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100% X-planized....

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I had to share this moment of satisfaction with you :-)


Yesterday I finally got the chance to try what I couldn't resist trying - LM P3D. I was reading every positive post on that platform, and, I wondered how good it really might be, so, I decided to subscribe for 1 month - it would have been more than sufficient for me to test...


A morning and 4 hours last night were more than sufficient to re-enforce my decision regarding the "adoption" of x-plane10 as my sim!

While I have to recognize that LM-P3D is a major step forward in performance, and even on such aspects as default landclass and auto-gen for the default World, painting deserts in FSX to very acceptable landscapes in the many places I had the chance to visit during my journey, while this is certainly true, after experimenting the realism of X-plane10 flight dynamics, ambience, scenery (uising OSM as a complement) and even weather - although I still find room for improvement in this area - it is impossible for me to ever get back to anything on the MSFS, or ESP-derived world, FLIGHT being a remarkable exception that unfortunately came to a very early end...


X-plane10 gives me the most rewarding moments during those approaches to airports I know from RL, landscapes I am familiar with, a credible world down there in the towns, etc... The default aircraft I use - Baron58 and C90 - are also very good IMO, and adding the LES DC-3 to my hangar was probably the best thing I did after restarting my flight simulation hobby this year :-) The An-24 will be my next investment, and then the Duchess when Goran finds the time to upgrade it to X-Plane10. The Saab is also a temptation ;-)


X-Plane10 is indeed the RIGHT Flight Simulation Platform to go for, IMHO :-)

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!)

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all your posts have made me abandon FSX/FS9 this week and concentrate on getting to know Xplane10 more better, i have also bought the JRollon CRJ 200 which is unbelievable and amazing! Thank you JComm for helping me see how awesome Xplane10 can be.




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Thank you JComm for helping me see how awesome Xplane10 can be.


Thank you FlashIsisMayia for taking the time to give X-Plane10 another chance. I myself was rather renitent to really give X-Plane10 a fair try, after playing around with the demo and refusing to follow a few good hints someone gave me... I believe I had blurred vision....and I am really glad I ended up solving the problem :-)


Good add-ons, proper controller configuration, using OSM2XP to get additional detail, and, a certainly growing number of 3pds turning their attention to X-Plane10 will certainly make it an even stronger platform, at least one with a future :-)


Here'a a photo for you - the LES DC-3 in the colors of TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses - circa 1945, approaching today's Lisbon 03 with the OSM scenery behind :-)


I'll follow your suggestion and get that CRJ-200 ASAP ;-) I've actually seen a few at Porto Airport ( LPPR ) in the colours of IBERIA/Air Nostrum...



Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!)

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I've always been an airliner nut, so most of the flights I do are at flight levels and long distances. However, there are times when I have to get down and thread needles, using only a topographical map as my guide for which valleys I can navigate, and which wind up as dead ends. It's amazing to me how the visual sensation of flight is so beautifully replicated while flying in the mountains.


Jcomm, you mention in another thread how you heard how mountain and bush flying can be rewarding (probably from me ;)). I assure you, my friend, these hills were made for exploring:



"No matter how eloquent you are or how solidly and firm you've built your case, you will never win in an argument with an idiot, for he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous.

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Very nice topic ! B)


But I'm chocked because of your screenshot: 245 FPS, that's insane. :P I would use the tool for the graphic driver settings, and add Anti-Aliasing:



What's your operating system and GPU ? Nvidia ? Ati ?


I think you can also add more roads and ground traffic. You'll find here the features you can add and the resources they'll use:



You can also increase this setting (flight models per frame control):



Once you have more "eye-candy" and less FPS (try to reduce to 80 FPS :lol:), you can go back to your graphic driver settings and activate vertical synchronization or "V-Sync":



This will prevent your video card to render more frames than your monitor is able to display. Rendering 245 FPS when your monitor is only able to display 60 FPS (60 Hz) is a waste of energy, and makes more noise because of your faster GPU fan.


Happy flying. ^_^

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Jcomm, you mention in another thread how you heard how mountain and bush flying can be rewarding (probably from me ;)). I assure you, my friend, these hills were made for exploring:


I'll surely invest on bush flying as soon as I get the proper aircraft :-), and yes, now I recall it was from you I heard about how rewarding it can be in X-Plane10 :-) Thx for the suggestions Jordan!


But I'm chocked because of your screenshot: 245 FPS, that's insane.


More on that latter :-) I promisse ;-)


I think you can also add more roads and ground traffic.


Oh, I know, but I am always afraid of compromising the FDE. I have set 3 flight models per frame.


Thx for the hints MdMax.

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!)

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Oh, I know, but I am always afraid of compromising the FDE. I have set 3 flight models per frame.

Wow, this means you have 735 flight model calculations per second at the exact moment of the screenshot. Amazing !!! :lol:

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I have been a primary user of FSX for the past few years. However, I have been using X-Plane since v. 8. When version 9.7 came final I found myself using FSX and X-Plane each about 50% of the time.


