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Guest Commandhat17

CD ROM Products for PMDG

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Guest Commandhat17

So I've been going PMDG's site for days now and when I keep looking at the CD ROM Products section, it says it's empty. does anyone have an Idea when they can come to CD? 
I don't really want to pay by credit card.. it's kinda unsafe. 

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It's no more unsafe than you being on the net.


Use paypal if you don't want to use a credit card - or buy from reputable sites (PMDG is good)

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Guest Commandhat17

It's no more unsafe than you being on the net.


Use paypal if you don't want to use a credit card - or buy from reputable sites (PMDG is good)

It's good, but where I live I don't have/use paypal. I was just wondering when they would come on CD, so I could bye them off amazon.. 

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Guest Commandhat17

Using a credit card?

Possibly, since it's the only online store I trust. or It be better if I'd get it off Cash On Delivery. 

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Or you can pay by cheque to www.flightstore.co.uk and they will, once your cheque is cleared, post the disks(CDs) out to you, if you (a)do not have PayPal, or (b) are reluctant to use your CC online.

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You could also visit the Aerosoft shop, they offer all PMDG products boxed (except for the 777, which is scheduled for box release in June), and as I read their TOS, it seems to be possible to pay on delivery. But anyway, as the others have pointed out, using CC or Paypal (if that's an option in your country) is not less safe than paying on deliveery, as long as you do it only on trusted sites (and you can trust both PMDG and Aerosoft in this regard).

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Guest Commandhat17

Or you can pay by cheque to www.flightstore.co.uk and they will, once your cheque is cleared, post the disks(CDs) out to you, if you (a)do not have PayPal, or ( B) are reluctant to use your CC online.

I went to the Flight Store, seems that PMDG 777 isn't available, as I was looking for that. Yeah they have CoD (Cash on Delivery), but's quite expensive.. 48$ for shipping? In my country, they ship for less than 5$ :/

Is there any Asia specific stores that cost less? especially for the 777? 


You could also visit the Aerosoft shop, they offer all PMDG products boxed (except for the 777, which is scheduled for box release in June), and as I read their TOS, it seems to be possible to pay on delivery. But anyway, as the others have pointed out, using CC or Paypal (if that's an option in your country) is not less safe than paying on deliveery, as long as you do it only on trusted sites (and you can trust both PMDG and Aerosoft in this regard).

I suppose, but I prefer CoD anyway.

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Guest Commandhat17

Ok, so as FloG mentioned above the PMDG 777 will be released in June. Is this true? If so is there a Asia specific store that might be a little cheaper on the shipping?.

And how can I access the SP's are they provided with the product?. Also is there a 300ER expansion pack? I've heard many rumors but I don't know if it's true. 

Pardon my Ignorance



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Ok, so as FloG mentioned above the PMDG 777 will be released in June. Is this true? If so is there a Asia specific store that might be a little cheaper on the shipping?.

And how can I access the SP's are they provided with the product?. Also is there a 300ER expansion pack? I've heard many rumors but I don't know if it's true. 

Pardon my Ignorance



I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that they were waiting for the service packs to be done before they released the box version.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

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Guest Commandhat17

I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that they were waiting for the service packs to be done before they released the box version.

Ah. Is there any word on a 300ER version? 

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Guest Commandhat17

Yes, but this will be a separate title, not included in the box. Will most probably be available as a download only.

Darn, ok thanks. 

when will all the service packs and when will the 300ER release? 

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Darn, ok thanks. 

when will all the service packs and when will the 300ER release? 


That, detective, is the right question. Program terminated.

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