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About avi8tir

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  1. Is there an easy way to wipe everything in the sim instead of going one-by-one?
  2. Im starting to experiment with my own setup as compared to using snippets in the past. I use the honeycomb yoke and throttle, fyi. I have a basic question on how spad works.... it does not actually complete the bindings within MSFS, correct? meaning, when I go to the controls menu, will all of the changes be reflected there? If this is the case, can I just wipe all bindings that exist in the MSFS controls menu? I have had some conflict issues that was unaware of so I figured if spad doesnt mess with the in-sim control menus at all, I can just delete all of them in MSFS. thanks!
  3. If you want to know what the slat extension is SUPPOSED to sound like, see below video. PMDG sound is not even in the ballpark. Flap sound is much more subdued in comparison if you are positioned in that area to hear it. The slat sound is very noticeable when sitting near them. I am back and forth to Europe monthly on UA almost always in 9A (first row of 2nd biz cabin) and the slat sound is completely audible, even when on approach where things can be a bit noisier as compared to sitting on the ground before taxi.
  4. I think the external sounds are fairly accurate. The internal sounds are lacking. The engine sounds in the cabin sound almost "tinny".... I dont know how to describe it. As a passenger, I am on a UA 777 every month on average. Always (95% of the time) in the same seat (9A) and the sounds of the slats are very audible and sound nothing like they do on the PMDG plane. The plane is so so so awesome but I think the sound package is a big miss. All good, I'll just wait for the 3rd party sound pack in a few months 🙂
  5. There are some things that, after 4 years, I cannot believe MSFS cannot do or there is no solution for. Number one would be chaseplane or something of the sorts.... the other is multiple windows. By this, I mean having 2 or 3 windows open with different views. In P3D, I would have cockpit view as one and an exterior or wing view as the other. I haven't asked this question in a long while so I thought I would ask it again... is this possible now?
  6. Thanks all. I guess I jumped the gun too quickly and bought V6 when I already own V5! I just really dont love MSFS still... it looks great but some key things like chase plane, study level aircraft etc are still missing.
  7. When MSFS came out, I thought I was done with P3D. I never ended up loving MSFS. Almost 4 years end and the aircraft choices are just not good. Still no PMDG 777, etc. With space running out on my PC, I had to drop P3D. Santa brought me an additional 4TB for xmas, so I just purchased V6. My previous installs included pretty much every significant add on..... ORBX, PMDG, FSDT, chase plane, Active sky, etc etc etc. So, what are the must have these days? Has anything changed?
  8. basic, easily usable camera systems and the ability to have multiple windows open. FS2000 type stuff 🙂
  9. I guess with no responses, the answer is still no, lol. 2 of the main things I miss as compared to my previous MSFS/P3D life are the multiple windows and chase plane. These 2 brought a much better experience overall. Is there any hope here? I can't believe we are this many years into MSFS2020 and still cant do some simple functionality.
  10. Are the any programs that allow for multiple windows? internal view and external view, etc. Like the good ol' days...........
  11. I found a good profile for the bravo throttle quadrant but I am not sure on the Alpha yoke. Can someone recommend one that is fully mapped for the Alpha and PMDG 737?
  12. anyone used these for the honeycomb yoke and throttle? If so, is there a "dummies" guide on how to do this in MSFS?
  13. I check back on this every 6 months or so and there doesnt seem to be any improvement each time. Has there been a simple way to map the honeycomb products to fully function with MSFS, including the PMDG 737? Preferably a method that does not require a computer science degree?
  14. I asked this question over a year ago but I thought I'd ask it again. Is it possible to do multiple windows in MSFS? In P3D, I would have the cockpit view taking up about 2/3 of the screen and 1/3 with an external view - as separate windows. I have a 49" monitor so plenty of real estate to do this. Is this possible in MSFS?
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