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PMDG FSExpo Announcement

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4 minutes ago, ErichB said:


A brand new product in development since 2008...well, this sounds interesting.....

Have at it boys and girls...

Interesting... do you have a link to this announcement?

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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8 minutes ago, ErichB said:


A brand new product in development since 2008...well, this sounds interesting.....

Have at it boys and girls...

10 years???

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What exactly is the new product?  Video not playing for me.



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19 minutes ago, Boomer said:

What exactly is the new product?  Video not playing for me.

I don't think anything's been revealed (yet) about this product, which apparently has been in development for the last 10 years (since 2008). I assume, that everything will come to light, when they announce it during FSExpo.

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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An MD11 for P3dv4...



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If I recall correct (based on some posts by RSR on the Flight debacle as well as DTG's buying out FSX), I think they were working on their own sim platform.

Jonathan "FRAG" Bleeker

Formerly known here as "Narutokun"


If I speak for my company without permission the boss will nail me down. So unless otherwise specified...Im just a regular simmer who expresses his personal opinion

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2 minutes ago, JB3DG said:

If I recall correct (based on some posts by RSR on the Flight debacle as well as DTG's buying out FSX), I think they were working on their own sim platform.

Oh Gawd, I don't think I can cope with another one.

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5 minutes ago, JB3DG said:

If I recall correct (based on some posts by RSR on the Flight debacle as well as DTG's buying out FSX), I think they were working on their own sim platform.

I doubt I could afford it if so...



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My guess is maybe 787. If they have been working on it since 2008, then that means its not a 777x or 737MAX (MAX is probably the NG3). 2008 was before the first flight, but they could have done the model back then. Model could have been done back then. Considering how complex the 787 is, wouldnt surprise me if it took them this long.

Nick Hesler

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Don't think it will be another platform, we already have DTG, X Plane, P3D and Aerofly.


Perhaps its a project started by another dev in 2008 and taken over by PMDG?


- Stephen Sandwell


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I don't think it is a aircraft. For it to have been in development for 10 years and to be announced at FSExpo means it is something extraordinary and a 767, 777, 787 or MD11 for v4 simply does not fit that bill.


Michael Jones

Michael A. Jones


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4 minutes ago, xTiMm_ said:

A380? :)




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