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Everything posted by Humbler66

  1. I've owned MSFS 2020 since the launch date, had no issues downloading & installing the sim, and zero issues doing any of the upgrades until the newest one. I went launched the sim yesterday around 8 pm EST (US) to do the upgrade and that's where my troubles began. Here's a rundown of the problem. The first thing I see now on launch is a completely black screen wit a small blue hamster wheel spinning away for about 3-4 minutes then the splash screens finally start up. It goes to the "Press Any Key" screen like normal. I press a key and it shows the Mt. Fuji picture screen with a large white hamster wheel spinning in the lower right corner for about 1 minute then a large grey square box with a white "X" in the upper right corner of the box appears over the Fuji screen and the white wheel spinning in the corner. After about a minute and a half it goes back to the "Press Any Key" screen and after pressing a key the screen turns completely black with the grey square on it and the white wheel spinning away. after a couple of minutes the grey square disappears and reappears after another minute. 2 minutes later back to the "Press Any Key" screen and over & over it goes on. I tried to log onto the Microsoft Xbox game pass site and it kept saying link not found using the login link from their site. After 3 hours of this going on I gave up for the night. To get out of the MSFS 2020 loop I would have to do a hard reset of my system to get out of it. I tried again this morning after clearing all my caches and memory but the same thing keeps happening. I was able to log onto the Microsoft site this morning and I went to My Library and clicked on the Premium Deluxe Edition (Which I own), click on the "Manage" button and it says "Upgrade currently not available". Has anyone else had these issues? What's the best way to try to contact Microsoft about this issue? Right now I'm dead in the water, not able to use the sim. My system is an i9-9900K 10th gen., 64gb ram, Nvidia GeForce RTX2080 & my internet speed is 650Mbps download speed. Thanks for any help.
  2. I've been reading through all 13 pages of this topic and have been reading the manual on the LNM site and it keeps mentioning that it uses data from Navigraph. I just read about updating the cycle from the Navigraph site and when I look at that site it appears you need a paid subscription to use any of the features. Does this mean that LNM only works if you have a subscription to Navigraph?
  3. I've tried that before and didn't have any luck. I downloaded the Global Land data set but can't find the "Select Globe Directory" button it shows in the user manual. My other question is, if I want to view the flight following on a map feature on a laptop and MSFS is on my main desktop which one do I install LNM and simconnect on?
  4. There are so many different addons available for planning flights, following flights and I'm getting more & more confused. I would like to do what you do in the planning screen in the sim but with better results. I want to pick a departure & arrival airport and input multiple GPS coordinates that I want to fly over along the route. Once flying I'd like to follow where I'm going on a map cast to another computer or tablet. The in sim planner and VFR map are a joke. If you plot multiple GPS coordinates it chooses which ones to go to despite the order you input them into the plan. I've done plans with 6 points added and the screen looks like a zigzag back & forth pattern instead of the way I planned it. Any ideas on what program or programs I need to use to accomplish this?
  5. I did the update today and I fly the 152 a lot. I set out on a flight after the update in the 152 and I also had no radio. The big thing for me though was mid-flight all the instruments froze. The VFR map popup box still showed the plane moving and the scenery was moving along but no gauges! I could control the planes pitch, roll, speed, etc but nothing registered on the gauges. I tried to pause, exit out to the settings but nothing brought them back to life. I've got over 50 flights in the 152 before the patch and this never happened before. Anyone else seeing this error?
  6. Thanks. I installed the app on my pc and ran it but it says there is no found database and when I zoom in on the map to add an airport there is no points to click on. I watched a couple of tutorials and it is definitely missing something. When it gave me the opening message it did not have MSFS 2020 listed as a supported sim.
  7. Thanks, I'll definitely give that a try. I'm familiar with the Community folder for adding liveries and scenery addons, what folder am I looking for in the directory for the flight plans?
  8. How does the flight plan load from the Little Navmap app into the sim?
  9. I tried to enter multiple GPS coordinate waypoints again and it does work now. I'm wondering if the recent update fixed an issue with it. I hadn't tried it since before the update but it does work now. The only problem I see is when entering many (5-7) points it kept changing the "route" I was trying to plot out. It was like it would rearrange one or two points to make it the most direct line instead of the order I wanted. I'd really like to use one of the apps available to cast the aircraft's GPS position on Google maps but from what I'm gathering reading about them the device you're casting to has to be on the same network and I'm assuming that means Wifi. My computer is wired to the modem and doesn't use Wifi. I have Wifi available but I see a drop in internet speed using it.
  10. That's exactly how I entered the multimple waypoints. On the world screen only one added point besides the departure & arrival airport show up with the line connecting the three. All the waypoints are listed in the NAV LOG screen but not on the map screen. I'm flying the stock Cesna 152 so there's no GPS screens built into the plane control panel so I bring up the VFR map panel and only the airports I chose and the one waypoint listed as "custom" show up on the map panel. What setting are you using (the box under the photo of the airplane selected)? Mine is set to "VFR (Direct - GPS)".
  11. When I try to input multiple waypoints using the decimal format GPS coordinates only the first one shows up on the map but they all are listed if you click on the NAV LOG button. Once you're in the flight using the VFR map panel only the one point that was on the plotting map shows up also. Any idea how to get multiple points to show on the VFR map? I know there's a few add on programs that allow you to track your flight using google maps and sending that panel to a tablet or other monitor but from what I understand about them you have to be on the same network (I assume Wifi) to do this. I have my computer on a ethernet cable instead of using the Wifi as I find the download speeds are much faster this way.
  12. Is it possible to cast or send a panel, like the VFR map panel, over to an iPhone? I thought I saw somewhere that you could do it to an iPad but can't seem to locate the article. Is this possible and if so what software is needed?
  13. Didn't see this posted here but Orbx has a free download of the Fairways Airport OG20 on their site. https://orbxdirect.com/product/og20-msfs
  14. Is there any better place to purchase the current add-ons? I know Orbx says if you already own a previous version of a new release for MSFS you have to buy it on their site to get the discount. What about new products? Is one better than the other for the new products?
  15. Can you delete flights from the log book? I've done a few trial flights that I'd like to "erase" from the book.
  16. My download went smooth and I'm done setting up my controllers, etc and I'm trying some of the lessons and I have no sound through my Bose bluetooth speaker. I have sound if I use headphones plugged in. I've checked my system outside of the sim and music and video audio plays through the bluetooth speaker fine. All the sound settings in the sim are still on the default settings and they look fine to me. Everything is set on 100% but nothing. Any ideas?
  17. I can't seem to access the MSFS Forum. I get the log in screen and it says my account is awaiting activation, use the forgot password link to issue another activation email. I have 2 choices, with XBox Live or with Email. If i click the XBox live one the same screen pops up again. The email link opens up a small box that says Log In - Please enter your email or username. There's no place to wnter either and there's the 2 links again, with XBox Live & with Email. Either one just cycles through the same choices again. The same thing happens even if I'm logged into the MSFS site and choose the Forum tab. Anybody else having the same issues? My download doesn't happen until tomorrow. Do the forums only allow you to sign up after you download?
  18. 27 minutes 58 seconds for the 127GB download My broadband tests at 650Mbps download on average
  19. My download installed on my SSD drive ok but the file size is only 20.7 MB, not 200. Is it supposed to be 200?
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