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Graphics in x-plane 10

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@m_av: thanks god, finally someone else out there who understood a little bit (but very important) aspect of how the xscener yworks. Yes, that is the very short but correct description how it works. Soon there will be a detailed interview from me on "Xplane10's Blog" ...and I included (I hope the guys post that part too) a lecture about how the scenery basics work! And yes, its all about abstractions! And thats how - step by step - we at Laminar (or who ever) can improve EVERY aspect of the artwork over time (textures, objects, forests ... what ever you want).
Andras, I understand what you are saying but with such confusion here how could selling box sets through places like fspoilotshop and others help? As I have said I got an email from them especially to buy xplane, I was on the email list as I had bought stuff from them in the past. Others I know are on the list and could perhaps buy it based on that email advertising which was written by LR but at odds with what you guys say on the forums. IMO it's hard to sell something through retail, in boxed sets and afterwards tell someone that whats written on the box is the vision of it in the future.

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@m_av: thanks god, finally someone else out there who understood a little bit (but very important) aspect of how the xscener yworks. Yes, that is the very short but correct description how it works. Soon there will be a detailed interview from me on "Xplane10's Blog" ...and I included (I hope the guys post that part too) a lecture about how the scenery basics work! And yes, its all about abstractions! And thats how - step by step - we at Laminar (or who ever) can improve EVERY aspect of the artwork over time (textures, objects, forests ... what ever you want).
You guys really should consider putting together a detailed development road map that is featured prominently on the X-Plane website instead of expecting that customers will stumble upon the relevant information in forums and on blogs.

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Again at the risk of over-simplifying (with X-plane and the lack of or unclear documentation, it's hardly oversimplifying ! ), the disks are 99% resources, i.e. scenery files and other outdated airport data the moment it is published and a "key" to check for legitimate copy.If the current demo is a put off and I agree they could do a lot better than to put out a crappy demo, don't buy it till you see a demo/update that is at v10.2 or so.The significant improvements beyond v10.2 are between v10.2 and v10.5 over a roughly 18 or 24 month period, based on v7, v8 and v9 history; after that Laminar is predominantly focused on the next version, in this case v11, and less on the current or v10 version. Updates, while free, rarely go beyond the v10.7.Ofcourse, these observations are based on recent history and Laminar could easily decide to do things differently at any time.

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Hi i have just tried the demo and couldn't help but read this thread with some amusement and bemusement..........I found XP 10 to be not much different to v9 in its basic approach and ideology...nothing really strikes me as being much of an improvement to be honest....certainly not what i was expecting after hearing Austin's usual OTT hyped up promises for great things with this version!.....Yes there are a few new and good ideas and inclusions, but it still strikes me as having a very cartoonish feel with sim city style city layouts that do not seem representative in any way at all of a real city.... The demo did NOT run as smooth as i hoped for either with details set even at the demo defaults it never felt fluid (i7 cpu @ 4.2ghz, 6 GIG RAM, GTX 285)....cranking the settings up to see if this sim could look any better only turned the experience into a sad rather pitiful slide show!, YET even at these max setting the water still managed to look very false, the landscapes just seemed weird too, the same XP artificial look , only littered with more plastic-ky feeling trees, roads, buildings etc...the whole feeling was just not realistic am afraid..it felt as if i was in plastic world full of slapped on toy scenery...... I liked the clouds, the volumetric effects and fogging etc..i like d the runways follwing the landscape mesh too, and a few other parts of the sim impressed me such as the lighting...but every other part of the sim just felt tacky, disjointed a bit like an adults LEGO land type of feeling and not very impressive or immersive at all to be honest, as for the included aircraft in XP10, well they still seemed laughable and very poor representations of their real life counterparts when compared to FSX's much better default aircraft (lets not get into FSX's pay-ware awesomeness!)..WHY do .XP 10's planes STILL seem (VERY!) limited as regards polygons and textures etc, they looked very typical XP offerings, ie uninspiring and certainly nothing to shout about for a sim that boasts so much and is far younger than the now old FSX technology..... It seems X PLANE 10 is just like the rest of its inbred mish mash of a family...STILL full of hype, full of bugs, full of LEGO LAND style scenery thats really NOT very realistic, full of low polygon laughable aircraft, full of strange power-lines that look like spaghetti strung about without any realism and even have their towers actually on the very roads they are supposed to pass over!., in fact its STILL full of silly so called 'COOL' features that in reality look stupid!..lets face it X plane will never attract the masses because it fails in so many basic areas. I know there are many X plane zombified zealots out there who will always defend this sim (deluded zombiefied zealots springs to mind maybe lol?) to the death no matter what...but lets ALL be honest here...this new sim is a BIG let down, its as rubbish as ALL the others!..its a quirky, jerky!, LEGO LAND experience that FAILS to impress or achieve any of its promises and who or why anyone would wish to continue to support it or even claim its better than the much older FSX one of life's great mysteries!...My 3 yr old son has one of those roll out PLAY-MATS with all the roads printed on it for him to play with his cars...XPLANE 10 reminds me very much of such a ROLL OUT play-mat with all its new plastic 'lego' feel cityscapes laid out with ridiculous meticulous child like uniformity everywhere!...like all the other demo's before it, it was deleted and rejected after a few hrs of testing and rejecting!....

