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Rain on the windshield...Once


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Hi all!


I have searched for this and found a number of posts relating to VCRain and copying files from FS9 to FSX but I was wondering if I really need to?.


Recently, I was sat at my local airport in the rain in the stock C172 and noticed rain drops on my windshield, which looked cool.


But, ever since then, I have not been able to duplicate this, I have not copied any files (though I will if I need to) and was just curious if this was an obscure feature I had enabled unknowingly and have since lost or whether I was just seeing things! :P


Thank you for your time!

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"VC Rain" was a feature of FS9 but was eliminated in FSX as they had depecrated the "chained animations" that FS9 used to produce the effect.


Consequently, the only reason for copying the FS9 "VC Rain" bitmaps (all 32 of 'em) from FS9 to FSX is to allow FS9 compiled aircraft models to have the effect applied to them, otherwise the windows will become opaque while it is raining...


...which as you might imagine makes it rather difficult to see!


Flight1 offers a downloadable "fix" for the missing VC Rain textures, but they are only totally blank (transparent) textures, and will not provide the "rain drops" but will eliminate the opaque windows.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator
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Thank you for your quick reply!


So in your opinion is it a good idea to install the VCRain BMPs from here and then the fix from flight 1?


Will this give me the rain effect without the opaque windshield problem?


I just don't get how it happened once and never again! :wacko:  it's not a huge problem or anything, I was just curious!

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No, if you install the "official fix" from Microsoft you will not need the Flight1 "not-really-a-fix" at all...


IOW, one or the other... Big%20Grin.gif


It is possible you saw the "rain" while in 2d cockpit view, it never works in the VC view except with FS9 aircraft and the VC Rain textures installed.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator
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Oddly, just looking in my textures folder, I have a load of "VCRain" files (moving and stopped) already!.

Anyway, thank you all for your help, I will probably not install the MS files and make do without the cool rain effect, shame they took it out...

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