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DTG : Fs 64 bit this year - How will LM react ?

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It will be arcade simulator  -  buy one region at a time with no real backbone to the simulation portion are you kidding me lol


If I am wrong I will eat my words but I highley doubt it

Do you want fries with that meal? Richard, it's already been definitively stated that the "new sim" will be recycling most of FSX, it will contain the entire world, and most assuredly will be no more an "arcade" than FSX or Prepar3D are.

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Fr. Bill    

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At least a voice of reason in this thread. :smile:

"Society has become so fake that the truth actually bothers people".

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it's already been definitively stated that the "new sim" will be recycling most of FSX



I agree with Bill on this one. DTG would have make to a major backtrack if that doesn't happen. However, the term "recycling" could mean a lot of things. For example, DTG could be using the exact same file formats that are found in FSX and P3d such as MDL, AIR and BGL. Even if these file formats are tweaked in small way (like LM has done with P3d), it would make the transition to the DTG FS product much easier.


On the other hand, the BGL format is archaic and it isn't what is termed an industry standard in the GIS world. An innovative approach would be to use ESRI's ARCGIS shapefile format (SHP) for the geographic framework. What would be even more difficult than the SHP approach for 3rd party developers would be what Laminar Research did with XP10 and just develop all new file formats. There is no reason for DTG to do that, since they have purchased the rights supposedly for FSX from MS.

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For years on Avsim the cry was "we need a 64bit sim" and along comes Dovetail delivering exactly that. and all I read around here is negativity.


For years on Avsim the cry was "we need a sim utilising modern graphics techniques " and along comes Dovetail promising a move towards that. and yet more negativity.


For years on Avsim the cry was "we need a sim with updated Navdata and facilities " and along comes Dovetail saying they are trying to include that, and still the audience around here are negative.


I can tell you all now exactly how this will pan out, If the likes of PMDG, A2A and Realair embrace DTG's platform then the market (and you) will follow. it's that simple.

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Just like Richard you seem to forget that going to a 64 bit version of P3D will cost you just as much as switching to DFS. It may even cost far less to switch to DFS. I am 100% sure that DFS will be cheaper than P3D (well, okay, the Pro version) and the same will go for addons: a lot of companies ask more for P3D addons (for some very odd reason but that's another story).


I am not sure but maybe 32 bit programs might be able to be worked into the 64 bit architecture - maybe Rob can chime in here - that being said you bring up a good point and if they are not compatible in any way may stick with 32 as I dont have oom issues 



Rich, how do you come to that conclusion?

Among the little things we know about DTGs project is a) that it is an FSX code base (same as P3D when it comes to the flight model), b ) that they promise to offer the whole world to fly in upon release. (Btw: Buying one region at a time is exactly what we all do with GEX/Orbx stuff, isn't it?)


Good point but if its just a tricked out fsx then not seeing the point - it should be a whole new simulator not what LM is all ready doing improving an old sim  - in the end I see it as a new MSFlight - that lasted on my hard drive 10 mins - just my opinion dont take it personally folks

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Rich Sennett


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I am not sure but maybe 32 bit programs might be able to be worked into the 64 bit architecture - maybe Rob can chime in here - that being said you bring up a good point and if they are not compatible in any way may stick with 32 as I dont have oom issues 




Good point but if its just a tricked out fsx then not seeing the point - it should be a whole new simulator not what LM is all ready doing improving an old sim  - in the end I see it as a new MSFlight - that lasted on my hard drive 10 mins - just my opinion dont take it personally folks


Microsoft tried an all new sim, and in fact I thought it was more realistic in it's flight modeling than any MSFS I had tried, and I have tried them all. Guess what, the simmers didn't like Flight, because there weren't enough bells and whistles and only a couple of areas of the world, so they dissed it, and Microsoft said " Well screw this" and bailed. Now comes DTG, and guess what, DTG is also anxious to get into the X box game console world with their products. Do you really think that a flight sim that they create, that will eventually probably be ported to X box, will be of the quality of a P3D?   It is more likely to be targeted to the young gamer demographic , that doesn't own a PC, but instead a smart phone, tablet, and gaming console. Even X plane is moving in this direction. http://www.dovetailgames.com/news/2015/aug/4/dovetail-games-looks-to-the-future-collaborating-with-microsoft.   Dovetail is about making money, and I am betting that this will be their target market. 


Well one good thing, you can forget about fancy joysticks, and rudder pedals, just get a good X box controller and you are all set..  :wink: BTW, I bought a $200 + Rail Driver Controller for Run 8, but when I switched to DTG's train sim, it wouldn't work so I wound up using a $35  X box controller. 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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it should be a whole new simulator not what LM is all ready doing improving an old sim


Rich, where do you think LM got the improvements to the VAS issues from ?

