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  1. Thanks for the info, did not know that. So sadly FSHud is a no Go for me since i just rarely buy Navigraph (around 1 Month per Year) to get the latest Airac in Simbrief and for my Addons. No need to have the latest Airac tbh. So please consider Changing it :)
  2. Hi, just seen that the AutoPlan feature of the Program gives all the time the wrong runways regarding the wind. It constatly choose the ones with tailwind (not very good if you not realize it and fly an approach with +20 knots Tailwind :D) Can you please look into it?
  3. Hey, sadly Pilot2ATC still uses the Flight Number as a callsign, instead of the Entry in the ATC Callsign field from simbrief? Can you fix that? Thanks
  4. Hi, new to this app. And thinking about replacing the old dynamic lod Only thing that is bothering me is to manual change between vfr and ifr if needed (hope I'm correct, or does it automatically switch depending of aircraft type?) If I'm correct would it be possible to get a lvar to change between both or using a argument on app start? Then I would be able to use axis and ohs app start depending on the selected aircraft. EG: autolod.exe -vfr and autolod.exe -ifr Thanks
  5. does anyone have the old installer lying around ? because i just updated and currently debuging for hours... thanks for the explanation 🙂
  6. is DLDSR somewhat limited to specific Resolutions? because with my samsung 49" i have 5120x1440p and i cannot get DLDSR to show a higher value. also in the Nvidia Control Panel i cannot find a correct value 😞
  7. okay understand now i see some values in the AAO RPN Script Processing. Sadly these doesn't match my Simbrief values for the TOC
  8. If i execute the Script should i recveice the "0 16/3 14C" "5000 16/3 5C" "10000 101/1 -5C" "14000 241/6 -13C" etc. as an output? or should i just see the JSCript inside the "Debug Window" ? because i don't really now how to access the data after executing the JScript 😞I'm sorry but iam a complety noob in regards of Script Languages EDIT: i commented also the red part out by removing the // and executed it. Then i tried to read the L:wind_ variable but it just gives me a "0" I need the data for some Airline SOP that require me to enter these OAT for the TOC inside the FMS of the 737. And i have created a Streamdeck profile that shows me all the relevant information from the Simbrief Briefing file so its easier and faster to enter 🙂
  9. hey, sorry did not receive any notification for this message, so did not test yet. Will do in the evening. Thanks for the Guide 🙂
  10. Hi, i cannot find Wind Information from Simbrief. Is there any chance to get the following Numbers from the Simbrief FB as a Variable to use on Streamdeck?
  11. PTT required the credits, you can only use button control in „offline“ mode… for me not usable like that
  12. i'm not 100% sure, but isn't FG not availiable in VR Mode? So no benefit there 😞
  13. thanks that worked, its now showing the correct value. Another Problem i cannot find the option to assign the ADF Swap button of the Radio Panel in the "Assign Events" viewer. The COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 and DME all are present. https://imgur.com/a/ulhCTas
  14. mhh i might have played around when it was not working back in August. But i think i resettet everything back to stock settings. https://imgur.com/a/fm80e4Z Or is there another way to fully reset the Radio Panel settings except clicking the "Restore Defaults in the "Variables" and "Events" menu of hte Saitek Device Config?
  15. Mhh I cannot get it to work, and checked that aao radio panel settings are reset here is a picture of what I mean. https://imgur.com/a/bsc0EYT i can manipulate the right value in the Virtual cockpit with the knob on the Saitek radio panel, but the saitek radio panel doesn’t reflect the changed number.
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