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Kaaron Gillett

Chemtr...er.. contrails on the ground?

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So I was descending below 12k and noticed I still had contrails...I wrote it off as environmental stuff that idk about. Now...on final approach and on landing there could be one of three things going on here..forgot the chemtrail switch, engines are on fire, or immersion is having a laugh.. I'd say the latter is happening. 

Short video of it ---->      https://i.imgur.com/D7n0YuX.gifv





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Unfortunately the same issue here

https://www.dropbox.com/s/339yyub9m8vrfe7/WING CONDENS.JPG?dl=0

And this is the wx @ JFK


Sorry on P3D latest version.

Log text:

Couldn't get remote UriHandler object.
Populating Simulators
Starting Aircraft CFG scan
Getting/Scanning aircraft for P3Dv4
Done with P3Dv4 scan with 400 vehicles
Registring to Process Notifications
Setting Window Position
Window Position Set to 0, 0
Initializing Loop
Initializing Effects Manager
Loading module C:\Program Files (x86)\OldProp Solutions Inc\Immersion Manager\Libraries\11.dll
Activating Module
Configuring aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400BCF\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400BCF\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400D\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400D\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ER\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ER\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ERF\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ERF\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400F\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400F\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400M\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400M\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8\aircraft.cfg
Validating E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8F\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of E:\PREPAR3D V4.3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8F\aircraft.cfg
Done setting up aircraft.cfg file
Module activated
Getting Running Simulator
Found sim process in e:\prepar3d v4.3\prepar3d.exe
Starting Pipe Server
Connected to Prepar3D
--- Simulation Stopped
--- Simulation Unpaused
Prepar3D has exited
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
SimConnect Instance Disconnected
Process stopped: prepar3d.exe

I9- 13900K- CPU @ 5.0GHz, 64 GB RAM @ 6200MHz, NVIDIA RTX 4090

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Problems here to, i can preview effects, but effects doesn't work in normal way in P3D, green lights all on right side in manager, but nothing on left side, all grey lights (blue when preview effects).

Trying to turn effects off and on, no luck. No effects at all.


Disappointed, o'yes.

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To everyone with that issue: if you see this happening, please close the Manager and send me the log.txt file located in the Immersion Manager directory. This would be really helpful to me.

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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Hi !

Same issue here, next time it will happen I'll send you the log, but could you tell for PC noobs like me how to proced with the log so I'll be able to post it.

Best regards, Gabriel

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On 10/8/2018 at 7:43 AM, Bakern said:

Problems here to, i can preview effects, but effects doesn't work in normal way in P3D, green lights all on right side in manager, but nothing on left side, all grey lights (blue when preview effects).

Trying to turn effects off and on, no luck. No effects at all.


Disappointed, o'yes.

Still no luck to showing up effects, previews works. Uninstalled everything, installed from scratch again.

For info: Have made a exclusion rule in Win Defender for  VFXCentral.exe and Immersion Manager.exe + three DLL files.

Here is my log.


