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Perfection In Motion - The NGX

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I just had to share my thoughts with you all after another successful landing in the NGX. I am totally, totally (did I say totally!) entranced by this aircraft. In my personal opinion (and no I am not being paid, cajoled, blackmailed, held at gunpoint or otherwise coerced or bribed), this is really the finest airliner ever to take to the skies in FSX (or any desktop sim). Why, because so often when we buy an FSX aircraft some parts are better than others. We might find a great external model but poor systems, or great systems and shoddy VC graphics. The list of permutations goes on. For me, the NGX is really the first aircraft where the bar has been raised in all categories. Fantastic visuals, both inside and out, incredible systems modelling, sounds that redefine realism. Everything has come together to real create something incredibly special. Are there any negatives. Well, I find it hard to fly any other aircraft in FSX now, seriously! I have been flying her some weeks now and still find little nuances that I had missed. There is so much attention to detail. Sure, we have all seen thrust levers in a virtual cockpit before, but how many are fully functional. Yes, you can set your desired thrust, but what about those little buttons on each side of the levers to disconnect the A/T. Well they work in the NGX, along with TO/GA. You can even pull on the reverser handles with your mouse and see them beautifully animate if you really want to. That is the tip of the iceberg but illustrates the point that if you see it in the cockpit it actually does something, down to every switch and gauge. It is not just animated but works in accordance with Boeing specs. It does what it is supposed to do, with no "sorry this is an FSX limitation", or "partially modelled", each element does its job for real! One little switch on the overhead may have been researched for weeks by the team, referring to some very smart pilots and 737 engineers, along with enough technical reference to fill RSR's house! I find the depth of detail so staggering that it is a bit of a game to me to find something that is out of place (of course, this is a good thing on a beta team). I speak to RSR most days and this usually involves me researching some obscure nuance of the real aircraft, buried at the back of a manual. I then ask Robert, "so can it do this?" I have always got the reply "of course it does, go and try!", along with a detailed synopsis of that function and incredible little details that bring the aircraft to life. An early question, "so Robert, is there a delay when engaging the autopilot", rather than the sudden engagement we see in lesser sims. The answer is you will see a small delay necessary to pressurise the FCC hydraulic actuators. Change from CMD A to CMD B, the new side will take slightly longer to engage, because in addition to pressuring CMD B, the CMD A is depressurised! Another question, are the differences in slat deployment modelled if I select the Short Field Package - The answer "silly question, of course that is modelled. Go take a look at the external model too and you can see it on the wing with retraction and extension speeds as per Boeing specs. See how the speedbrake has an higher angle with the Short Field Package - Change back to a regular NG, realtime from the options menu and see those wing animations change instantly to reflect your new chosen variation" I have been trying this approach daily for some weeks now with ever more obscure systems questions, with everything from little known FMC features to hydraulic pressures. So far I have yet to find a question on an aircraft feature that is not modelled in the NGX. The team and the beta testers show you screenshots and Nick has shown you some wonderful videos, but, guys, this is the tip of the iceberg. Once you get into that cockpit and see for yourselves the staggering depth and detail you will be overtaken both by immersion and delight. Once you fly her you will want to shout from the rooftops like those of us in the beta group about just how incredible this aircraft is. I am not given to exaggeration. Seeing her is great, flying her is a whole different ballgame that will blow your minds. Perfection in motion! JR


- Jane Whittaker



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thanks as usual for your insights. cannot wait to get my hands on her...

Phil Leaven

i5 10600KF, 32 GB 3200 RAM, MSI 3060 12GB OC, Asus ROG Z490-H, 2 WD Black NVME for each Win11 (500GB) and MSFS (1TB), MSFS Cache and Photogrammetry always disabled, Live Weather and Live Traffic always on, Res 2560x1440 on 27"

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Thanks JR. Your submissions to this forum are making me long for this baby more than anything.Feels like a dream is coming true with the NGX. I have flown FS ever since version 3.0 and have always searched for that perfection you're describing.


Frank van der Werff


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Thanks again for an indepth article. Less than a week now before we can take the controls ourselves. Jane, can't wait for your review in PC Pilot !!!! Top man - keep up the good work and enjoy. Gary

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me 2 heh. The wait is angony but Its gonna be one heck of a ride when its finaly at the parking ramp at KSEA hehe.

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I'm curious about NGX's behaviour in abnormal procedures. Just the obvious ones (Engine fire, decompression, and their secondary effect on other systems, and how are they simulated in those cases). Could try a scenario and share?

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