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ASN Sp3 & Flight Dynamic Issues

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After upgrading to ASN SP3, I have noticed several flight dynamics issues. The most apparent one is resistance to banking the aircraft. For example, tonight doing pattern work in benign conditions, I tried but was unable to roll the aircraft into a normal 30 bank turn even with full control wheel/joystick input. I have also noticed that occasionally the nose will yaw opposite to banked turn direction, in effect causing an outside slip. No rudder is being applied.


I noticed this first over the weekend flying the NGX during a morning of practice approaches in low IMC conditions at KICT and KHUT. I have also noticed the same behavior flying the Captin Sim B707 (latest ver.) and the Coolsky DC-9. It does not appear isolated to a particular model.


Tonight, after experiencing the issue, I closed ASN and the issue went away. I do not recall experiencing this behavior with SP2 and earlier versions.


Anyone else experiencing this issue or behavior? I understand this is not ASN forum, but there are many ASN users owning to the great radar interface between the 777 & NGX and ASN.




Rich Boll

Wichita KS

Richard Boll

Wichita, KS

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Anyone else experiencing this issue or behavior? I understand this is not ASN forum, but there are many ASN users owning to the great radar interface between the 777 & NGX and ASN


I'm still on ASN SP2 but i remember there being an option called "enhanced turbulence effects" or something of the sort, they said this might cause handling issues, maybe this is enabled?

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Anyone else experiencing this issue or behavior?

Not this particular issue. However, in the NGX the FPS went to hell. Trying to fly it was like trying to fly a slide show.The T7 seemed okay but that was a nighttime flight using the A/P so its hard to judge the T7 reaction to SP3. Anyway I uninstalled SP3 and installed SP2. Now everything is back to normal. 

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I've not had a problem with any ASN release, very interesting that a wx engine would affect aileron effectiveness.... wow.

Dan Downs KCRP

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Same here, absolutely no issues with any ASN release and any of my aircraft.



Dave Paige

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After upgrading to ASN SP3, I have noticed several flight dynamics issues. The most apparent one is resistance to banking the aircraft.

Unfortunately Rich I noticed this too with the 737NGX but don't know about the T7 because I have not flown with it after release SP3.


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Disable wake turbulence in ASN.

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There haven't been any intended or conceivably related changes in SP3 that would affect something like aileron effectiveness and certainly nothing that would cause "several flight dynamics issues".  The one known issue with Enhanced Turbulence potentially causing unwanted control input problems is resolved by disabling Enhanced Turbulence.  This has been the same since RTM however.


In any case, I'd be happy to try and troubleshoot any problems you are having with SP3.  Please just open at ticket at http://support.hifitechinc.com and reference this thread.  Thank you.

Damian Clark
HiFi  Simulation Technologies

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My thanks to everyone who replied.  Special thanks to Damian for responding. 


I did not notice the problem before SP3, or least not to the extent.  I did have Enhanced Turbulence check (True). I have now set it back to the default FALSE setting.  Let me fly FSX around a bit and see it behaves.


If still experience it or if I notice a distinct difference with it on or off, I will let Damian through the HiFI support system.


Thanks again!



Richard Boll

Wichita, KS

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