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Poll on Flight improvements


77 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following (pick more than one) would you choose to be improved in Flight?

    • sloping runways
    • better Navigation data/flight planner
    • better weather clouds/cloud shadows
    • better ATC
    • better multiplayer

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We all want certain improvements in MS Flight like improved performance or better terrain but I was curious if you had to choose one of these, what would it be? :(

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In short, none of them. I suggest you expand the poll or include an "other (please specify)" option to make it more representative of the variety of opinions here.I for one, think that we are certain to see massive improvements in graphics anyway, for ATC and multiplayer we have RC and VATSIM already, navdata for navigation data, vroute and others for flight planning, AS and REX for clouds and weather. Slopping runways would be really nice. I just saw the runway at Athens during a recent flight out and I was surprised by how visible the slope actually is. Still it's not the most significant improvement I'm expecting from Flight.If I had to pick one, I'd say a modern engine, built from scratch, freed from the restrictions of backwards compatibility, optimised for modern hardware.

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The poll actually wouldn't allow me to 'pick more than one' as suggested, so I'll do it here instead.Of the things in the list, sloping runways and better weather would be my choices, as they are the two that affect 'flight' in the most direct way as far as realism is concerned. Improved ATC, flight planning and such can all be addressed by third party developers, and whilst multiplayer is not a universal desire for everyone, it is clear that MS would want to go that way, so is probably a given anyway.My preferences for terrain sloping for runways and what the air mass can simulate as priorities, is because they are are fundamental things the base program needs to have in order to be a good springboard for further development of realistic flight simulation. I've yet to ever take off in an aeroplane from a flat runway, and there has always been a constantly-changing air mass whenever I have done so.I'd like a nice cup of tea too.Al

Alan Bradbury

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None seem that important to me. Sloped runways would be OK, but more accurate landclass and more autogen and custom objects are top of my list.

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AHHHH the "choose more than one" was my original idea as I was reading the posts in the Flight Forum. I realised I was repeating the same with slight variences so I consolodated but forgot to change that part. oops Rolling%20Eyes.gif Still, I think it will be interesting what people would choose if they had to choose only one of those.

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Guys, I know this will be a huge disappointment, but get over the sloped runways thing. It will never happen. We will have to live with it.I don't see anything on the list that I would choose. For me, I want better performance and reliability. (no crashes)

Brandon Filer

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Guys, I know this will be a huge disappointment, but get over the sloped runways thing. It will never happen. We will have to live with it.I don't see anything on the list that I would choose. For me, I want better performance and reliability. (no crashes)
Why not? X-Plane has had slopping runways. no?

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Why not? X-Plane has had slopping runways. no?
It just doesn't seem like a feature Microsoft would add. They've had a few versions already where it was quite possible, but they didn't add this.But I hope I'm wrong, as It would be a great feature to have!

Brandon Filer

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Guest anthony31fs

If anyone knows of any realworld runway that is dead flat (ie elevation within +/- 6 inches) I'd sure like to know about it. Every runway I've ever modelled for FSX has had some sort of slope, lump, hump or dip(s) to it and it is impossible to replicate this with the AFCAD style runways. Personally I think the runway is the most important bit of terrain in the world for a pilot and I don't see any reason why we should happily put up with unrealistic depictions of them in flight simulators.

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Guest meshman

Non-flat runways? No more plateaus when adding mesh? There really might be a Santa Claus...And I have little doubts it could be incorporated into the next version, if Microsoft so chooses. Imagine an Airport.Cfg file, where different textures could be added and rendered by priority. Well, a guy can dream a little, can't he?

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Why not? X-Plane has had slopping runways. no?
Sloping runways in X-Plane is a gimmick right now. To do it realistically, the mesh resolution needs to be much finer. Down below 1m. The way it is now the slopes are way too coarse to really be useful. Since to do it right the ATC and AI systems need to be tightly integrated, so my vote would be to improve them. Leaving that to the 3rd party devs, may result in only improving one or the other, but not both, as is the case today.



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Guest anthony31fs
To do it realistically, the mesh resolution needs to be much finer. Down below 1m.
Agree with you there. The last airfield I did had narrow drainage ditches running the length of the runway. With the FSX terrain system that sort of fine detail terrain mesh work is very much a hit and miss affair and easily affected by the users terrain resolution settings.Of course, it is possible to make sloped runways using PR textures and some sloping terrain polygons but then you can't have any AI aircraft. Here's hoping MS Flight takes a good hard look at the terrain mesh system.

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