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About Karelpatch

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  1. Absolutely. That's actually how they sold it before release : physic should define how the plane flies, not numbers in a config file. I remember the creator of X-Plane saying that their plane editor was a red flag if it promised you could tweak the values to make it realistic. And I thought he was just jealous, but he was so right...
  2. I don't have to prove my points, you can find extensive documentation about the lack of load factor realism. Just try some steep turns. About thermals, why don't you fly near thunderstorm cells - or even inside cumulonimbus clouds lol.... and check for yourself. I havent flown in MSFS for a long time now so maybe they did fix the broken weather model and the thermals. Maybe they added real stalls? I only remember the team saying in various Q&A that they had to "tweak" realism because some people were complaining that it was too complicated. Now about me, I'm not trying anything, look at my history I am not here to bash MSFS. I told you, as soon as I got MSFS I was so thrilled I uninstalled absolutely everything else. I spent hours flying in MSFS and having a lot of fun but I progressively grew bored and disappointed. The eye candy effect that almost made me cry of joy at the beginning wasn't enough and I didn't find it challenging and fun anymore. It was just completely ridiculous on so many levels and I kept thinking "well that's because it's new, it's still kind of a beta, let's wait for A2A to release something and let's hope the promised flight model will get out in a big revamp". After years of constant flight simming I stopped launching MSFS because of how boring and frustrating it was getting. I didn't have time to reinstall P3D and re-create my perfect setup so I made a very long break. I have now installed XP11 a few months ago and finding some fun and challenge again. Basically, MSFS put an end to 6 years of flight simulator passion for me. Maybe it will get better but I don't trust their interest in aviation anymore. To each their own. MSFS is revolutionary in many ways, I only believe their team wants to satisfy a very large audience because that's where the money is. Maybe (I'm almost certain, actually) third parties will progressively find their way to make it the ultimate flight sim. Currently it's just a big joke.
  3. Without proper load factor simulation, nor proper stalling, nor weather simulation whatsoever (no thermals, no turbulences, unrealistic winds simulation, and so on...), I consider MSFS flight dynamics worse than P3D. As soon as you get out of the enveloppe in MSFS, you can fly almost as if you were playing in GTA. In MSFS anyone can unrealistically STOL land a XCub in ridiculous crosswinds and terrains after a few hours of "training" and it's the same with all the planes. Planes look on rail, a bit like in FSX/P3D and most of the movements are fake to give an impression of realism. Of course you have to tweak and install way too many plugins and quality airplanes in P3D to achieve an acceptable simulation level, but it's not possible yet in MSFS. Maybe when A2A finally release their first product for MSFS we will finally see something worth it (for me). For now, I have switched to XP because I unfortunately uninstalled my perfect P3D setup as soon as I got MSFS and getting everything back would take days of tweaking. MSFS looked so amazing in the first few hours...
  4. Hello and sorry for answering months later!! The bug I’m talking about happens when you want to create a higher ZL custom zone inside a tile and there are water masks involved. For example if you choose ZL16 for your tile and want to define a custom zone with ZL18 within this tile and this zone has water, Ortho4XP is going to create water masks for ZL16 but not for ZL18. So you will end up with no water in the custom ZL18 zone. The only workaround I found a while back is a real pain: - Create the ZL16 base tile + custom ZL18. - Save a copy of the ZL18 BMP in another folder (so you know which BMP files you’ll need to keep that cover your custom zone) and delete all their .inf files. - Download a new complete ZL18 tile, no need to compile. This way you have the correct .inf files with correct water mask informations. - Move all the .inf files to the ZL18 copy folder containing only the custom zone. This way you can compile the relevant BMP files.
  5. Still running into the same bug from months back: When I choose the option for a higher ZL around airports, the high ZL BMP and INF are created but they are not compiled. If I want to compile myself, I run into the issue I was talking about earlier: I get an error message that the night textures don’t exist. I haven’t tried to put night=false in the config file but this should probably do the trick. It would really be great if everything was compiled as requested from the start. Any tips are welcome!!
  6. Hello, If I stop the bgl compiling, is it possible to resume it later? When I restart the process it starts compiling everything from the beginning... When I try manually with resample, I get an error because night bmp are not available... Thanks
  7. This is awesome, I didn't know it was possible to do. I'm looking for VFR charts for Europe compatible with LNM. Any idea if this exists?
  8. After months I just tried Ortho4XP with the Sceneproc plugin and I am so happy with the results! The scenery I got is amazing, beyond what I was hoping for. Now does someone know if the annoying bug of the impossible multiple zoom levels been solved (a few months back you couldn’t add some zones with better ZL because the water masks wouldn’t be created)?
  9. It’s “path to resample” = you need to link to your resample.exe (P3D SDK)
  10. Allright, I think I found 2 bugs with custom zoom levels: When I select custom zoom levels, my BMP and INF files get created but are not processed by resample.exe. The second issue is with the water masks. No custom zoom level water masks are created and the custom ZL inf files contain no TIFF source.
  11. Well, thank you! I figured it out while going through the files 🙂 I do have an issue, though. I don’t know if someone would have a solution or an explanation to this: When I want to create custom zoom levels of 18 and 19 to a 17 base tile, I get folders for 17, 18 and 19 zoom levels with BMP files in each. But the ADDON and scenery folders with BGL for the custom zoom tiles do not always get created. - 1st attempt after having created a working ZL17 scenery: Scenery folder and bgl files were created for ZL18 but nothing inside the ZL19 (except the bmp and inf). - 2nd attempt: I restarted the process without changing anything. This time again, no ADDON_SCENERY inside the ZL19 folder. - 3rd attempt: This time I changed the custom zoom and removed all ZL19 and added ZL18 tiles. End of process: no more ADDON_SCENERY inside ZL18 and ZL19. The scenery files inside ZL17 are rewritten, like each time. What am I missing? I did check the tile specific CFG file and the zones are written. And I always save and load the cfg. Thanks a lot. Edit: to say things simpler, it looks like the resampling happens only to the base 17 zoom level and not on the custom zoom levels.
  12. Hi, Thank you for your hard work! I have a question: I only have access to a limited number of sources in the downloaded app (Bing, Google, Arc and Here if I recall correctly). I see that there is a Providers folder with plenty of other sources. How do I add them? Thanks a lot and happy new year!
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