Couldn't get remote UriHandler object.
Login success!
Asset: immersionPack_11 Uptodate
Asset: framework Uptodate
Unknown library found during asset update check: C:\X Program Files\VFXCentral\Immersion Manager\Libraries\OP_Bridge_0.1.3.dll   (something wrong here?)
Asset: imv2Texture Uptodate
Will load Google Analytics Assembly
Will load Newtonsoft Assembly
Will load SimConnect Assembly
Will load Framework Assembly
Assemblies loaded
Populating Simulators
Found P3Dv4 in D:\Prepar3D v4\
Starting Aircraft CFG scan
Getting/Scanning aircraft for P3Dv4
Done with P3Dv4 scan with 420 vehicles
Registring to Process Notifications
Setting Window Position
Window Position Set to 1931.33333333333, 782.666666666667
Initializing Loop
Initializing Effects Manager
Loading module C:\X Program Files\VFXCentral\Immersion Manager\Libraries\11.dll
Activating Module
Configuring aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400BCF\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400BCF\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400D\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400D\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ER\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ER\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ERF\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400ERF\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400F\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400F\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400M\aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400M\aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8\Aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8\Aircraft.cfg
Validating D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8F\Aircraft.cfg
Reading CFG file of D:\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-8F\Aircraft.cfg
Done setting up aircraft.cfg file
Module activated
Getting Running Simulator
Found sim process in d:\prepar3d v4\prepar3d.exe
Starting Pipe Server
Connected to Prepar3D
--- Simulation Stopped
--- Simulation Unpaused
--- Simulation Paused
--- Simulation Unpaused
--- Simulation Started
New Aircraft loaded: PMDG 747-400F
New Aircraft PMDG 747-4R7F Cargolux (LX-VCV | 2016)
Aircraft Model: RR
Loading new aircraft modules
Loading module C:\X Program Files\VFXCentral\Immersion Manager\Libraries\11.dll
Activating Module
Initializing aircraft module
Loading aircraft preferences
Reading Preferences for PMDG_747
Done loading aircraft preferences
Starting to load Effects
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_condensation_LVL000.fx as bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_condensation_LVL100.fx as bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_outter_LVL000.fx as bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_outter_LVL100.fx as bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_inner_LVL000.fx as bW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_inner_LVL100.fx as bW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_inner_LVL000.fx as bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_inner_LVL100.fx as bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_outter_LVL000.fx as bX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_outter_LVL100.fx as bX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_common_LVL000.fx as bx
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_common_LVL100.fx as bx
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_common_LVL000.fx as bY
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_contrails_common_LVL100.fx as bY
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_outter_LVL000.fx as by
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_outter_LVL100.fx as by
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_inner_LVL000.fx as bZ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_inner_LVL100.fx as bZ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_inner_LVL000.fx as bz
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_inner_LVL100.fx as bz
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_outter_LVL000.fx as CA
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_smoke_outter_LVL100.fx as CA
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL000.fx as Ce
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL100.fx as Ce
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL000.fx as CF
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL100.fx as CF
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL000.fx as Cf
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL100.fx as Cf
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL000.fx as CG
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_drain_LVL100.fx as CG
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_rain_outter_LVL000.fx as br
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_rain_outter_LVL100.fx as br
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_rain_inner_LVL000.fx as bS
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_rain_inner_LVL100.fx as bS
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_snow_outter_LVL000.fx as bt
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_snow_outter_LVL100.fx as bt
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_snow_inner_LVL000.fx as bU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_spout_snow_inner_LVL100.fx as bU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_coldstart_RR_M5_LVL000.fx as Ca
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_coldstart_RR_M5_LVL100.fx as Ca
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_coldstart_RR_M13_LVL000.fx as Cc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_coldstart_RR_M13_LVL100.fx as Cc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_LVL000.fx as bg
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_LVL100.fx as bg
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_rev_LVL000.fx as bi
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_rev_LVL100.fx as bi
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_rev_LVL000.fx as bj
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_rain_rev_LVL100.fx as bj
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_LVL000.fx as bl
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_LVL100.fx as bl
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_rev_LVL000.fx as bn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_rev_LVL100.fx as bn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_rev_LVL000.fx as bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_engines_wash_snow_rev_LVL100.fx as bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_v1rotate_LVL000.fx as bk
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_v1rotate_LVL100.fx as bk
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_v1rotate_LVL000.fx as bL
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_v1rotate_LVL100.fx as bL
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx as Cg
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL100.fx as Cg
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx as CH
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL100.fx as CH
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_LVL000.fx as CK
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_LVL100.fx as CK
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_LVL000.fx as CL
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_LVL100.fx as CL
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_LVL000.fx as Cl
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_LVL100.fx as Cl
