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About CO2Neutral

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  1. Not comparing or starting a vs. war, but important to provide facts: P3D has plenty of freeware tools (ADE over at FSDeveloper) to make scenery development very easy with MANY more buildings/trees etc. objects to select from (many more than XPlane or MSFS). For P3D you might want to also checkout Scenery Design website. I don't see any difference across any platform in terms of users jumping on someone that makes false statements or inaccurate statements regarding a platform ... happens in MSFS, P3D, XPlane. MSFS 2020 SDK and tools don't impress me, find them extremely buggy with error messages that don't provide any context to help resolve. Making my own tree-arrays was definitely difficult to figure out. Hoping MSFS 2024 will have a better SDK and more robust and less bugs. I do like fewer rounds trips required in MSFS scenery development. Lighting engine in MSFS is certainly better and makes production of PBR based objects more consistent.
  2. Much of the world has taken the blue pill.
  3. Was this MD-11 made for P3D V6 (with the new features it supports) or is it a made for P3D V4.4+ and floating compatibility thru V5 and V6?
  4. Lets see them. ?? Who said anything about "cut them off" ?? This thread was about voting to get better weather in MSFS. Why do some of you have a problem with people NOT liking MSFS weather and voting for a better? Are you afraid of something ... not enough market share, concern about higher CPU/GPU requirements for better weather rendering, or just don't want to spend money of 3rd party that could do better if provided for in the SDK? What's driving some of you to be so against anyone that thinks MSFS has problems/issues? Looking at the OPs thread history, he's been both positive and negative towards MSFS ... like most normal individuals. You folks do realize that complaints drive improvements?
  5. This is real world weather: Any simulator that could do this I would buy immediately. Sorry MSFS just doesn't cut it.
  6. Already supporting them in other simulators, just not for MSFS. But the issue is MSFS need to provide a robust weather SDK like other platforms do ... far better to have choices and more developers working on weather for MSFS than restricted to just one company/developer. Monopolies stagnate development/creativity that's why we have laws against such practices. I guess no one remembers the days when Microsoft tired to ONLY allow IE for a web browser on their OS and the Feds told them NO. Choice is a good thing, not a bad thing. And lets not forget Microsoft have recently started pushing for "open source" ... hopefully it's not just marketing.
  7. What a ridiculous post ... the topic is "vote to fix weather in MSFS" ... I agreed as weather is of primary importance to flight, so important that it's the first thing pilots reference before then do anything with an aircraft. 4 years later and MSFS weather is still a problem for many, hence the OPs post. Posting that MSFS weather implementation is poor, is being constructive ... that's how one instigations change. What are you gonna say next, some crazy like "why don't you code a replacement"? I wish I could, but the weather SDK is extremely limiting (decades behind what can be done in other simulators). You seem to be on a mission to control the narrative, why?
  8. Apparently MSFS users and Asobo don't consider weather important to flight ... lets just ignore what real world pilots do when the first thing they check is the weather before then even get close to the aircraft. Boggles my mind they can associate "Simulator" to this game.
  9. ?? I responded with facts about the P3D SDK/PDK being more robust than the MSFS SDK ... have read them on both sides? Just pointing out your comment is inaccurate in regards to P3D, I made no mention of "brainless kids"?
  10. Indeed, and apparently said preacher knows what isn't known. 😉
  11. I'll respectfully disagree ... there is still A LOT that MSFS doesn't have that P3D had a long time ago simply because the MSFS SDK is rather limited in scope compared to P3D SDK/PDK. If you doubt me statement, read thru the P3D SDK and PDK and then do the same with MSFS SDK ... it will be VERY clear what MSFS can't do. I can provide a LONG LONG list of features P3D has that MSFS doesn't, but for the visual flier that list probably has no meaning or relevance to how they like to do flights. But like I said before most of MSFS users don't care what's in an SDK, which is all good, to each his/her own. But just wanted to clarify that product range in P3D is much much wider than MSFS.
  12. Sounds like something a certain politician would say ... no, there is only one truth and one reality ... what we don't know is what we don't know, nothing more, nothing less. Perception has no bearing on reality. Discover truth, don't make it up ... sorta the purpose of human existence IMHO.
  13. Small, cramped, very noisy, vibrate your bones, cold or very very HOT on the ground, extremely sensitive to even moderate winds ... most GA aircraft that is ... my first go in a Helicopter I felt for sure the dash was going to come apart from all the vibration. In MSFS it's a peaceful, quiet, rattle free, relaxing experience ... almost completely the opposite from reality 🙂 ... don't know how pilots managed before we had high quality noise cancelling headsets?
  14. Still is a wonderful experience, just costs a little more (actually if you add inflation it's actually about the same maybe even a little less) ... I remember the days when "First Class" on British Airways was about the same as you get in Business or Premium coach class now. Heck business class from CA to Bahrain was only $1300 and that gives you a nice private cube will all the leg room you need and excellent service. Now flying coach on SouthWest Airlines, yeah, that's not going to be a great experience because it's cheap and they pack you in like cattle, like fitting 8 people in an Uber Camry to share the cost. So it depends on where you look and what you want, it's all there, the good, the bad, the ugly ... but it's always been there. I don't know why so many seem to think everything has gotten worse, you folks need to get out more and stop watching TV, YouTube, etc. The real world "overall" is no where near as bad as portraited by the media world. Take the blinders off and go experience it, you'll be surprised ... if you look for bad, you'll get bad, but if your smart about looking there is plenty of good.
  15. Sure, I have most of my V5.x add-ons "working" in P3D V6.x, but making them "work" isn't really the objective ... having them use all the new features in V6 is the desire. 3rd party vendors were ignoring P3D V4.x to P3D V5.x new features long before any other platform arrived like MSFS. I know ORBX were still using FS9 and FSX SDK to produce their content for P3D well into P3D V5.x ... it was rare we'd see even PBR updates. So even with the largest simulator user base (at the time), it still didn't prompt the embrace of P3D new features. Only a new product with the promise of "Gold" made that happen ... in MSFS. Given that I haven't really seen any major increase in development efforts with all the vendors from P3D that moved to MSFS, then that suggests the market is still very niche, better sales with MSFS, but nothing to really expand a 3rd party add-on developers business ... which is actually kinda sad, how many times do I have to pay for the same aircraft and get less rather than more?
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