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[Answered] AI Reborn - status?

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  • Commercial Member
2 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

Count me in :)

Warmest and Bestest Simbol in your development......I know Roland tried his best with AIC...But like some of us..you get old and tired or vice versa :)


Thanks for your message, The flight sim world is not easy so I understand to a certain extent why he decided to get some rest.

Were are you located?  I will be attending the flight sim show in orlando, cyou there if you go..




Oficial Website: https://www.FSReborn.com
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/XC82TqvKQ3


In North Carolina...doubtful I will make it. Lived in Florida 10 years (Vero Beach) and drove that corridor many times. Was at Orlando at the Naval Base in 69' (second bunch in..lol).

Enjoy the show.



Bob M

  • 1 month later...

I’ve been waiting for this for ages... I hope we can have some kind of progress update soon 🙂 

This is well needed for the community 

Paul Wain

  • Commercial Member
10 hours ago, rjfry said:

I was hopping they would drop a hint at the show but I've seen nothing. 

Hi guys,

I was in hospital for 10 days and had to sustain a surgery on my left ankle.

For this reason I had to cancel the travel to Orlando and of course my exhibition at the show.

I am still recovering, but doing very well.. I will provide more information in a couple of weeks, as you must understand this delayed lots of my progress, but all the projects will continue development.

All the best,



Oficial Website: https://www.FSReborn.com
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/XC82TqvKQ3

1 hour ago, simbol said:

Hi guys,

I was in hospital for 10 days and had to sustain a surgery on my left ankle.

For this reason I had to cancel the travel to Orlando and of course my exhibition at the show.

I am still recovering, but doing very well.. I will provide more information in a couple of weeks, as you must understand this delayed lots of my progress, but all the projects will continue development.

All the best,


Sorry to here that Simbol hope you feel better now still you have the Cosford show to look forward to if your going.


Raymond Fry.


  • 2 weeks later...

I sincerely hope that he makes it to Cosford, as I will be part of his team this year! :smile:

Christopher Low

Intel i5 7600K CPU @ 4.3 Ghz / 32GB DDR4-4200 RAM @ 3600 Mhz / 6GB Nvidia GTX 980Ti GPU

UK2000 Beta Tester


On 10/25/2018 at 3:36 PM, simbol said:

Hello Mr somebody else (funny name),

Thanks for your interest in our products, I imagine you are enquiring about AI Traffic Reborn Runway Control? if so all my current resources are with the the Beta testing of AI Lights Reborn Professional edition while the second product is still under development, so as soon as the AI Lights Reborn Professional edition is out of the shelf we will continue at full speed with the second product.

Please note we do not work with release dates, neither we reveal any specific details of our development process and products via public forums, as the quality of our products if more important for us, only beta testers and specific key members of the community which have signed our company nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) have access to such information.

All the best,

Its been in beta now for 8 months? I mean no disrespect, but the development of this is almost as long as an addon airport or aircraft. I know I am eager and thus why I am feeling impatient, I mean no ill with what I say, but I wish you would wrap up the process. Your runway control is heavily needed also! But I am afraid we will wait years upon years on it? I know you don't give release dates, but surely you must have an idea of the development scope for projects such as these?

Yours truly
Boaz Fraizer
Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Commercial Member
30 minutes ago, windshearDK said:

Its been in beta now for 8 months? I mean no disrespect, but the development of this is almost as long as an addon airport or aircraft. I know I am eager and thus why I am feeling impatient, I mean no ill with what I say, but I wish you would wrap up the process. Your runway control is heavily needed also! But I am afraid we will wait years upon years on it? I know you don't give release dates, but surely you must have an idea of the development scope for projects such as these?

Hi Boaz,

You are correct it has been in beta for a while, the main reason is because during the initial Beta program we found severe bugs with the effect system inside P3D core which I passed on to LM engineers, who kindly have been fixing across each of their P3D releases.

During this period I was granted the privilege to join the P3D Beta team which helped to correct such problems more efficiently.

30 minutes ago, windshearDK said:

development of this is almost as long as an addon airport or aircraft.

Actually this add-on is very complex, it is the first of it class as I am improving the lighting system of P3D, in addition I have to integrate with multiple 3rd party content providers, IE: UTL, FLAI, BVAI, AIG-AIM, etc. so it is not as easy as it sound, most of my Beta testers now understand how difficult and complex this is, and are pretty impressed really in relation how quickly we are moving things forward.

Lastly to address your concerns, we are very close to have the RC (Release Candidate), however this has been delayed  because 1 month ago I got a severe infection with my ankle, which forced me to be hospitalised for 12 days and have an emergency surgery on day 9. This was the reason I had to cancel my exhibition in Orlando for the FlighSim show and I have been in heavy recovery since then, I am finally able to walk again and this week I was able to return to work, however I still continue under treatment and I have to have visits to the hospital every 3 days for the next 8 weeks, so you can imagine how this has affected my personal life, work, family, etc.

Despite of this, I am planning to release some changes for my Beta testers this upcoming weekend and AI Lights Reborn Professional edition is now scheduled to be released in about 3 months and I am already in talks with the people that will be designing the trailer video (Aviation Lads), so don't worry it will be definitely be out this year.

I do really appreciate all your support and your questions, and I hope my response give you and others all the necessary information to remain confident that I am fully committed with the community and to provide this and many other products that are very much necessary for our hobby.

Unfortunately, life is full of unexpected events, same factors also affects the developing cycle of any product since despite of how much you research and read any documentation regarding the SDK, you always find unexpected problems or issues that are outside of you control which inevitably will affect your delivering times, this is the reason why I never promise any dates as I don't like to make any promises that I might not be able to keep.

All the best,


Oficial Website: https://www.FSReborn.com
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/XC82TqvKQ3


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