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As Ryan Maziarz said this bug will be fixed with the SP1b.
I don't believe I said anything of the sort - this is an issue with FSUIPC, we can't fix that. Our own manual recommends against using FSUIPC with the plane...

Ryan Maziarz

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Me too I was hoping that SP1B would solve the problem, but inside PMDG do you use only FSX setup and no 3rd party hardware? what do you use as normal basis.I found really difficult to not use FSUIPC for calibartion for axis and button setup.



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I think it's not a real problem. As "GEAR UP" I use the FSX "G" with the CH button. I also tried the Joystick Calibration without any problems.

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Rich I used to think the way you do. But not anymore, the only thing that I still have left in FSX is a few key commands that are needed. Everything else (90 percent) buttons and axis are assigned through FSUIPC. Works flawlessly with the NGX. I think the reason some people are having problems is they are not setting it up correctly, as was my case the first 2 times I tried.There are plenty of tutorials on the web on how to set it up correctly and that is how I learned. I even have my reversers working flawlessly now on my X52 pro which I was not able to do the first 2 times cause I was not setting up correctly.Examples that were causing me issues. I still had some of my axis in FSX even though they were also in FSUIPC so they conflicted. If you move to FSUIPC for your axis you want to completely remove them all from FSX. Another thing is after you setup an Axis in FSUIPC you also have to finish by going to the Calibration tab and setting up the calibration for each axis. Failure to do this corectly will result in it not working correctly.I know PMDG recommends against using FSUIPC for obvious reasons, but if you set it up correctly it will work just fine with the NGX. It takes a little time to learn but once you do learn the sky is the limit to what you can achieve in FSUIPC.The tutorials are your friend just search on Google for setting up an AXIS with FSUIPC.
Reviving an old thread here...I use FSUIPC (registered), have the latest as of 12/19/11 version 4.751. I have been a registered FSUIPC user for many years and love the way that it can re-assign controls with profiles, etc.This is not a criticism of FSUIPC or the NGX, both of which represent the pinnacle of development in their respective fields.I find, as I see others do, that setting the throttles through FSUIPC - whether through the FSUIPC calibration or by sending the assignment directly to FSX in FSUIPC - means that I can't seem to get the virtual throttles (blue arc on N1 indicator) to show that allow me to synchronize the manual throttles with the auto-throttle. The only way that I can get that to work is by going into FSX/Options and assigning the trottles through FSX (as if FSUIPC wasn't installed). Is there a workaround for this?My issue, of course, is that once the throttles are set from within FSX (as if FSUIPC was not installed), regardless of what other assignments I try to make those same levers for other aircraft, they always retain "Throttle 1" and Throttle 2" as well. With a limited number of axis levers, when I go to assign another profile for a single high performance prop aircraft (throttle/prop/mixture), I still have those axes tied up within FSX.Thanks, Bruce.

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Getting the blue arcs to show up has to be set in the FMC for you to see them.As for FSUIPC and Throttles. I did have reverse thrust set through FSUIPC and it does seem to cause some issues with the NGX and not being able to have the full range of your throttle axis. What I mean by this is when you pull back the throttles to idle then your speed seems to bleed off faster than normal and you end up with a harder landing. Without having the reversers on the throttle and having the full range of the axis my landings have been much smoother. About -70 fpm or better. I reassigned revese thrust to my x52 pro trigger and it works very well now.Having all your axis assigned through FSUIPC for the NGX works just fine as long as you don't assign reverse thrust on the same axis as your throttle. Also don't forget to tick the Filter Boxes on all your AXIS assignments.

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Thanks Paul.Yes, I have this option enabled in the FMS, and it works well while I assign throttles through the FSX/Options menu, but not when FSUIPC is involved in any way (either calibrating in FSUIPC, or "sending to FS). I'll play around with this some more. Thanks for the reply.Bruce.

