GATE atc_id_color= atc_heavy=0 atc_airline= atc_flight_number= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Soviet AF - Blue 56" description= [fltsim.36] title=Douglas DC-3 IBERIA sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Iberia kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="IBERIA" description="DC-3 Iberia colors painted by Raúl Muñoz Argudo argivo@telefonica.net" title=Douglas DC3 Iberia [fltsim.37] title=Douglas DC3 DHL sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=dhl kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=G-DDHL atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=DHL description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. Fictional DHL repaint by Ben Remy. atc_airline=DHL atc_flight_number=1123 [fltsim.38] title=Douglas DC-3 Air Algérie - F-BCYM sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel=1 sound=1 texture=AA checklists= kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Air Algérie - F-BCYM" atc_id_enable=1 atc_id=F-BCYM atc_airline=Air Algerie atc_flight_number=644 atc_parking_types=RAMP atc_heavy=0 visual_damage=0 description=Dans les années 1930 et 1940, le Douglas DC-3 a révolutionné le transport aérien et les compagnies d'aviation. Cet avion commercial de luxe était doté d'une cabine chauffée et de sanitaires alimentés en eau courante. Combinant efficacité, rayon d'action, vitesse et charge utile, le DC-3 permettait à ses propriétaires de dégager des marges par le seul transport de passagers. Héros des premières lignes aériennes, quelques DC-3 sont toujours en service. Repeint aux couleurs de la compagnie Air Algérie - avant 1962 - par Jacques Vallcaneras. [fltsim.39] title=Douglas DC-3 Air Algérie - 7T-VAM sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel=1 sound=1 texture=DAH checklists= kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation="Air Algérie - 7T-VAM" atc_id_enable=1 atc_id=7T-VAM atc_airline=Air Algerie atc_flight_number=636 atc_parking_types=RAMP atc_heavy=0 visual_damage=0 description=Dans les années 1930 et 1940, le Douglas DC-3 a révolutionné le transport aérien et les compagnies d'aviation. Cet avion commercial de luxe était doté d'une cabine chauffée et de sanitaires alimentés en eau courante. Combinant efficacité, rayon d'action, vitesse et charge utile, le DC-3 permettait à ses propriétaires de dégager des marges par le seul transport de passagers. Héros des premières lignes aériennes, quelques DC-3 sont toujours en service. Repeint aux couleurs de la compagnie Air Algérie - Après 1962 - par Jacques Vallcaneras. [fltsim.40] title=JAT-Douglas DC-3 sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Japan-Air-Transport kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id=NKYKK atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Japan-Air-Transport description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=JAT atc_flight_number=NKYKK atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.41] title=Wilson Airways LTD Nairobi sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Wilson-Airways kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Wilson-Airways description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=Wilson atc_flight_number=VP-KCF atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.42] title=Deer Valley Flying Club sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=DVFC kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=DVFC description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=DVFC atc_flight_number= atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.43] title=Santa Special sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Santa-Special kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Santa-Special description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=Santa Express atc_flight_number= atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.44] title=Swedish Airlines ABA sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Swedish-ABA kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Swedish-ABA description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=Swedish atc_flight_number=SE-BAA atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.45] title=Airlines of Australia LTD sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Airlines-Australia kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Airlines-Australia description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=Airlines of Australia atc_flight_number=VH-UZI atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP [fltsim.46] title=Blackhawk-Project-Two sim=Douglas_DC3 model= panel= sound= texture=Blackhawk-Two kb_checklists=Douglas_DC3_check kb_reference=Douglas_DC3_ref atc_id= atc_id_color=0xffffffff ui_manufacturer=Douglas-Ford-Project ui_type="DC-3" ui_variation=Blackhawk-Two description=The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transportation and airline service during the 1930s and 1940s. It was a luxury airliner that boasted cabin heat and running water in its on-board lavatory. With the right balance of efficiency, range, speed, and payload, the DC-3 was the first aircraft to earn a profit for its owners just by carrying passengers. The hero of early airlines, a handful of DC-3s are still at work today. atc_airline=Blackhawk atc_flight_number= atc_parking_codes=TM1 atc_parking_types=RAMP Could someone look at the fltsim entries, and tell me what needs changing, to enable the repaints to show ? Also I checked all texture= and they were all correct. Any info and help would be much appreciated Best Regards Eddie Winch ))
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