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  1. Hi everyone All links are down. Does anyone have the file accessible and ready to share ? Thanks
  2. See my settings here - enable real time weather injections - enable persistent weather load - adjust weather updates 5 minutes Thanks
  3. What do you mean by manually assign ? Using liveries is a good work around indeed, but requires more download/storage
  4. Hello Anyone having a guess on how to retrieve Carenado planes' titles to use the models for Vatsim model matching ? The aircraft.cfg files are all encrypted. Thanks
  5. Hi Reed, Is there a way to stop any weather update while on approach ? Trying to land in EGLL with the CRJ + traffic + Rex WF updating = impossible ! Thanks PS : if that does not exist, it's an urgent mean, and not hard to implement (exemple: if plane has been above 20.000 feet for more than 5 mnutes -setable with a slider- than wehen plane goes down below 5.000 feet for more than 1 minute, no futher weather update) Thanks
  6. Hello Scianoir


    I hope you are doing fine.

    I'm desperately looking for Bill's mod fo he Chieftain. IS taht something you could possibly share with me ?





  7. Hello Bill

    Thanks for your hard work !

    I would be much interested in receiving a copy of your latest mod for the Chieftain please.

    Have a great day


  8. Hello everyone I use MVAMS to preset fuel and payload before loading the 737 in P3Dv4.5. Fuel is correctly set in the sim (in line with my presets in MVAMS), but I have no luck with the payload...... It's always 0 in the sim (except for the cabin and crew stations). I have looked in the configuration files in the MVAMS folder and it's correctly set in there (var s4 s5 s6 etc are not at 0). It's like a problem with the MV_732_ACM.dll or something ? I run MVAMS and P3D as admin. Already tried a reinstall of 737. As a side problem, I have noticed that in MVAMS, you need to activate the WX option to be able to activate the Gravel Kit option (to be more precise, you can activate the Gravel Kit option in MVAMS without the WX option, but such choice is not written to aircraft.cfg). So to activate the Gravel Kit without the WX, I have to tick WX, then tick Gravel, save as default and then untick WX and save as default again... Not a big deal but weird .... Have a great night ....
  9. Just tried and with teh DC_panel.xml mod, I have a smooth transition between GPS flighplan and ILS approach. Nothing to touch. It even engages APR mode. Did you manage the same on your side ?
  10. Bert What are your mods for this craft ? Is that just the ini file of the opening post ? New version ? Do you mean 1.2 ? I have moded DC_panel.xml so that the PFD and GTN are in sync (GPS with FMS, VLOC with NAV). I can pass it on to you if you want to test. BTW, I would be very interested in having your mod for the Fokker 50 😉 THe way it is set up by defaukl is peculiar (FMS is desactivated). Thanks
  11. Thanks Bert for your continuous support. I think the misunderstanding comes from how the GTN communicates with the other instruments in the plane. When the PFD is in FMS mode (clicked on FMS on the DCP, pink needle on display on the lower part of the PFD) : - GTN in GPS mode : - needle on the PFD is pink - A/P NAV mode is LNAV - A/P APR mode is available (why ???) but A/P has a particular mode (no lateral mode (blank, not even ROLL), ALT vertical mode) - GTN in VLOC mode : - needle on the PFD is pink but does NOT turn when you change course - A/P NAV mode is LNAV (but A/P real behaviour depends on what you ave on the frequency - VOR or LOC - it turns to catch ILS lateral beam for LOC or turns in round at very steep bank angle for VOR) - A/P APR mode is NOT available When the PFD is in NAV mode (clicked on NAV on the DCP, green needle on display on the lower part of the PFD) : - GTN in GPS mode : - needle on the PFD is greenand points to and unindentified direction - A/P NAV mode is VOR1 but plane is turning errand - GTN in VLOC mode : - needle on the PFD is green and it does turn when you change course - A/P NAV mode is VOR1 - A/P APR mode is available When you change the GTN CDI mode, it does NOT change the PFD mode. You have to change it manually by chosing NAV or FMS on the DCP. Additionally, to have A/P APR mode working properly, you need to change PFD mode to NAV. So, for me, the way it works is : PFD FMS = GTN GPS PFD NAV = GTN VOR1 or Universal FMS VOR2 Do you know of any way to make sure that the GTN and the PFD are always "aligned", ie set as per the above ? Thanks
  12. Bert I was doing somehow as suggested. But if I set the PFD to VOR1 and the AP to APR mode, then, to my best understanding, the source is not the GTN anymore, butt the VOR/LOC ? Am I right ? Then we are bac to my initial question : is the GTN able to drive vertical guidance ? Thanks
  13. Thanks Bert. Let's consider ILS approach first. I'm flying at 4000, approaching LIPZ. MCD is on FMS. LNAV and ALT mode show on screen. GTN is controlling lateral navigation. AP is on. 109.95 is selected NAV1 on the GTN. CDI is set to GPS. ILS04z is the selected procedure in the flight plan. I cross LAREN. The plane should start final descent soon after, but indeed it never goes down. Always stays at 4000 feet. What should I do? Change mode on MCD (for NAV)? Select APR mode on the autopilot? Thanks
  14. Hello everyone I'm a bit lost here, using the GTN 750 for the very first time. My question is simple though: can you use the GTN for vertical guidance with the autopilot? For example I fly waypoint to waypoint with an ILS final approach. It seems I can't activate approach mode on the A/P if I don't select NAV on the MCD. The ILS approach is correctly entered in the GTN though. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
  15. FDEdev, would you accept that I send you my mdl to tell me what you think ?
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