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Heavy Metal

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  1. While I do appreciate this explanation by FSDT, it basically just proves to me, that FSDT knew exactly how their product would work (or not work) after release and decided to still sell it out to the wider audience, potentially also including new (more casual) clients, who paid them good money and do not (need to) know about SDK limitations or have a history with FSX/P3D and/or GSX. So imho they also accepted to make some of such Asobo issues now to their own and have to deal with that responsibiliy. Instead of blaming all issues now solely on a) Asobo/MS because of the SDK and even worse b) on their own clients who in their opinion should have clearly known about all possible technical sim limitations because those issues have always been around and surely must have been deteted by all their clients beforehand, so it cannot be their fault, that their absolutely flawless product is to blame just because it makes those other companies´ issues visible. How can these ppl even in the slightest expect from watching their website with all those nice and shiny pictures and words of perfectly deboarding passengers, that GSX as the "definitive ground service add-on" would or even could even try to resolve f.e. those MS jetway issues with their so-called "replacement" jetways? Maybe FSDT should not have sold it then if their product is still so heavily impacted by MS issues...? Or at least should have released it a) after SU10 when they seemingly expect those airport cache and bgl file issues to have been resolved and b) with 3D passengers added at a later time (or as a beta option with a possibility to turn them on/off) when they knew these models will not work as expected and will show their product from a very bad or at least unintentially (?) funny side (no matter if it is their "fault" ) instead of using them as one of their main selling points etc... Sorry, I can imagine it is hard to work around these limitations. I always liked GSX in P3D and also gladly pay the folks at FSDT for their efforts and work. I can also see some of those issues with a smile and do not wish them harm. But I can also understand that other (and especially new) customers cannot accept this "let´s just try to weasel out of it until Asobo finds a fix" strategy. And personally, while I am not that concerned with floating passengers (let me turn them off, the rest is basically all ok), I am really just tired of this constant blaming of others (Asobo, MS, cloud service) and playing the poor and innocent developers of hearts. It is YOUR product, YOUR money earned, and if it is faulty, it does not matter, whose fault it is, because these are still YOUR clients and it is YOUR responsibility to the clients who paid you for the product YOU sold them while being fully aware and actively knowing of the issues to come (because as you stated these were obvious already since SU5, right?). So please just stand for your product and accept to take the heat (remember, the client is always right even if he is not). Or just watch your reputation with these customers sink very very quickly which imo would be a shame for you, your company and also for us in the long term. Because we all love your work and we all love and need GSX.
  2. Ae you talking about liveries being used by FSHud or also about the flight schedules the planes are using? Where are flight plans taken from by FSHud? Does it have its own database, does it use current schedules, are these updated, does it use fictional routes? That´s what I mean. We have "live" information in MSFS (even if it is delayed by some minutes), we have or will get external tools with flight plans (hopefully accurate ones). And if I wanted to use them, can I then still use FSHUd with those? And do not say "why would you want to use those if FSHud already provides that" because if these programs do a better job regarding traffic then why would I want to let this pass? I think an ATC program should read the traffic which is used in the sim, no matter the source from where it is taken instead of ignoring it and just using its own.And of course, my intention is not to say FSHud is bad. I think it is pretty good actually as far as I can judge. I am just concerned with this part of it. But I think this should be enough about FSHud when the thread actually is about Pro ATC.
  3. I know, but why would I want an ATC tool to generate its own traffic? In my view that´s just a workaround to be able to interact with traffic. However, I want an ATC tool to access the traffic which is in the sim, be it by Asobo live traffic or maybe Just Flight Traffic once released or another tool injecting live traffic, etc. I do not want programs conflicting with each other. An ATC program should do ATC, not traffic. Understood, not possible at the moment, but in the long term that should be the target. Just my opinion of course.
  4. I also used ProATC, but gave up on it during P3D times. It has the same issues with vectoring or handing you off to other areas back and forth or forgetting you at some point like all the other ATC programs I have used. Also, only one "minor" update in a year usually, so no way I will cash out more money on it unless I see some real improvements coming up. I do not need SR, and as others said, it has the same bugs as back when I used it in P3D. I would also assume it is same code for most parts. Also, the mixing of voices is a complete immersion killer. I will keep an eye on FSHud which seems to be promising, although I actually would rather wait until the tools can interact with the Asobo traffic (AI and/or injected live traffic) before I make the final choice. And I want both VFR and IFR, even though MS ATC is not that bad anymore. Until then I will stick with PF3. It also forgets me now and then and it URGENTLY needs a real user interface instead of some web browser window and short cuts for you to figure out what to press at what time, but it covers VFR and IFR, does its job most of the times pretty ok, has a lot of voices (even after deactiving the terrible or less convincing ones) and has at least some more updates in a year. Only tried P2ATC in a demo version and it did not convince me for the price asked. And yes, I surely will go VATSIM at some point but I still do not have the time to fully commit to it and do not want to a) embarrasse me too much and b) not ruin the experience for others by asking/doing stupid things. 😉
  5. I will try this later. Makes sense to me as Aamir mentioned in their discord somewhere that it´s a known issue on their side and they are checking into this. He assumed it might have to do with panel states saving/loading etc. Thanks!
  6. Yeah, the traditional PMDG way, our old diva amongst sim developers. Trying to build up tension and excitement by artifically delaying the release again and again - and when they stop trolling their customers with facebook pictures and when finally, the release officially starts, their servers go down....
  7. I thought I have read, that there should also be a code included to redeem in addition to the disc? If not, as others said, buy a cheap USB drive. It´s the best solution and might come in handy in case you still have older programs or want to rip CD music to FLAC or...
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