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Having an opinion is OK.Nothing wrong with not liking X-Plane , many people do ,others don`t.Bringing it a bit friendlier and more polite would be a bit more civilised.But as I said everyone is free to have an opinion.I even know a guy who doesn`t like whiskey , OK I know he is a bit crazy , telling that to all visitors in the whiskey-bar.Do not expect me to try to change his mind..............I just pity him.Leen de Jager


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hi colt I could answer a number of your statements but it's quite obvious that you don't want any answers.another deluded zombified zealot

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Hi i have just tried the demo and couldn't help but read this thread with some amusement and bemusement..........I found XP 10 to be not much different to v9 in its basic approach and ideology...nothing really strikes me as being much of an improvement to be honest....certainly not what i was expecting after hearing Austin's usual OTT hyped up promises for great things with this version!.....Yes there are a few new and good ideas and inclusions, but it still strikes me as having a very cartoonish feel with sim city style city layouts that do not seem representative in any way at all of a real city.... The demo did NOT run as smooth as i hoped for either with details set even at the demo defaults it never felt fluid (i7 cpu @ 4.2ghz, 6 GIG RAM, GTX 285)....cranking the settings up to see if this sim could look any better only turned the experience into a sad rather pitiful slide show!, YET even at these max setting the water still managed to look very false, the landscapes just seemed weird too, the same XP artificial look , only littered with more plastic-ky feeling trees, roads, buildings etc...the whole feeling was just not realistic am afraid..it felt as if i was in plastic world full of slapped on toy scenery...... I liked the clouds, the volumetric effects and fogging etc..i like d the runways follwing the landscape mesh too, and a few other parts of the sim impressed me such as the lighting...but every other part of the sim just felt tacky, disjointed a bit like an adults LEGO land type of feeling and not very impressive or immersive at all to be honest, as for the included aircraft in XP10, well they still seemed laughable and very poor representations of their real life counterparts when compared to FSX's much better default aircraft (lets not get into FSX's pay-ware awesomeness!)..WHY do .XP 10's planes STILL seem (VERY!) limited as regards polygons and textures etc, they looked very typical XP offerings, ie uninspiring and certainly nothing to shout about for a sim that boasts so much and is far younger than the now old FSX technology..... It seems X PLANE 10 is just like the rest of its inbred mish mash of a family...STILL full of hype, full of bugs, full of LEGO LAND style scenery thats really NOT very realistic, full of low polygon laughable aircraft, full of strange power-lines that look like spaghetti strung about without any realism and even have their towers actually on the very roads they are supposed to pass over!., in fact its STILL full of silly so called 'COOL' features that in reality look stupid!..lets face it X plane will never attract the masses because it fails in so many basic areas. I know there are many X plane zombified zealots out there who will always defend this sim (deluded zombiefied zealots springs to mind maybe lol?) to the death no matter what...but lets ALL be honest here...this new sim is a BIG let down, its as rubbish as ALL the others!..its a quirky, jerky!, LEGO LAND experience that FAILS to impress or achieve any of its promises and who or why anyone would wish to continue to support it or even claim its better than the much older FSX one of life's great mysteries!...My 3 yr old son has one of those roll out PLAY-MATS with all the roads printed on it for him to play with his cars...XPLANE 10 reminds me very much of such a ROLL OUT play-mat with all its new plastic 'lego' feel cityscapes laid out with ridiculous meticulous child like uniformity everywhere!...like all the other demo's before it, it was deleted and rejected after a few hrs of testing and rejecting!....
So I see your an FSX zombified zealot ?If anything FSX looks cartoonish, even with most ADD-ONS. At least XPX has transmission lines, bridges, trains, stop signs, etc....How much money have you spent trying to make FSX look realistic ??