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Since this thread is up again, I did notice a few nights ago that the idle at ToD was 39.4% N1. A few months ago I saw that we were at 29.7% at around 5000ft. I don't know if it's linear or what, but idle does decrease as you get lower. (Whether that's due to TAS or/and EEC/PMC, I dunno.)

Matt Cee

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The strange thing is I always get about 38% flight minimum idle when I am testing the tutorial flightbut with nearly ever other flight I get about 33% which is much nearer the mark. This is with VNAV.Using level Change I nearly always get 32 % which is almost perfect.I am of course talking about the idle descent after passing the T/D................before reaching the Geo Path stuff.( I don't use FSUIPC with the NGX )Fred.

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Yes, I have this option enabled in the FMS, and it works well while I assign throttles through the FSX/Options menu, but not when FSUIPC is involved in any way (either calibrating in FSUIPC, or "sending to FS). I'll play around with this some more. Thanks for the reply.
Here is some things you need to do to get FSUIPC to coexist nicely with the NGX.1) Set to send direct to FSUIPC2) Do this for EVERY Flight. While setting up at the gate open FSUIPC and press a couple of your assigned FSUIPC buttons on your controller. This refreshes FSUIPC. Failure to do this could result in FSUIPC functions not responding or working correctly.2) Calibrate your controllersOnce you do steps 1 and 2 you can push back and all should work smoothly.NOTE: You should not have the same axis assigned in FSX and FSUIPC at the same time. This is usually why people have problems. You can have one or the other but not both.

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Thanks Paul- and yes, I do realize the fallacy of having an axis assigned through both FSX and FSUIPC, as FSX will never give up the axis regardless of what I set in FSUIPC, and even if that didn't matter there is the issue of not having things aligned the same between FSUIPC and FSX.I will go back into FSUIPC for the "NGX" profile and try what you listed above. Thanks again, Bruce.

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Bruce to get FSX to stop using Axis you have to make this change yourself by going into FSX Controls, then the Axis Tab, and then deleting all your Axis in there. Once you are done save and exit FSX so that it is permanent.Sometimes if you make changes in FSX and then it crashes or does not shut down properly it will go back to the old settings. By making the changes and exiting everything is recorded to FSX.cfg.Once you do this then all your FSX Axis are wiped out and you can use FSUIPC to assign them exclusively. If you ever have to go back to FSX it is easy enough to add the AXIS back.And finally in addition to using the Filter Option I mentioned before add the following line to your FSX.cfg as the first line under the [Controls] section. This will give you the ultimate smoothness in your controls for all your planes. If you take the time to setup FSUIPC and use the line below the NGX will be smoother than butter.stick_sensitivity_mode=0Also don't forget that once you setup an Axis in FSUIPC you have to go to the calibration tab and set that as well. If you are unsure about how to do anything search for Assigning Axis in FSUIPC Tutorial on Google. That is how I learned. Lots of people get frustrated cause they do not set FSUIPC up correctly and things don't work as expected. But for those that do set it up correctly they will never go back to FSX for Axis Assignments because there just is No comparison when it comes to smoothness.

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Here is some things you need to do to get FSUIPC to coexist nicely with the NGX.1) Set to send direct to FSUIPC
Paul, all very good points including your stick_sensitivity_mode=0 above. But, I don't agree with your using 'direct to FSUIPC' axis types. When you use the 'send as Normal' axis it most closely mimics the way Flightsim processes axis inputs. The FSUIPC manual even mentions the fact that on advance aircraft, you should use 'Normal Axis' so aircraft specific coding by the developers isn't bypassed. In case of the throttles, the ECC works as designed with a 'Normal' axis. I run with the built-in FSX axis disabled and all inputs throught FSUIPC 'normal axis' and it works great.

Al Jordan | KCAE

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Just played around with it a bit using send Direct to FS bypassing FSUIPC calibration and it doesnt work as smooth as I am used to. So back to send to FSUIPC for calibration. If you never tried it that way then thats probably why your still using send to FS. There just is no comparison. FSUIPC calibration is the way to go for me.

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