However, now after having purchased X-Plane 10, I have switched primarily to it. Yes, I think in some aspects FSX and P3D (which I also have) have some nicer eye candy overall. The lack of airports in XP sometimes frustrates me but I have been converting some of the airports I fly out of from FSX into X-Plane and they work great.


There is something different about the experience in X-Plane. Having flown a bit in real life, X-Plane just seems to give me more of that same "feel." I actually get a little tense on approach and landing and I actually have to concentrate. ha ha.. In FSX it's like riding on one of those go kart tracks with the bumper rails when I was a kid. :-)


I do think there is a lot of potential in X-Plane and believe that v. 10 is heading in the right direction! I also LOVE the CRJ from JRollon.


For those that have not given it a try, I encourage you to do so!

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There is something different about the experience in X-Plane. Having flown a bit in real life, X-Plane just seems to give me more of that same "feel." I actually get a little tense on approach and landing and I actually have to concentrate. ha ha.. In FSX it's like riding on one of those go kart tracks with the bumper rails when I was a kid. :-)


Reading through these various post/replies...........gives me a mental excuse to fire up X-Plane 10, X-Plane 9, FSX, & FS9........just for the takeoff & landing phases. I do use, what I consider to be good flight models, and I use rudder pedals, just as I would in a real plane, to line the nose with the runway centerline (important for takeoffs & landings). Bottom line.............I still like them all.


I'm still NOT getting a special "feel", that's enough to put one sim far above the others. Certainly not enough to just dump the others. There are just certain things at certain times, that I still get from various models in the different sims.............that have the WOW effect. Or at least, that close to "real" feel............at least for the moment.


I will admit. I don't fly sims every day. Sometimes, weeks will even go by. I'd have even picked up the (LES) DC-3 a few weeks ago, as I was in the mood for an old time radial engined aircraft. Had just watched "John Wayne's"... Island in the Sky..............for the 10th time. Couldn't find my X-Aviation password. Will try again, one of these days. It's just one of those mood things.



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Will try again, one of these days. It's just one of those mood things.


Try it ;-)

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!)

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I haven't yet installed p3d 1.4. I am not in a hurry to as I founf the performance of 1.3 not too dissimilar from FSX. I am finding I can run much higher resolutions in xplane. With fsx I cant run with all my monitors.


It would be cool if xplane had a really good version of an A10 to match my sim pit though :)

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I also have XP10, although have just not had the time to really try it out properly( I have it installed on my home-built PC). As a user of the various MSFS versions since FS4, is there an article anywhere on how to transition from FSX to XP10, or is it just a matter if kicking the tires and trying it?


I did get to set up my various yoke/ throttle quadrants in XP10 a while back, and couldn't see where it was possible to assign different controller settings to different planes(I would set up a 4 engine jet differently from a C172, with FSX I use FSUIPC to do this). Is this possible to do in XP10?


Thanks, Bruce.

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I don't know if anyone's put together some form of "official" transition guide, but for me it was just a matter of getting in and digging around. I'd play with settings and if there was something specific that I couldn't quite figure out, I'd just google that particular problem and read up. I think the biggest issue people have in trying it out is the tendency to compare every feature, interface element, and setting to FSX and to try to approach them all from an FSX perspective. Get a basic understanding of what the settings do and then it'll be easier to tweak the sim into something you can be happy with.


As far as populating it with scenery and aircraft, I've been doing a "fill it up as I go" approach. I'll decide my origin and destination, then search for airport scenery at the .org and also Ted's Scenery downloads and then I'll have a look at Open Streetmap and see if there has been any work on the environments from start to finish. If so, I'll download and convert those areas with OSM2XP and toss 'em into the Custom Scenery folder. Finally, for aircraft, it's a bit of a mixed bag. Some notable payware aircraft are the JRollon CRJ-200, which is as close to PMDG level in X-Plane as is available right now. Carenado has some of their planes available for XP for some GA action. Leading Edge Simulations as a few, including the DC-3 that's gotten a lot of mention lately. For tubeliners, there's the 777 that's soon to be released, and a nice 787 that looks pretty good, though is lite on the systems modeling. Some good freeware airliners are the QPAC A320 and EADT 737-800. They're pretty nice as far as systems modeling go, but lack a VC if that has any bearing on your desire to fly.


Also worth mentioning is the Universal FMC by Javier Cortez. It works great with any aircraft that has a configuration file for it. It comes configs for all of the most renowned XP aircraft, so that's not a problem.


While not on the same level of FSX in terms of add-on availability, what is there for XP is pretty nice, and with XP's rising popularity, it can only get better as more and more 3rd parties start looking into it. Good luck and have fun!

"No matter how eloquent you are or how solidly and firm you've built your case, you will never win in an argument with an idiot, for he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous.

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Thanks, Jon, appreciate the helpful reply. I've got to find more time to do things like this!


Thanks, Bruce.


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