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Everything posted by TomPi

  1. If have an 2080 Super, too. And the answers are: yes and great - when it works. I had issues when using the Fenix which I could not yet resolve, other planes (SR22, TBM 850) worked great and it's well worth the 7€ (for me).
  2. I'm not affiliated with the project, but I googled this for you 😉 https://opencollective.com/flybywire
  3. My guess is that there's more/lots of telemetry data transferred to Asobo for the Beta, and the spinning indicator shows that an upload is in progress.
  4. Deleted, because already two announcements 😉 in the forum
  5. I paid 12,99€ including a discount. Instant buy.
  6. Not sure if you're serious, but Bielefeld already is a photogrammetry city in MSFS 😉
  7. Well, that was one smooth process. Downloading now.
  8. @Martyn JF Congratulations on the release. I noticed the Nav frequencies display (also DME, I think) not using a monospaced font - will you be fixing this?
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