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D, 6800XT, Ram - 32GB, 32" 4K Monitor, WIN 11, XP-12 !

Eric Escobar

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I like how he tried to "crank the settings up" on a GTX 285 and then complained about the poor performance. If there's one card you can't crank the settings up on, it's a 285. LOL.gif

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Whahaha , I have a GTX285 en my XP10 runs far better than FSX on the same system (with all sliders in the middle and without HDR)


"Non licet omnibus volare cum aquilis" (Azzurro)

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I get 30-40FPS over NYC with 95% IFR/95% GA/25% ground traffic and 60+ most other places in FSX (with all World of AI). I get maybe 25-30 FPS in XP10, and if it's cloudy, sometimes single-low teens over populated areas like NYC and the clouds turned down to nearly 0% all settings.I get much better performance in FSX than XP10. Once the optimization are done, that should definitely change.

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I like how he tried to "crank the settings up" on a GTX 285 and then complained about the poor performance. If there's one card you can't crank the settings up on, it's a 285. LOL.gif
Haha your so funny :( ...i bet you were actually a proper comedian in your past life lol...i notice most of your posts are of the limited vocabulary sarcastic type lol..you have real talent my friend..its def a gift you have!.....anyway...forgive me for laughing so loud at your witty and great genius lol......now were was i?......,,ah yes..my humble 285 ...well lets just suffice to say...at least it can handle FSX on max with all the beautiful ORBX sceneries and REX with silky smooth ease thanks!, speaking of which the resultant visual feast looks about ..oh 5 times more realistic and visually satisfying than any lego land XP10 gaudy graphical abortion!... and am sure most non biased observers would agree whole heartedly!....why after so much time does Austin's sim still look like a sandbox do it yourself sim city program thats what i would like to know????... ...it seems to offer so many good features then goes and spoils the overall package every time...like a pretty girl who has bad breath and speaks like a donkey!....its so frustrating because i was hoping for something better and at least something worthwhile to try to entice me away from FSX for a change...but no...its not going to happen....One thing i always noticed and somewhat irritated me with XP was the constant fiddling and updating to a newer supposed better more refined version ie v 1..v1.01...v1.03..v1.04..v 1.046...and on and on and on!..you get the picture!....yes some newer updates often brought some 'Cool' improved features..but hey often they also incorporated many new problems whilst attempting to fix old ones....Yes i know Austin's was once a one man band and kudos to him for making his millions...and yes now he still has a limited motley band of helpers/resources ...BUT after 9 versions you would expect most of the serious issues to at least be sorted out!....funny then on version 10 Austin still doesn't understand anything about water friction then!....laughable! LOL.gif

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To be fair, I doub't much time was spent, making XP-10 a "How to succesfully ditch an airplane" simulator. And I wouldn't want to see the time wasted, to do so.

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It probably doesn't sink quite accurately either. Keep going with the insults and belittling others Colt.

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Today I fired up my FSX and started up some big ones.Not on tarmac , just on the grass.After speeding up problemless , while hitting several fences I went into the air with my MD80 made multiple loopings and continued for half an hour in reversed flight. ( yes I really did this , try it yourself )In the mean time I handled a phonecall and drunk my coffee.Than I took my Piper with bush wheels and tried some "dipping" the plane crashes the very moment the tyres touch the watersurface very gently not going half an inch into it.When a plane makes contact with the water it crashes unless its programmed to be a waterplane.Was that as real as it got ? With all my realism settings maxed out , yes it was !!!!!!!!!With FSX we can do crazy things , in XP we can do crazy things too.Thats why I like both sims.WhahahahahaLeen de Jager


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