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_logo_LVL000.fx as Cn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_logo_LVL100.fx as Cn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_logo_LVL000.fx as CO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_logo_LVL100.fx as CO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_wing_left_LVL000.fx as CM
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_wing_left_LVL100.fx as CM
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_wing_right_LVL000.fx as Cm
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_wing_right_LVL100.fx as Cm
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_tail_LVL000.fx as CN
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_nav_tail_LVL100.fx as CN
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_wing_LVL000.fx as Co
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_wing_LVL100.fx as Co
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_wing_LVL000.fx as CP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_wing_LVL100.fx as CP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_tail_LVL000.fx as Cp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_strobe_tail_LVL100.fx as Cp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_beacon_lower_LVL000.fx as CR
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_beacon_lower_LVL100.fx as CR
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_beacon_upper_LVL000.fx as Cr
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_beacon_upper_LVL100.fx as Cr
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_rain_LVL000.fx as CU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_rain_LVL100.fx as CU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_rain_LVL000.fx as Cu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_rain_LVL100.fx as Cu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_rain_LVL000.fx as Cw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_rain_LVL100.fx as Cw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_rain_LVL000.fx as CX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_taxi_rain_LVL100.fx as CX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_rain_LVL000.fx as Cx
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_rain_LVL100.fx as Cx
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_rain_LVL000.fx as CY
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_turnoff_rain_LVL100.fx as CY
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_cloud_LVL000.fx as Cy
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_cloud_LVL100.fx as Cy
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_cloud_LVL000.fx as CZ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_cloud_LVL100.fx as CZ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S0.fx as Bn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S0.fx as Bn
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S1.fx as BO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S1.fx as BO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S2.fx as BO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S2.fx as BO
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S3.fx as Bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S3.fx as Bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S4.fx as Bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S4.fx as Bo
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S5.fx as BP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S5.fx as BP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S6.fx as BP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S6.fx as BP
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S7.fx as Bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S7.fx as Bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S8.fx as Bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S8.fx as Bp
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S9.fx as BQ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S9.fx as BQ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S10.fx as BQ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S10.fx as BQ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S11.fx as Bq
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S11.fx as Bq
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S12.fx as Bq
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S12.fx as Bq
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S0.fx as BU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S0.fx as BU
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S1.fx as Bu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S1.fx as Bu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S2.fx as Bu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S2.fx as Bu
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S3.fx as BV
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S3.fx as BV
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S4.fx as BV
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S4.fx as BV
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S5.fx as Bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S5.fx as Bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S6.fx as Bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S6.fx as Bv
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S7.fx as BW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S7.fx as BW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S8.fx as BW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S8.fx as BW
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S9.fx as Bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S9.fx as Bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S10.fx as Bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S10.fx as Bw
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S11.fx as BX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S11.fx as BX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL000_S12.fx as BX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wing_condensation_LVL100_S12.fx as BX
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_outter_LVL000.fx as ba
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_outter_LVL100.fx as ba
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_outter_LVL000.fx as bc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_outter_LVL100.fx as bc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_inner_LVL000.fx as be
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_inner_LVL100.fx as be
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_inner_LVL000.fx as bf
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_inner_LVL100.fx as bf
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_outter_LVL000.fx as bF
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_outter_LVL100.fx as bF
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_outter_LVL000.fx as bG
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wings_vortices_slats_outter_LVL100.fx as bG
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_spray_rain_LVL000.fx as Bc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_spray_rain_LVL100.fx as Bc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_spray_rain_nose_LVL000.fx as Be
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_spray_rain_nose_LVL100.fx as Be
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_front_LVL000.fx as Bh
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_front_LVL100.fx as Bh
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_LVL000.fx as BI
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_LVL100.fx as BI