Dovetail are already well ahead at this point with modernising the old FSX/ESP code, these aren't just a bunch of well meaning amateurs, in the time it took LM to move from V2 to V3 DTG have managed to convert the codebase to 64bit and DX11.

That's impressive, but then DTG do have many more developers experienced in delivering consumer oriented product in their team than LM ( over a 100 devs allegedly) and a massive head start from the Train sim code. add to that the fact that they are already established on the largest software delivery platform.

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Microsoft tried an all new sim, and in fact I thought it was more realistic in it's flight modeling than any MSFS I had tried, and I have tried them all. Guess what, the simmers didn't like Flight, because there weren't enough bells and whistles and only a couple of areas of the world, so they dissed it, and Microsoft said " Well screw this" and bailed. Now comes DTG, and guess what, DTG is also anxious to get into the X box game console world with their products. Do you really think that a flight sim that they create, that will eventually probably be ported to X box, will be of the quality of a P3D?   It is more likely to be targeted to the young gamer demographic , that doesn't own a PC, but instead a smart phone, tablet, and gaming console. Even X plane is moving in this direction. http://www.dovetailgames.com/news/2015/aug/4/dovetail-games-looks-to-the-future-collaborating-with-microsoft.   Dovetail is about making money, and I am betting that this will be their target market. 


Well one good thing, you can forget about fancy joysticks, and rudder pedals, just get a good X box controller and you are all set..  :wink: BTW, I bought a $200 + Rail Driver Controller for Run 8, but when I switched to DTG's train sim, it wouldn't work so I wound up using a $35  X box controller. 


If this is true Bob - proves my point we will see


Rich, where do you think LM got the improvements to the VAS issues from ?

Dovetail are already well ahead at this point with modernising the old FSX/ESP code, these aren't just a bunch of well meaning amateurs, in the time it took LM to move from V2 to V3 DTG have managed to convert the codebase to 64bit and DX11.

That's impressive, but then DTG do have many more developers experienced in delivering consumer oriented product in their team than LM ( over a 100 devs allegedly) and a massive head start from the Train sim code. add to that the fact that they are already established on the largest software delivery platform.


Point taken My Friend - we shall see 

By the way has anyone thought about the name of Their first offering - flight school - to me that does not sound like a world wide full blown flight simulator - I could be wrong about that to :wink:  

Rich Sennett


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Bob, please take some time to read the Q&A with DTG-Martin: Their flight sims will be PC exclusive titles for now. And btw: There are serious games for consoles as well. No need to start a PC vs Consoles-debate.

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Er... so you are willing to re-spend thousands of dollars on addons and re-buy them for a 64 bit version of P3D...?


I would, grudgingly for sure - but if the new product was exceptional - I'd go for it in a heartbeat. This is, of course, assuming that the developer of my current sim of choice is not ALSO continuing development. FSX is stagnant - however DTG & SE, LM and Xplane are not. We are not LM's target market but , so far, we have been benefitting quite nicely with their "other" market products. Absolutely no reason to think that this would not continue.


One of the major differences between DTG & LM is that DTG touts their horn quite loudly as to what they are going to do and what they are developing while LM is a close to the vest developer - They announce when the product is in beta test - EVERYTHING else is pure speculation.


From this thread, it would appear that many of us love to jump on the wagon when someone announces that they are working on something - for now DTG's street credibility is good - let see how that goes around the end of the year.



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RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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I'm all for eye candy and look forward to see what it offers but if it doesnt have the substance of a true simulator I would have to think long and hard to invest in anything less than what we have now

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Rich Sennett


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By the way has anyone thought about the name of Their first offering - flight school - to me that does not sound like a world wide full blown flight simulator - I could be wrong about that to

Rich - Martin already addressed that the Flight School offering was NOT aimed at the general sim market. It will be designed to enable basic level flight training - one doesn't need photoscenery, etc for that type of operation.




RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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but if it doesnt have the substance of a true simulator I would have to think long and hard to invest in anything less than what we have now


Rich, this is exactly the same codebase as P3D is developed from, it's basically FSX SE converted to 64bit/DX11 with (if DTG are to be believed) updated navdata and facilities, why would anyone be negative about that ?

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Rich - Martin already addressed that the Flight School offering was NOT aimed at the general sim market. It will be designed to enable basic level flight training - one doesn't need photoscenery, etc for that type of operation.




Thanks Vic - do you know what they are calling the full blown version ?

Rich Sennett


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Thanks Vic - do you know what they are calling the full blown version


DoveTail Flight Simulator

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