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Everything posted by RAMMSTEIN1977

  1. ADMIN Why is my Post Deleted ?????
  2. until my m2 ssd broke, i used the complete package from toga. i.e. ENVSHADE, ENVSOUND and ENVTEX. Only then I wanted to replace ENVSHADE with RDSHADE. and that's when I had my first problem with ENVDIR. once I uninstall ENVSHADE, ENVDIR doesn't work. as soon as I installed ENVSHADE again (ie complete product) then I could open ENVDIR again. now after i reinstalled everything i just wanted to install ENVTEX and ENVSOUND and combine them with RDSHADE. so I installed ENVDIR first and then wanted to install ENVTEX.. and yes ENVDIR doesn't work again...for whatever reason
  3. That's not what I'm talking about. I have been able to use the product for several months without any problems. I don't ask for any money back. it's a good product and I enjoyed it, so it's all the more annoying when it doesn't work
  4. I wrote an email to support several months ago that I need help with ENVDIR start, which remained without an answer
  5. Then I ask directly: What can I do now ? I just want to install ENVTEX and maybe ENVSOUND. what can i do that will start ENVDIR ? thx
  6. it is a fresh windows installation. everything works and starts 100%. ENVDIR used to cause problems and still does. I run the program as admin... and it doesn't happen Google recommendations didn't help either... Response to tickets = 0 help in forum = 0
  7. I find it hard that I am told that the problem is with me that ENVDIR does not start. Since my m2 ssd broke I had to completely reinstall windows and p3d. if envdir doesn't start with a freshly installed windows, then it's not my fault. the forums are full of ENVDIR not starting. I used to have problems with ENVDIR as well. for example if you only wanted to use ENVTEX and ENVSOUND and uninstalled ENVSHADE, ENVDIR didn't start... only after I reinstalled ENVSHADE did ENVDIR start again. I'm getting fed up with TOGA Projects. you buy a product and end up being left without help and being told it's your own fault fact is ENVDIR doesn't start, and still doesn't start... and it will always stay that way...
  8. ok, so TOGA is completely dead for me. I don't feel like messing up my new p3d install. I wanted to give ENVTEX and toga another chance if the junk doesn't even start on its own with newly installed windows... then you can throw all Toga products in the bin. You won't get any help or support anyway. and to be honest, as a paying customer, i'm not very interested in private problems. I will never buy or support anything from toga or their developers again
  9. Hi, Today I wanted to at least install ENVTEX. Downloaded all packages from Simmarket. As far as I know, I still need ENVDIR. So I first installed ENVDIR but it doesn't come up again ? I haven't installed ENVTEX yet... Is it because ENVTEX isn't installed yet ?` I'm very careful with TOGA-Projects because I used to have massive problems uninstalling ENVSHADE, because after uninstalling ENVSHADE ENVDIR didn't start.. I don't want to break my new installation. Hence the question, does ENDIR not start because ENVTEX is not yet installed?
  10. Hi, After my SSD broke, I had to completely reinstall everything. Since I want to do something optically, I'm thinking about what I'm going to do. I used to always have TOGA products installed (ENVHSADE , ENVTEX ) I really liked the look of it. but when I wanted to test RDShade back then and it is not compatible with TOGA, I wanted to delete ENVTEX and ENVSHADE... But that didn't work back then.. It just wasn't possible to delete.. so I left it with RDShade. Now that I've reinstalled P3D V5.3, I'm finding it difficult to reinstall TOGA products. There is practically no more support, and the forum is also dead. Then if HF or V5.4 should come, you probably can't update it because somehow the developer doesn't exist. I don't want to break my P3D installation with a program that is no longer supported anyway. Hence my question, what is the best way to do it? Can you recommend RDShade as an alternative?