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_LVL000.fx as BJ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_touchdown_LVL100.fx as BJ
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_dust_LVL000.fx as Bm
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_dust_LVL100.fx as Bm
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_dust_LVL000.fx as BN
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_wheels_dust_LVL100.fx as BN
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_1_LVL000.fx as cA
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_1_LVL100.fx as cA
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_2_LVL000.fx as ca
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_2_LVL100.fx as ca
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_3_LVL000.fx as cB
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_3_LVL100.fx as cB
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_4_LVL000.fx as cb
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_trail_4_LVL100.fx as cb
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_1_LVL000.fx as cC
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_1_LVL100.fx as cC
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_2_LVL000.fx as cc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_2_LVL100.fx as cc
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_3_LVL000.fx as cD
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_3_LVL100.fx as cD
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_4_LVL000.fx as cd
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_lead_4_LVL100.fx as cd
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_stab_LVL000.fx as cE
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_stab_LVL100.fx as cE
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_fuse_LVL000.fx as ce
Will Load file NS.Effects.src_frame_drops_fuse_LVL100.fx as ce
Done Compiling Effects
Module activated
Done loading module
Volumetric Lighting (Landing Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Turnoff Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Taxi Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Nav Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Logo Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Strobe Lights)
Volumetric Lighting (Beacon Lights)
Volumetric Rain (Landing Lights)
Volumetric Rain (Turnoff Lights)
Volumetric Rain (Taxi Lights)
Volumetric Clouds (Landing Lights)
Engines (Contrails)
Engines (Jet Wash)
Engines (Inlet Vortices)
Engines (Cold Start)
Engines (Engine Smoke)
Engines (Drain Fumes)
Condensation (Wing Condensation)
Condensation (Vortices)
Condensation (Engine Condensation)
Wheels (Touchdown)
Wheels (Spray)
Wheels (Brake Dust)
Miscellaneous (Rain drops from the airframe)
Writing Preferences for PMDG_747 (4)
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_937274706 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_938657038 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 803 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 806 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Preview of vl11 disabled
Removing cache of Cg / True
Stopping: Cg (803) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Removing cache of CH / True
Stopping: CH (806) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_955895054 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_957169682 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 823 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 824 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Preview of vl11 disabled
Removing cache of Cg / True
Stopping: Cg (823) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Removing cache of CH / True
Stopping: CH (824) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_968745358 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_970022593 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 831 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 832 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Preview of vl11 disabled
Removing cache of Cg / True
Stopping: Cg (831) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Removing cache of CH / True
Stopping: CH (832) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_980118698 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_981407788 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 841 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 842 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Preview of vl11 disabled
Removing cache of Cg / True
Stopping: Cg (841) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Removing cache of CH / True
Stopping: CH (842) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_994618148 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_995891458 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 854 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 857 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Preview of vl11 disabled
Removing cache of Cg / True
Stopping: Cg (854) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Removing cache of CH / True
Stopping: CH (857) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Preview of vl11 enabled
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_1008954593 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_1010224003 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 871 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 872 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Writing Preferences for PMDG_747
Stopping: Cg (871) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Stopping: CH (872) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Writing Preferences for PMDG_747
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_1018513124 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_1019783037 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 881 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 882 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Writing Preferences for PMDG_747
Stopping: Cg (881) on channel 0
Removing Cache: Cg
Stopping: CH (882) on channel 0
Removing Cache: CH
Writing Preferences for PMDG_747
Compiling: Cg fsfx_dm_1034666746 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Adding: Cg (channel 0)
Sending: Cg (channel 0)
Compiling: CH fsfx_dm_1035936901 (NS.Effects.src_lights_landing_LVL000.fx)
Confirmed ID 898 for Cg
Created: Cg (channel 0)
Adding: CH (channel 0)
Sending: CH (channel 0)
Confirmed ID 901 for CH
Created: CH (channel 0)
Removing cache of Cg / True



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Do you have that OP_Bridge_0.1.3.dll file located in C:\X Program Files\VFXCentral\Immersion Manager\Libraries\ ?

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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Where is your Documents folder located? C Drive or elsewhere?

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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6 hours ago, Keven Menard said:

Where is your Documents folder located? C Drive or elsewhere?

On C Drive, have not change anything there.

Only thing i have done, is make a new folder to install VFXCentral, only to get it outside C:\Program Files (x86) folder, i always do that when installing other software\programs.

Everything related to Windows installation, nothing have been changed.

And as you see in log file, P3D is located on D Drive, D:\Prepar3D v4\


And for info, have tried VFXCentral installed in default location, C:\Program Files (x86) and like now C:\X Program Files\, same result on both, preview's only works.

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