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About FloG

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  • Birthday 03/18/1992

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    Aviation, Classical Music

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    Student of Petroleum Engineering

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  1. I don't own the Just Flight Airbus, but since their approach is normally a simplified one, I'd say the AS Airbus is quite a different from that one. In terms of visual quality, I'd say that it is close to PMDG - but an Airbus cockpit is simply a lot less "exciting" than a Boeing cockpit, so it might look a bit dull. Also, I'd say that in terms of systems modelling, Aerosoft is perhaps relatively close to iFly (definitely not PMDG!), although they're not quite there. But to be fair, they never claimed it to be a full system simulation - it was always meant to be a simulation of only the pilot's normal workload, and they did a great job with that IMO!
  2. That's quite expensive indeed, but if I'll ever find time to get back to flight simming, this looks really great! Having been flying mainly default-ish airplanes at the end of my flying carreer, this may really prove helpful for me, just to get back into the whole stuff, because after being inactive for more than half a year, and only very seldom in the year before that, I think I don't remember most of the commands anymore...
  3. What Frank said. Plus they also have some older ones, like Florence and Venice, which both do not only include the airports themselves, but also cover extensive parts of the respective cities. Also don't forget the Naples scenery that you can find in the AVSIM Library. That one is very well done IMO, particularly for freeware. EDIT: For whatever reason it appears that Aerosoft does no longer sell Florence X.
  4. The C337 is one of my favorite addons, as Gregg said, it feels rigth (unlike some other Carenado planes), and one thing I enjoyed about it - apart from it being a relatively cool and unusual design for an airplane - is the simplicity of the systems while the model is still visually appealing. I have to admit, I do own some of the A2A planes, but I am most likely the worst person to judge them, because the only plane I have mastered is their J3. I have bought the C172, but it was released at a time where I did not really have time to spend on flight simming, but perhaps (hopefully!) the summer break will give me some time to get back into it. Anyway, from what I've read, and based on what they achieved in the simple Cub already, you won't be able to get any of that from the Carenado C337. But it's still a nice plane for a quick flight. Cheers, Flo
  5. I'm not completely sure, but IIRC the plane can't handle the switch from GPS to NAV mode all that well. Perhaps try to disable and re-enable VOR-LOC mode after switching from GPS to NAV, at least I think that's how I usually did it. Alternatively, you could try to enable the APP mode as soon as you switch from GPS to NAV, as Matthew (1251452) has pointed out before. That may not be the entirely correct procedure, but I think it could also solve the issue.
  6. Well, call me slow then! I just now realized that there's a pun. Read it in the morning and couldn't make sens of it. 14hrs later, and I only get it now...
  7. Because using another account to circumvent a forum ban is against the rules. Let's just leave it at that.
  8. I apologize for spreading rumors. I could have sworn I have read a statement of Tom on that subject subject, but I can't find it, so I guess it exists on ly in my imagination.
  9. For starting, perhaps choose an area that you are familiar with. I mean if I have a rough idea where I am simply by looking out of the window, I find it a lot easier. I fly without any proper preparation or charts, though. If the region does not matter, I'd suggest Blue Sky Scenery, they offer quite a huge area, large parts of CA, NV and AZ for example in an impressing quality for free!
  10. IIRC, Tom removed all PMs older than some date a few months ago.
  11. As far as I am aware, they usually hold back their new releases for a few weeks before making them available to other vendors. I'd suggest you write them a support email about your problem with your cards, or otherwise be patient a little longer. I've dropped them a line about the PayPal thing quite some time back, and their reply was, IIRC, that they're looking into it. Apparently without any success... Best regards,
  12. That looks really great, thank you for your effort! I am not sure about editing the visual model, but that may not be allowed.
  13. In the top right corner you'll find a spopt labelled with your usernam (right abvoe the search bar). If you click on your username, a menu opens, where you can select - among others - "My Content". Another option would be going to your profile, and selecting "Topics" or "Posts" in the bar on the left (showing your laste few posts/threads you opened), or "Find Content" in the right corner of the profile page. This is the one affected by a certain limit, and I do not think that this will ever change, as Tom has explained earlier.
  14. This is a beavior I have observed at some FlyTampa airports for a split-second every now and then. They appear to put some invisible objects on the runways, I guess they are associated with the PAPI lights. The buildings in the picture do remind me of FlyTampa's airport anyway, this might be objects extracted from said scenery and packaged as freeware. EDIT: Looking at the product screenshots, I'm pretty positive it is indeed some kind of piracy. I'd suggest you report it to the site where you got this from immediately!
  15. Allow me a little yet important note: If you think you see a post that you consider out of line, please use the report function, don't start complaining about the post in the thread! This will only make the situation worse, and it gets ahrder to sort everything out. And now for something compeltely different: The original topic :wink:
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