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About karijno

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    Developer FlightControlReplay/FlightControlStreaming

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  1. Hi Perry, FlightControlReplay actually records the animated parts on the aircraft, and you can even see it in our official trailer produced by AviationLads at 1:17 on youtube here : https://youtu.be/ZbYVbm3UKd8?t=77 This team and many other youtubers,streamers, simmers, have been using the tool for months or years already and they get here the most advanced and rich features product for recording and replaying flights. And yes, it supports also automatic change camera during Replay, that can be set on a specific frame of your choice. At this moment, FCR will trigger the keyboard shortcut (that you can also customize) : without needing your intervention, FCR will switch to any default camera of the simulator (only your custom camera positions are not supported, all other default views are available for Change Camera feature of FCR). I hope that gives you more information.
  2. Hi! it record flight situation and hundred of flight parameters and you can play it into your simulator. It has voice command recognition(PLAY,RECORD,STOP) and it can record also your voice when you talk with ATC. It has also a KML export for export all data into google earth.
  3. I think that Microsoft will release Flight! and its content like addon in new Windows 8 marketplace . Do you have heard about Live system integrated in Windows 8 ?!? Windows 8 will be scheduled in sept / october 12 as Generl availability.I think MS will release it at the same time. There will be no more error like FSX and Vista ... do you remember ... ? FSX was released 3 months before Vista.... It was a very problem for MS with patch for DX10 and for other bilion of things that it doesn t work....I think that MS Developer and PM of Flight are very professional and he knows what he do... ;-)I love Flight! Fabiokarijno@tin.it
  4. I think that too much idiot words was go out.... see NOW Microsoft Flight site and then please lock this thread :-) Fabio
  5. This is a very useul things.... i hope it will be...Bill in your opinion (if the system it remains the same) how i can ask for partecipate in MS Flight dev conference ?I m an indie developer ....CiaoFabio
  6. Hello,i m an addon developer . I start this thread to propose a new feature that i ll see very useful for Microsoft Flight.I ll be happy if in Flight there will be a new chance to use a simil XBOX Live system for trace a career of a sim pilot. I ll be happy if there will be a Microsoft virtual airline(and also already 3rd party virtual airlines) based on new Live! mechanism.Otherwise i hope that Microsoft Flight team will provide a subset of API for leave 3rd party developer to create new content linked with Live System( for example new tools for manage careers, new tool for manage flight hours and so...).I ll see in my mind a future for MS Flight connected to all virtual airlines in a native way with SDK Live and with a full integration with the subsystem.I hope that it will be read from MS Product manager or developers.GrazieFabio Merlokarijno@tin.it
  7. Very Good Work MICROSOFT .... !! screens really show what Microsoft working in this title... very very good... light ... Water ... and Model.I think MS guys working at Weather features at this time... let we know at E3 i suppose... and i hope start Beta in june /july(do you remember FSX ? :-D )...I m a developer of addon for FSX and i m a SW developer at my first job.. Anyone(or Microsoft) can answer me if Microsoft Flight Team are using SCRUM software development ?I hope that anyone at MS can satisfy my question ;-) ....CiaoFabiokarijno@tin.itFlightControlReplay Developer
  8. Hello,i m developer of FlightControlReplay addon for FSX. Im developing a new version of this tool. Do you have any ideas (features) that you want in this software?Thanks for your help.Fabio http:\\karijno.spaces.msn.com
  9. Hello ...im developing a new addon for a private use that it have some different features. But i ask you an opinion about one feature that it will be developed for FSX commercial users.It will be a useful feature for public release store log of flight(hours, model type, DEST, DEP) in a smart card ?It will be useful add a user profile feature in my FlightControlReplay v1.1 addon ?Thank you for you help.Feel free to contact me in pvt or at flightonfly@gmail.comFabio
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