  11. Hi, I have problems with Honeycomb Alpha with PMDG 737-700 for MSFS. Alpha reacts extremely sensitively.. I have the P3D version and it's much better there. But in MSFS version I have my problems with it. is it maybe from Deadzone? to calibrate... 2% is set in MSFS. thought I'd try 20% or more? has anyone discontinued their alpha for 737-700? thx
  12. TOGA is really word not allowed. No support. I just want to get rid of this ENVSHADE and I just can't
  13. Hi, Many thanks for your response. I've already tried that with the Troubleshooting.bat. But it doesn't help. It also shows me that the files were not found. When I uninstall and reinstall Basis Program it still doesn't start.. I noticed as soon as ENVSOUND , ENVTEX or ENVSHADE was uninstalled.. the basic program no longer starts.. I would like to cleanly uninstall ENVSHADE
  14. Hi, I wanted to delete ENVSHADE. However, as soon as I uninstall ENVSHADE, ENVDIR no longer starts. I first did ENVDIR , Restore and Disabled, after that I uninstalled ENSHADE. After that, ENVDIR doesn't start anymore.. only when I start ENVSHADE.. how can I solve the problem and best get rid of ENVSHADE
  15. Here I found something in the P3D forum. Here the CEO of FSLabs writes that there are problems with AMD cards. https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6315&t=142304&p=254717#p254717
  16. OK thanks. I have now downloaded version 1.1. Do I just have to copy the content over and run it? Then in Resources folder I see: TexConv AIGTT In my AIG folder under Resources I have: AIGTT aim Database TexConv So overwrite TexConv and AIGTT? thx
  17. Hi everyone, I wanted to update my AIG today. But I can't find any flight schedules online. I don't see any new ones either. Have version Where is the problem ? Thanks
  18. Hi, Thank you very much for numerous replies. I don't expect any FPS boost from my upgrade from RTX 2070 Super to 3080 or 6800/6900. I realize that the CPU is often limited (5800x) I'm more concerned with VRAM usage. I'm slowly running out of 8GB. Normally I get along well with "high" details, but in LKPR it quickly came to an end, so I had to switch to "middle details". That's why I'm more interested in more VRAM. 16GB of 6800/6900XT sounds very interesting... But I often read that NVIDIA cards are better at Flightsim. I had Vega 56/64 with XPlane 11 before, and had some problems... Then installed the RTX 2070 Super and had absolutely no more problems. Currently I find the 6800XT with 16GB interesting, and it costs around 1000 euros. Or just 3080 with 12GB for about 1300 euros
  19. Hi, I'm currently considering upgrading my RTX 2070 Super. I'm currently not sure which GPU to get. My favorites are currently: RTX 3080 12GB 6900 XT 16GB 6800 XT 16GB What can you recommend? 16GB VRAM from AMD would be quite good, but I believe that AMD cards often have problems with Flightsim. And performance is better with NVIDIA cards.. Anyone from 2070 Super to 3080 or AMD? do you notice a performance boost in P3D?
  20. I have ORBX LKPR since yesterday. And immediately I ran out of VRAM. With my settings (high, RTX 2070 Super) I have no problems with all airports... But with LKPR I run out of VRAM after a few minutes, with a crash.. For LKPR I have to set Settings to medium
  21. Hi, I've had the problem for a long time that the clouds move unnaturally. I realize it can be caused by wind.. But my problem is that the clouds "always" move from left to right .. no matter what the weather and wind direction ... I noticed the problem for the first time with 5.3.. I've easily done more than 50 flights and always the same effect.. the clouds move from left to right...which can't be natural. Active Sky and the rest is up to date.. Do you have any ideas what this could be or how I can fix it?
  22. Its Captain SCAM ! Unfortunately, I also fell for this cargo version for $9.99. You practically bought a cargo livery for $9.99. It's not a real cargo plane... Captain Scam FCK you....
  23. Chaseplane works ? or wait for Update
  24. Hi, Yesterday I had a crash with terrain.dll for the first time. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything with a google search. As far as I could read, it may be due to Scenery. I had a flight from LTFM to OTHH yesterday. Shortly after Baghdad in Cruise Level I had the crash with terrain.dll Normally I don't have any scenery far and wide.. The next Scenery would have been LTAI or OTHH and OMDB. otherwise I have from ORBX Global Base package. Do you have any tips for me what to do... thx
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