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About m_av

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  1. Today, X-plane v10 DOES NOT HAVE A SINGLE BUILDING THAT IS IN THE CORRECT LOCATION AND LOOKS ANYTHING LIKE THE REAL WORLD BUILDING, except perhaps for the few landmarks like the Seattle Needle, Eifel Tower, etc.Not intentionally ! NOT ONE !I do not normally like to compare FSX, which is some half a dozen years old vs X-plane v10, barely two months old, more a premature baby than anything else !
  2. Deliver the product that was hyped and promised - relatively BUG-FREE AND COMPLETE.$crew the updates ! Just deliver the product - TODAY, NOT TWO OR SIX MONTHS FROM NOW. TODAY !The customers lived up to their end of the bargain AND PAID IN FULL - NOT TWO OR SIX MONTHS FROM NOW.When will Laminar live upto it's end of the bargain ?OR ATLEAST, give customers the option of getting a FULL REFUND, INCLUDING SHIPPING CHARGES AND TAXES AS APPLICABLE.This problem was ENTIRELY Laminar's creation. They should bear COMPLETE responsiblity to fully address it and fix it as necessary - ASAP !
  3. fly_like_an_eagle : Can't agree with you more.After 10 versions over a two decade span of X-plane's Blade Element Theory based flight model, one would think that Laminar would have a pretty good handle on the flight model and can come up with JUST ONE OR TWO AIRCRAFT that be the showcase aircraft just as LOWI was to scenery in v8/v9 !Can Laminar do that in X-plane v10 ?I am sure that's a tall order for Laminar since they can't even deliver what they hyped and promised, let alone delivering more than promised !Don't blame the users' for Laminar's shortcomings. Laminar should face upto them and take full responsibility for the inadequacy and premature release of X-plane v10 as it exists today AND FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE !
  4. Constructive criticism, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. Where you stand depends on where you sit. You asked me and I obliged, I thought quite lucidly.Now, you find my reply/explanation not "constuctive". Which is it ? Not "constructive" or unclear ? Did you read/understand the example I gave in my post ? What is it in my post that you do not understand now ?I used the word "remove" in my original post and YOU CHOSE to replace it with your own word, "modify".Yet, you do not understand. Or is it that YOU CHOSE NOT TO UNDERSTAND ?
  5. I fail to understand why you don't understand what I posted, hence the two quotes above. Note the word "remove" in my post as opposed to the word "modify" in your post. Be that as it may, let me just illustrate it with something specific and exagerate a bit to make my point clearer.If the "autopilot" feature was completely removed ( or broken ) in an update when it was was working fine in a previous update/version, will that be acceptable to you as a user, assuming you understood the feature, were able to use the feature successfully, as intended and appreciated it in prior update/version?We can go into different reasons why the "autopilot" may be removed, but the fact that it was removed from lthe latest and future updates will be acceptable to you ? Where should the line on compatibility be drawn ? Or does that not qualify as a compatibility issue ?
  6. Let's start by saying :1. May be somethings need to be set in stone.2. Don't fix something that wasn't broken !3. An update implies "New, Improved, or BOTH "NEW AND IMPROVED".4. Give me a BUG-FREE, COMPLETE PRODUCT and $crew the updates if you are going to hide behind your incapability to fix or improve something.5. Don't remove a feature or two just because Laminar is not too thrilled with it. Even if Laminar offers these updates for free, IT DOES NOT GIVE LAMINAR the right to remove something that some or many users may be using or find useful.The buggy incomplete product in X-plane v10 is not the users' fault. IT IS VERY DEFINETLY LAMINAR'S FAULT AND RESPONSIBILITY. Laminar takes advantage of it's very forgiving base. It should take these issues HEAD ON and address them publicly instead of hiding behind their blogs, over which they exert complete control.Is that too much to ask, Laminar ?
  7. Sony Betamax was a COMPLETE, BUGFREE PRODUCT THAT JUST WORKED, AS INTENDED, OUT OF THE BOX. No if's, and's or but's. It worked the day you plugged it in. Not a month, two months or six months from now ! It came with a warranty, too ! Also, are you suggesting that Laminar is anywhere close to Sony. ARE YOU SERIOUS ?I write about Laminar, Austin and X-plane, the product because I know A BIT about all of them thru personal experience and after a decade of the attitude, behaviour and actions of Laminar and it's head, I have a right to have the opinion I have. I share that opinion, FWIW. You don't have to read it, agree with it, pay attention to it or respond to it. NO CHARGE !The problem with X-plane v10 IS NOT CAUSED BY ME, YOU OR THE CUSTOMERS WHO BOUGHT IT.It is very clearly Laminar's creation ( and it is a pattern that repeats with EVERY VERSION ) and the least Laminar and Austin could do is to own up to the problem, inadequacy, etc. and address the problems and issues at hand.WHEN WILL LAMINAR DO THAT ?
  8. The more one delays the purchase of a buggy and incomplete product, the more incentive Laminar has to produce an update that is worthy of being called a complete, finished, relatively bug-free product that Laminar IMPLIES.Laminar should deliver more than it promises and promise less than what it can deliver - TODAY - not a month, two months or six months from now !TODAY.WHAT IS LAMINAR'S ROADMAP AND TIMELINE FOR FIXING AND DELIVERING THE PRODUCT IT HYPED AND PROMISED ?
  9. I wouldn't go that far and I am being polite here.Addons have been broken or reduced in some features unrecognised or some features "dulled" or e.g. airport lighting highlited/brightened so much so that they look like they were lit like petroleum refneries, etc.What I have listed above is from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND OBSERVATIONS. Again, you may chose to believe me or not, but it is a fact based on my personal experience. I have known 3rd party developers remain silent, grin and bear it or try to be as gentle as possible in asking Austin to make the necessary correction.This is where I say, again, the word "compatibility" is used somewhat losely. If compatibilty means X-plane didn't CTD because of the particular entity, THAT'S A PRETTY LOW BAR. To me compatibilty means the particular entity will work in the new X-plane update or version just as well as it it did in ta previous update or version, as the case maybe, WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATIONS. One might say THAT'S A PRETTY HIGH BAR. But, that's me. :(
  10. +1You said it, jahman, and you can't be more clear. Just hope the Europeans understand English !
  11. Should be possible.But I'd rather have them take a much bolder approach - get together with ORBX, etc. and create a new sim platform ! Probably, much easier said than done, I know.
  12. Concentrate on the message, NOT THE MESSENGER !Refute / challenge what I have posted, BY ALL MEANS -AND STOP THERE !!!!!
  13. WOW ! Forgive me, alpilotx, no offence meant to you.I just wish that Laminar / Austin had the courage and was bold and upfront enough to say this PUBLICLY !This is why it is extremely important for Laminar to explain the "Roadmap and the Timeline for X-plane v10" to it's users, WHO PAID THE FULL PRICE, UPFRONT WITH NO IF'S, AND'S or BUT'S.
  14. NOT QUITE, NOT EVEN CLOSE ! Let's stay focused on the issue, shall we ?What remains is the hundreds or perhaps thousands of customers with an as yet buggy and incomplete product that Laminar in it's infinite wisdom decided to release prematurely and sell, AT FULL PRICE, NO LESS, with no hint /admission upfront, that IT IS AN INCOMPLETE, BUGGY, BETA PRODUCT.
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